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Chapter 101: I won't brag but I'm not a qualified adventurer (below)

Barrett's self-introduction should be regarded as a good start, and it played a certain deterrent effect at the dinner table, he thought. In his view, the object of shock and awe not only includes those knights and squires on the opposite side, but also other people in Hannah's team.

No matter what, at least let the knight squire Greg, who has no hair growing yet, learn to despise people, and the reckless and frizzy follower Brandon, learn to be afraid, or jealous, of course, it may be something else.

All in all, when Barrett found that Brandon was looking at him, his eyes began to become evasive, and Greg's expression no longer had the original disdain. Instead, he was surprised and solemn, and seemed to have a little respect.

Barrett tells a long story, detailing the details of those important battles, how those battles were encountered, how they were resisted, what loopholes to look for, when to attack, teammates or Right or wrong cooperation, **** monsters, and even how to dissect corpses, find the most valuable body parts, and so on.

Because it was too detailed, almost no one at the dinner table doubted the authenticity of what he said. He also introduced the habits of many monsters, as well as the experience and skills that can be used in dealing with them, which really benefited everyone.

Well, the last sentence of the above paragraph was actually made up by Barrett himself.

The whole dinner party gradually came to an end in his narration. Except for Barrett, everyone put down the cutlery, sipped beer or fruit wine, and quietly listened to him pretending to be alone, no, it was an introduction.

During this period, Barrett not only ate all the food on his plate, including the mustard blood sausage, but also filled two extra veal sausages, a few slices of fried eggs, a tablespoon of baked potatoes, and a meat mix. Soup, reminiscing about the adventurous years of the past whetted his appetite, and the tea sausage and pickled cucumbers in the mixed meat soup served a similar role.

George, a part-time waiter, poured wine for Barrett three times. He stared at Barrett with a little admiration in his eyes. It could be seen that the teenager liked his experiences very much.

After Barrett finished speaking, the dining table was silent for a while. It seemed that everyone was immersed in his bizarre and thrilling adventure stories, which made Barrett feel a little complacent.

Among adventurers, his ability to brag and show off can only be regarded as medium, but among these people, he is really top-notch.

The silence lasted for ten heartbeats, and then, the knight lord Yarman said, "Old Tulip mentioned your name to me. There is an embalmed monster arm in his collection. Tulip said it was the arm of a four-armed ape, and you gave it to him."

Killing the Four-Handed Demon Ape brought Barrett not only a lot of money, but also something intangible but far-reaching, such as "reputation".

"Selling! Not giving away." Barrett corrected, "Before I really killed the four-armed devil ape, I fought with this monster several times. In one of the confrontations, with the help of a magic apprentice, I was lucky. Cut off one of the four-armed ape's arms and turned it into a three-armed ape." Barrett told a not very funny joke, "This also laid the foundation for angering and beheading it in the future. The arm that was cut off, I remember that it was indeed sold to the Tulip family, after all, the youngest son of his family died at the hands of the magic ape."

Sir Arman nodded, and did not give Barrett a chance to continue to brag about himself. "What about the others?" he asked, "if you are like this." He looked at the barbarian adventurer.

"Barritt." He must have done it on purpose, the barbarian adventurer murmured in his heart.

"If you are experienced and strong like this Mr. Barrett, then I have to apologize for my rude words before." There was no apology on the Knight Lord's face.

But after that, the shocking effect that Barrett managed to create was completely wiped out by the introduction of others.

The kind-hearted Burton honestly introduced that he was good at farming, but he didn't want to be a farmer, and he didn't want to be bound by the land for his life. Most of the tasks he completed in the past were some tasks that were not too dangerous, such as sending letters, finding items, collecting certain resources around Galano, and escorting caravans.

And the most dangerous mission was to help people catch a rape, but the result was a bruised nose and a bruised face after being beaten by the other party. The long sword in the hands of the kind-hearted Burton had killed three goblin robbers and a vicious rabbit, oh, and was thrown out as an arrow and hit a wild boar, but the arrow succeeded in angering the wild boar. , but to no avail.

Brandon said a lot in a mess, saying how much he fought and how strong he was when he was a child, and then raised his arm to let everyone see the "thick" muscles on his arm, and said It's easy to deal with three or five people on your own. But when Sir Arman impatiently asked him what adventure experience he had, he didn't know what to say.

Barrett knew that this young man was going to lie and use the adventurer's entry-level skills to talk big, but in the terrifying eyes of the knight lord, Brandon had to admit that he had not even killed a chicken, this time is his first mission.

Hope it won't be your last time, Barrett looked at the young man.

It was the melancholy Eddie's turn. The young man said that although he was not strong in force, his perception was very keen. He could sense whether there was danger hidden in a certain area around him, but he could not distinguish where the danger came from, who it came from, or What.

This young man with a sad face, the food at the table can't make his sad face go away. seems to be

The mage who took Eddie away at the beginning did not remove all his abilities, but showed them in another way, Barrett guessed in his heart.

The introduction given by the unremarkable coachman was much simpler, and it seemed that he didn't want to say more. The coachman said that he was originally an ordinary guard. After being injured, he retired to become a coachman, and then changed his career to become an adventurer. Specializes in tending horses, as well as, using the takara machete.

Takara machete? People from the desert kingdom? Barrett carefully observed the taciturn coachman again, and found that he did not have the features of a desert race with a pointed chin, an aquiline nose, and deep eye sockets, but a standard face of a race from the Griffin Kingdom.

Also, since you are good at takara machete, where is your machete hidden? Barrett glanced at the palm of the coachman's hand and found that his fingers were empty, and he was not wearing a space ring.

Is it hidden on the carriage? It doesn't know what to eat.

He was not the only one who had such a question, the knight lord Yarman also asked the same question as Barrett, and the driver's answer was, "Although I am good at the takara machete, I don't need it, and my whip is the same. I can do my job well.”

Your mission? Driving a carriage, or killing monsters? Barrett knew many adventurers, but none of them used a whip as a weapon. Circus trainers may need it more than adventurers.

When it was Hannah's, this woman didn't say anything, just sipped the cider from the glass in the eyes of everyone, looking at everyone's eyes like nothing.

The cook specially told her not to drink rye beer, it would make her belly fat, but drinking some fruit wine would make her beautiful. It looks like she's executing well.

Hannah's silence made the dinner table silent for a long time again, until Ser Arman opened his mouth to move on to the next topic.

"I originally hoped that the Earl would send four or five knights and a team of well-equipped elite guards to assist me, but I didn't expect you to come in the end." Arman said at this time, his tone was full of dissatisfaction , I don't know whether the object of dissatisfaction is the Benson family, or their adventurers, or both.

The thin knight lord had a gloomy face, "I don't know why the Benson family let Baron Baker, a useless guy, handle this matter. Didn't I explain the seriousness of the matter when I reported it?"

"Besides, I don't know why that dude is looking for you." He said he didn't know, but his eyes turned to Hannah with an inexplicable scrutiny, "Since you guys are good players," he said this He sneered halfway during the speech, and the reason was halfway because he suddenly saw Barrett in the middle of the laugh, so the smile stopped.

"Cough, since you are here at the invitation of the Benson family, you must obey my order." He emphasized the word again, "Help me deal with the increasing number of monsters in the hot spring. Next, Let Sebas briefly introduce the matter."

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