As night fell, Mei Zhai lit the lantern with joy.

Jiang Caiping did not invite any guests, and of course it was impossible to invite someone with a face and face to attend this wedding. Only a few servants of Mei Zhai, the maidservants, seemed to be indifferent, but everyone's face was full of joy, from the heart to the bride Child is happy.

In the room, Ning Tao's heart was mixed.

From the first time he was allergic to seeing a woman in red, to Xue Weiyang, Kunlun Jade, and the talented woman who was killed by Wu Zetian, he has had enough of this kind of life and death. Even once.

But this time is different, this time he took an elixir-level Xundan dan for his life. This time when the door was opened to see immortals, he would wake her up and take her out of the underworld to stay with her forever.

There is also a great fortune that he wants to get!

"Success must be tonight!" Ning Tao said to himself, and he didn't know how many times he had read it.

Dongmei came to the door and smiled Yingying: "Auntie, Liangchen has arrived. Come with me to see the bride."

Ning Tao gathered his thoughts and walked to the door, saying, "Auntie doesn't have any good present for you today, but tomorrow auntie will buy you a bunch of sugar gourds. Are you optimistic?"

Dongmei beamed her eyes and said, "This is what you said. A hundred bunches of sugar gourds. It's a puppy!"

What a snack.

Ning Tao followed Dongmei to the lobby of the front yard. The lintel of the lobby was hung with red flowers woven from red cloth, and the floor was covered with red carpet. Jiang Caiping was sitting on the teacher's chair in the middle of the hall. The long case behind her was lit with two thick and large candlesticks, and there were four bamboo baskets filled with red dates, longan, peanuts and lotus seeds. This is a blessing to the newcomer, to have a precious son early. A large "囍" cut out of red paper was posted on the wall behind the long case, and it glowed red by the candlelight.

Ning Tao entered the lobby with her forefoot, and a girl helped her to come in. Chunmei wears a red dress, wearing a pair of embroidered shoes with embroidery on her feet, a big red hijab on her head, and a hawk embroidered with flowers and birds on her shoulders. She is charming and cheerful. .

Ning Tao stared straight at his bride, unwilling to move his eyes away, until the girl helped Chunmei to his side and stood side by side with him, he still looked at others.

The girl-in-law whispered, "Aunt, worship the heavens and earth and send you back to the cave. You can see it any way you want. You won't see it if you want to see it now."

Ning Tao smiled embarrassedly, left his sight, and faced Jiang Caiping sitting on the wall.

Jiang Caiping said: "The time has come, let's get started."

Mei Zhai's old servant, Fu Bo Yang said, "The good day is coming, the new man worships heaven and earth. When he worships the aura of heaven and earth, there is a marriage on the three living stones, and he bows-"

Ning Tao and Chunmei bowed.

"Two worship the essence of the sun and the moon, everything depends on it, and two bow--"

Ning Tao and Chunmei bowed.

"Three worships of spring and summer and autumn and winter, the weather is smooth and the grain is abundant, and the three bow--"

Ning Tao and Chunmei bowed.

"Two thanks to Gaotang, one of my parents raised me, one of my bows ... two of my parents teaching grace, two of my bows ..."

Ning Tao and Chunmei worshiped and worshiped again.

"Wife and wife worship ..."

Hearing Fu Bo calling the couple to worship, Chun Mei hurriedly turned and bowed. But he didn't realize that he and Ning Tao were standing side by side. They both held a red cloth and a big red flower in their hands, which was the interval between the flowers. As a result, she bowed down and her head was stupid It hit Ning Tao's head in one fell swoop.

"Oh ..." Chunmei screamed in pain.

Ning Tao hurriedly held her up, concernfully said: "Mother, are you okay?"

Chunmei rubbed her head: "Your head is so hard."

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