Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 124: Ups and downs in the journey (Part 1)

After leaving 'Ganziros', Barrett's next target is Sheephorn Town, but he first needs to reach Clover City near this town.

The [Quest Log] clearly states that the mission location of [Eve's Little Wish] is Sheephorn Town in Sanye City. However, the map of the Griffin Kingdom that Barrett bought from the grocery store "Dave's Quill" did not show the town.

This is understandable. After all, he bought a map of the entire kingdom's territory. Generally, only those larger or more famous cities are displayed on such a map, while the smaller or ordinary villages and towns are rarely marked.

It's been a long journey, and a journey that's quite tortuous. It took Barrett two weeks to finally arrive at Sanye Castle, many days later than he expected, because during this time, he really experienced a lot of things.

After leaving the small town of 'Gandros', after four days of riding, he first arrived at a village called 'Kornos', and unfortunately encountered a riot in the village.

The villagers in the village of 'Kornos', unable to bear the long-term extreme oppression of their lord, gathered to resist and killed their lord.

As an outsider, Barrett basically witnessed the whole process.

As soon as he entered the village at that time, he felt the strange atmosphere hidden under the calm here - the roadside was full of villagers whispering to each other, people's eyes were full of suppressed anger, and their eyes were all looking at One location - the small castle where the lord lived.

Originally, Barrett didn't want to stay in this village at all, but his saddle unfortunately broke during the previous day's journey. This is undoubtedly a very important thing for Barrett, who is not very skilled in riding. Headache thing. This forced him to go to a nearby village and town to find a reliable tailor to repair the saddle.

At that time, the nearest village and town to him was 'Kernos'.

Fortunately, there is a tailor in this big village, and the tailor also said that he can indeed repair the saddle, but he will not be able to repair it until the next day, because she has more important things to do that night. Do.

Barrett didn't ask much about what it was, he was able to manage his curiosity, but just found a tavern and walked in.

He still remembered that there were a lot of people gathered in the pub at that time, most of them were adult men, and when he entered, those people were staring at him with serious and nervous faces.

When Barrett said that he was just an ordinary foreigner who passed by here and was going to stay here for one night, the tavern owner told Barrett that it was not the right time for him to come, because the tavern was about to close.

But when the barbarian adventurer nodded and was about to leave, an older man in the group suddenly stopped him. The older man first said something to the tavern owner, and after that, he agreed to Barrett's request and said that he hoped he could stay in the tavern and not move around at will, because it might be a little chaotic that night.

Barret only hesitated for a short time, then nodded again and agreed with the elder's proposal. He didn't ask when the people could leave the tavern, because that kind of question didn't make much sense.

When they allowed Barrett to leave, he would naturally tell him; and when Barrett was ready to leave, he would naturally leave, even if someone stopped him.


The riot happened around the time of the cat at night, which is around 8 o'clock in the evening.

At first the village was unusually quiet, except for the occasional barking of dogs in the distance. But then, the whole village was like a baby woken up from a sleep, and suddenly there was a loud noise. There were shouts, hoots, and roars everywhere.

Barrett was in the room on the second floor of the tavern. Through the window of the room, he saw that the outside was full of villagers holding torches. In their hands, they held various inexperienced weapons such as sickles, hoes, pitchforks, and wooden sticks, but some villagers also held standard long swords and spears in their hands.

The torches first gathered into a sea of ​​fire, and Barrett saw the elder in the tavern standing in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, as if he was saying something to everyone. He opened the window a crack, and clearly heard the noisy sound coming from the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Clifford doesn't deserve to be our lord!" The older man's voice came clearly, "This devil makes us pay taxes four times a year and make us do heavy labor. Not only that, he also uses despicable means to secretly Killed the Colbert family, and allowed his subordinates to maim Little Dundee and Ron..."

"This demon has also defiled Edith." Some villagers added with torches aloft, "Just last month."

"And Erica and Dora," shouted another villager. "He and his minions tied Dora to his 'lair' and lied to us that Dora was missing."

"Half of Dora's life is gone by the time we find her."

