Kunlunyu chose a flat place by himself, and also lay a layer of dead leaves on the ground, which looks like a nest made by birds.

Ning Tao, who made nests, also helped and spread the leaves, but when he was collecting leaves in the forest, Kunlunyu got into the "bird nest" and fell asleep on his side. I also don't say hello to Ning Tao, and I still don't care about Ning Tao with my back, you like to sleep.

Ning Tao endured endlessly. He knew that she obviously did not want to ignore him, but was shy.

This was, after all, the first night she and he got married, and it was a candle-lit night in the cave. As a bride, why didn't she want to spend a romantic and passionate night with her groom? This is the most important day in her life, how can she let it pass by in a peculiar way?

Ning Tao threw a handful of dead leaves in his hand, and walked towards him and her "birdhouse".

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Kun Lunyu's body trembled slightly, but still did not look back and looked at Ning Tao. She was obviously pretending to sleep and was nervous.

Ning Tao crawled into the dead bird's nest and lay flat. The thick dead leaves gave the back a soft and comfortable feel, and he relaxed. But this is also the case. He wondered when to bring the Zhaoye people in the camp to the Blackpool Desert in the Western Region.

He racked his brains to think about the geography knowledge he had learned, but the "Blackpool Desert" was a completely strange place to him. He had never heard of it, and was unable to determine its position. Then, The gun flew in the flesh.

Analyzing from the description of Zhao Yebai, he suspects that the territory of the Zhao Ye clan should be in the new province area, perhaps further west. But there are many deserts in the new province, and the smallest Huocheng desert also has nearly 500 square kilometers. To find the territory of the Zhaoyue among the many deserts, it is actually no different from a haystack.

However, he also has his method, that is, Yuan Ying comes out, reads the relevant memory into the head of Zhao Yebai or a Zhao Ye tribe to find the route, and determines the location of the territory of Zhao Ye tribe.

But just as he pondered these ...

"Uh-huh." The woman with her **** and her back to her newly-married husband coughed slightly, but still didn't turn around.

Ning Tao smiled, turned over, and asked softly, "Mother, is it a bit cold and cold?"

"No ... no, I'm warm." The newly married woman was even more nervous.

Ning Tao stretched her arms around the newlywed woman's waist: "I think you must be a little cold, I hold you, you feel warmer."

"I'm not cold."

"Don't be stubborn, you must be cold."

"I ... I'm so hot to undress!"

"So strange?"

Kun Lunyu suddenly turned and stretched out, staring at her groom staring, as if two eyes were about to spit fire. I just don't know if it was anger or something else.

Ning Tao said with concern: "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Kun Lunyu came over with a grimace and said, "I said I was too hot to undress!"

are you idiot!

I almost didn't say this.

Ning Tao said: "Then I go a little?"

He moved his **** and really wanted to go aside.

Kunlunyu suddenly caught him: "Fu Jun, did you deliberately tease me?"

"Of course not ... it's just, mother, father-in-law they're over there, isn't it?"

"Our sons and daughters are informal!"

Ning Tao: "..."

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