Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 159: Phase 2

Barrett has killed many creatures with hard scales or heavy carapaces, and has also had many battles with human knights in full body armor. But no matter how well the opponent's protection and defense are in place, he can always find a weakness.

In those days when his character was still relatively irritable and arrogant, Barrett had conflicts with the knights in the Mist Castle for various reasons, big or small.

At that time, the tyrannical Barret was also known as the "Dragon Slayer" (pseudo-dragon). Although the name 'feeder' had already appeared at that time, it was not really popular due to time constraints.

Whenever there was a conflict, he challenged those arrogant knights, and most of them would respond for reasons such as reputation, glory, and face. These iron cans in full body armor are not easy to deal with, but they are not too difficult.

Barrett always attracts the opponent's attention by avoiding the sight of the viewing hole of the helmet, hitting the gap in the opponent's armor, etc.

However, these attack methods are only superficial disguise. His ultimate goal is to find an opportunity to overturn these tin cans to the ground, and then when they are cumbersome and want to struggle to get up, they will sit on each other's body and use their own The body weight suppressed it, and used a long sword or dagger to pierce the observation hole of the opponent's helmet, or the gap between the helmet and the neck.

With one blow, the tin can never stand up.

However, the irritable Barrett was not a brainless idiot at the time, nor did he actually stab his weapon. After all, if you want to get along in the Bay of Pigs, you still have to be wary of Mist Castle's attitude. Therefore, his purpose has always been to win the opponent's conviction, not to kill him.


Beautiful 'flowers' composed of frost bloomed on the ground of the church, and the 'flowers' continued to overflow with frost mist, which lowered the temperature in the church a little. However, the 'flowers' are not without benefits for Barrett. The clear ice crystals reflect the brilliance of the crescent moon, which makes the interior of the building a lot brighter.

Viscount Fried paced easily on the dense frost mist, not in a hurry to attack.

"Outside of space, this 'Frozen Land' may only exist for a short time, but here, with the power of darkness, it can last until the end of the battle between us. So, if you If you want to wait for it to disappear before attacking..." The death knight said calmly, "I advise you to give up this idea."

Barritt walked from the corner to the border of the frost and mist, and carefully stepped on it with his toes to try. Although the frost mist at this time did not directly freeze him in place as before, it still obviously slowed his movements.

Damn it, this one is so nasty. If it is outside the space, watch me not beat you up and cry like a little zombie! Barrett frowned, thinking about what to do.

"I have to say that you have more advantages than I imagined - the dark realm, the icy land, really makes me a little uncomfortable." He tried to run on the viscount again with words, "I originally thought this would be A fair fight, but..."

"But absolute justice does not exist, the living who trespassed." Viscount Fried said. Its deep voice made the frost mist roll and dance under her feet, "I've made enough concessions to stop trying to challenge my patience with this ridiculous trick. Otherwise, I'll take back my promise and let The undead army will devour you in an instant."

Well, it seems that trying to crack this trick through words is not very effective, and Barrett pouted inwardly. The Lord Viscount Fried was not one of those rigid knights whose brains were blinded by glory, oh, almost forgot, it might have no brains at all.

No choice, Barret can only move his body, ready to attack again. He is living, and procrastinating in the realm of the dead will not benefit him.

"Then I really have to thank you for your generosity!" The dragon leather boots stepped on the "Frost Flower" again, and the biting cold came from the soles of the feet through the boots.

The trouble of cold is second, and the most important thing is the impact of this 'flower of frost' on Barrett's mobility. In such an evenly matched battle, if an attack fails to dodge in time, it is likely to end in a different position.

Viscount Fried stroked the ridge of the rune greatsword with his hand, and the blue runes on it lighted up one by one again.

Fortunately, [Devil's Blade] seems to be able to remove the freezing effect on the opponent's weapon, and Barrett is glad in his heart, otherwise, he will only have to jump out of the window to escape now.

Barrett took a deep breath, and cautiously charged towards Viscount Fried with his sword in both hands.

The 'Iron Bride' and the opponent's rune greatsword collided again, then separated, collided again, and separated again. After the roar of the third impact, the 'Iron Bride' was pulled away by the great sword, and the death knight's attack followed.

Barrett sideways narrowly escaped the slash that almost cut him into two, and the icy giant sword pressed against his nose to vent all his anger on the ground. He took advantage of the situation to counterattack, and the weapon in his hand slashed horizontally at the opponent's neck, but was caught in the metal glove of the death knight's left hand.

damn it! Barrett kicked Viscount Fried's armor, and the opponent took a half step back, and he took advantage of the situation to withdraw the weapon from the opponent's hand.

After a screeching sound of scraping metal, the 'Iron Bride' was freed.

Viscount Fried's rune great sword roared again, and the icy breath contained on it made Barrett's stubble hang a little white frost mist.

He held the 'Iron Bride' tightly in both hands again to parry, but his feet slipped a little at this time. The steady momentum of parry was broken after only one heartbeat, and the giant sword followed him like a shadow, swearing to never give up.

I******! Barrett cursed inwardly, then embarrassedly used a series of tumbling to escape the next series of attacks. After he got up, he pulled away again and hid in the corner that was not covered by the frost.

Huhu, Huhu, Barrett took the opportunity to gasp slightly in the corner, the gas exhaled from his mouth turned into ice crystals and scattered in the air.

This attack made Barrett discover that this frozen land not only slowed his movement speed, but also provided the opponent with some additional buffs.

When the death knight stood on it, the attack speed of the great sword in his hand actually increased a lot compared to before, and there was also a slight increase in strength, so that in the third collision and the subsequent parry, he was actually because of The short-term follow-up weakness made him lose in the power competition.

If it's outside this space, I can... Forget it, it's pointless to think about it. Barrett wiped his face and moved his body again to restore flexibility to the muscles that were a little stiff from the frost mist.

"Don't you admit defeat?" Viscount Fried asked calmly.

"It's too early for you to be happy." Barrett replied blankly. As soon as he finished speaking, he charged towards the death knight again.

Barrett exploded the muscles of his whole body. After a short run-up, he jumped to this frozen land, and with the help of sliding and rolling, he avoided Viscount Fried's chop and came directly behind him.

He seized the opportunity, squatted and slashed horizontally, slashing at the knee of the opponent's right The sharp sword cut through the weak protection of the armor's knee and the inner chain armor from the back, and then And smashed Viscount Fried's knee.

The death knight let out an angry growl, and fell to the ground due to the weight of the armor and the imbalance of his body.

No matter how strong the protection and defense are, there will be weaknesses! Barrett would not waste such a rare opportunity, he swooped over and pressed against the death knight's chest with one knee, and the sharp sword stabbed straight at the connection between the helmet and the neck.

Although the death knight Fried fell to the ground at this time, he did not lose his resistance. He let go of the rune greatsword with his right hand, and before Barrett's blade stabbed, he and his left hand firmly imprisoned the blade that was about to reach his body.

And Barrett tightened his muscles, roaring and pressing the weight of his whole body, the sharp and harsh 'squeak' sounded again, and the blade slowly advanced forward.


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