The various despicable deeds of the lord were told one by one, and Barrett suddenly found this scene somewhat familiar. It seemed that the Baron Coles had also been accused of this by the residents under his rule, but the two However, the situation is very different.

"This man has done so many despicable things, and is more evil than the devil, yet he has not received the punishment he deserves." The elder said loudly, "Earl Scott covered up such a crime and only punished the devil a little bit. Gold coins, but those gold coins are also obtained from us! If the devil cannot receive justice, then we will do it ourselves!!!"

He took the lead in walking towards the conspicuous little castle in the distance, and then the sea of ​​​​fire turned into a long snake formed of flames, followed behind the elder, and rushed towards the castle together.

After that, due to the limited field of vision, Barritt could not see what was happening under the castle, but he could vaguely hear dull collisions, painful screams, and fierce fighting from a distance.

It seems that the lord has indeed done a lot of anger and resentment, and it has evolved into today's endless situation. Otherwise, with Barrit's knowledge of the vast majority of villagers and farmers, even if their lord is a villain, most of them would choose to swallow it up.

Of course, no matter what the final result is, no matter which side wins, these things have nothing to do with him. He was just a bystander who inadvertently intruded into this dispute, and he just needed to wait quietly.

Originally, the matter had nothing to do with him at all, but after the middle of the month, Barrett, who was resting holding the "Iron Bride", suddenly noticed that some people were pouring into the tavern.

These people went straight to the outside of his room, and in the noisy words outside the door, it was revealed that someone seemed to want to break in directly, but was stopped by another person.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the room was knocked politely. When Barrett opened the door with his saber, he saw the elder standing outside the door, surrounded by many male villagers holding various weapons.

These people were all dirty, with traces of fireworks and blood, and some had obvious scars on their faces. They looked at him, but their eyes were not friendly. Some young lads were panting and their eyes were red, as if he was their enemy too.

Barrett knew this state. People who were initially exposed to killing were not able to control their emotions very well. Even if the battle was over, the blood that had finally boiled in their bodies often did not calm down quickly because of this, especially among young people. But the older man seemed to be able to restrain them very well.

The first thing the elder said to Barrett outside the door was, "We killed our lord and his guards."

And Barrett just nodded and said nothing.

The elder looked into Barrett's eyes, "But we have also hurt some people who shouldn't be hurt, some innocent people. Fortunately, it has not reached the point of being irreparable."

The barbarian adventurer remained silent.

"That devil's..., the lord's family, no matter what, did not participate in the past brutality." The older man's eyes were clear and his voice was low, "I hope you can protect them tonight."

"Me?" Barrett's face changed slightly. "Why?"

"If it's our own, I'm worried..." The older man hesitated. "Almost everyone has been hurt by No one really wants to protect the mother and son. Hatred is kindled, and vengeance is kindled again. But that kind of vengeance is not right."

This is a wise man, and what is even more rare is that he is very rational, Barrett commented in his heart.

"And you are a foreigner and have nothing to do with any of us." The elder continued, "People will be concerned about your identity, your size, and more importantly, your skills are enough to protect you, and those innocent people. man of."

"You should be able to tell that I'm an adventurer," Barrett said. "It's more efficient to ask an adventurer to do something than to ask for it."

The expressions of the others were a little resentful, but the elder smiled reassuringly, "Clifford has been looting in the village for so many years, and his wealth and collections are very rich. We will only take what belongs to us. As for Others, you can take what you think is a fair reward."

"I think?" Barrett was a little puzzled.

"You think," the older man repeated again. "Because the money is paid by Clifford, we won't say anything, no matter how much."

Paid by the dead? It fits the style of an adventurer. Barrett nodded. "The price of hiring me is very expensive. It seems that my employer is likely to be heartbroken because of this."

"His heart can't hurt." The older man said lightly, "because his heart has been dug out by us. To our disappointment, it is not black, but bright red like you and me."

"Mine? I'm not sure if it's red, and I don't want to know."

The older man smiled again, "Maybe I'll know the color of my heart soon." He took a deep breath, "This night is destined to be long. But no matter what, the dawn will eventually appear. ."


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