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Chapter 138: Small Town Horror - Mission of the Undead

Barrett bent over, carefully and constantly groping among the withered wormwood, looking for what the undead creature Gordo wanted to eat - the dark dog.

"Bring Gordo three, no! Four, no! Five **** bad dogs, humans," said the Abomination at the time, "and they roamed in the tall grass, where Gordo was not. When sleeping, I can occasionally see them. But these undead dogs never want to come closer, they are afraid of Gordo! They are afraid!"

"Then you'll let me in?" Barrett asked worriedly, "Are you sure you don't have any other requests?"

"No! Gordo swears in the name of his master!" Abomination promised very formally.

This undead actually knows how to swear, and it has to be said that it is much smarter than Barrett imagined.

"Hey, as long as you send five undead dogs, Gordo will not only let you enter the town, but will also give you some other rewards. The ones that Gordo was eating in the town will move. When the rotten flesh is eaten, some of the rotten flesh will have small indigestible things on it, and those things are hidden in the stomach by Gordo." It patted its stomach with the blade of the boning knife.

With this action of hatred, a lot of rotten juice flowed continuously along the ribs on its stomach, "Gordo is useless for these things, they can be given to you." It said in a generous tone.


Although the large waist-high wormwood bushes are very conducive to the sneak attacks of the dark dogs, as the aborigines of the negative energy plane, their hatred of the living is too strong. And their intelligence is not high enough to hide this hatred and thirst, so that once they get too close to Barret, he will be the first to notice them.

Barritt could perceive a dark dog standing quietly at a distance of more than ten meters on the left side of his body, as if waiting for an opportunity. And there is also one directly behind his body. Although the specific distance cannot be felt, it is certain that the one behind him is approaching little by little.

He pretended to be ignorant of everything around him, continued searching, and slowly approached the dark dog on the left, seducing their attack.

The dark dog behind him, who was constantly approaching, was obviously not as patient as the one on the left. After approaching a certain distance, it suddenly attacked Barrett at a high speed and let out a low roar.

Our barbarian adventurer turned around when he heard the sound, with the shield in his right hand in front and the long sword in his left hand on the side, waiting for the opponent's attack with peace of mind. But when the attacking dark dog was about to approach Barrett, he suddenly changed direction, drawing his attention around a small half circle, causing Barrett's back to face the one on the left.

These undead creatures that look like wolves and dogs can actually cooperate, but such small tricks have no effect on Barrett.

The dark dog in front of him continued to fly over with his head lowered after making a small half circle, as if he wanted to bite Barrett's calf. The patient at the back also attacked silently, presumably preparing to throw Barrett to the ground with his speed and weight.

Barrett rushed towards the dark dog in front of him. With a precise swipe of the sharp sword in his left hand, he slashed heavily at the dark dog's neck, and cut off most of its neck, causing the undead big dog to collapse with a whimper. on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he dodged and rolled sideways, dodging the attack from behind. After getting up, Barrett held the sword in both hands again, and a heavy vertical slash slashed straight on the attacker's face, splitting its head in half.

Then he walked to the dark dog who was lying on the ground and kept trying to stand up. He held the hilt in his left hand, aimed at the dark dog's dull scarlet beast eye, and stabbed it in with a sword. .

The second one.

Barrett's "Iron Bride" is a young girl who likes to see bright red blood, but these undead creatures are clearly going to let her down.

After the dark dog's head was split open, nothing came out of it, as if there was nothing in its head. However, Barrett knew that the fire of the soul of most undead creatures was hidden in the skull. Once the fire of the soul was extinguished, the undead would truly perish and return to eternal sleep.

Unless, that flame will be ignited again...

And in this space that has been eroded by the negative energy plane for hundreds of years, the fire of the souls of the undead creatures in it will indeed rekindle unbelievably.

That's why Barrett now has two, not three.

Barret had just accepted the request of hating Gordo, and he began to walk back, wanting to bring the dark dog that he killed at first to Gordo. But he saw from a distance the dark dog lying on the gravel road after being killed, and suddenly got up again inexplicably!

The resurrected dark dog still looked up at Barrett at that time, its eyes were still scarlet, still showing hatred for the living, and Barrett's desire for flesh and blood, but it did not attack again, but far away run away, run away...

This really surprised Barrett inexplicably!

So now after he killed two dark dogs, he immediately dragged the latter's tail and sent them to Gordo. Then he saw Gordo hated using the huge boning knife in his left hand, 'Kakaka' several knives, and chopped each dark dog into several pieces.

This is a good idea, Barrett nodded inwardly. Even if the overflowing negative energy can revive them again, they must not be able to escape.

After some near-fussing, Barret finally gathered all the five dark dogs that Gordo wanted.

At this time, a lot of corpse parts of the dark dog were laid out in front of this hated. Gordo threw the boning knife and iron hook in his hands on the ground, and he was holding the head of a dark dog in his hands, happy of eating.

That scene made Barrett, who was used to seeing big scenes, shivered involuntarily.

"You're a good man, Barbaritt!" Gordo said to Barrett, sitting on the ground happily eating a feast, "You can go into the town now. Oh, I almost forgot, I I have something for you."

It pushed aside the ribs on its stomach with one hand, then reached in again, and groped in the pile of colorful intestines, "The owner once said..." It repeated to Barrett while groping. "'Don't think that I'm always full of nonsense, I tell you, for more than four hundred years, I have never broken my word! Gordo, go, pour me another glass of wine, be green Tingdao's fine wine, remember, don't let your saliva flow in it. Go, don't stop me from any of I can drink three more bottles!' Look, the master said, he is a never Those who break their promises, Gordo will also learn from the master."

Disgust took out a lot of messy things from his body, and threw all these green juice-sticking items in front of Barret, "I said, these are yours, you're welcome, these are you Deserved!" It said triumphantly, as if proud of its "generousness".

"He, hehe." Barrett shook his head and smiled bitterly as he looked at the large pool of dark green, sticky, and extremely foul-smelling things in front of him. He really wanted to not want all of them, and then went directly into the town, but when he was habitually distinguishing it, he found that there were actually a lot of valuable gold and jewelry in it. After all, these things are very resistant to corrosion.

This discovery made him hesitate again.

In the end, the adventurer's greed prevailed, and Barrett took out two water bags from the space ring, rinsed these items repeatedly, and then carefully placed them one by one through a thick cotton cloth. It was wrapped tightly in a thick rain-proof cloak.

"Goodbye, I'm in, and I should be out in two days." After Barrett packed up, he said to the hated Gordo.

"Oh, then you have to be careful." Hate snapped the dark dog's jaw off and chewed it in his mouth, "Although this space is not divided into day and night, the moon in the sky will continue to exist. changing."

It looked up at the slanting moon in the sky, "You have to pay attention, according to the time outside, in about a day and a half, the moon in the sky will completely disappear, and then the whole space will become pitch black. Pure The darkness will last all day, and after that, the winding moon will light up again!"


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