Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 177: Tarling

The rope pulled the barbarian adventurer and climbed up again and again.

The height of the magic tower from the lake is not too high, only less than 20 meters. One end of the enchanted rope was tied above the gate by the gnome mage, on a protruding dark purple crystal. The other end was tied to Barrett's waist. It relied on the power of magic to shrink on its own like an earthworm.

It's just that the speed of retracting the magic rope is really slow, which makes Barrett hang in the air very bored.

It was his second closest experience to the sky. The most recent time was when he climbed a towering fir tree in the misty forest earlier.

Barrett couldn't remember exactly why he was stupid enough to climb a tree in the first place. Maybe it's a boring bet, or a brag that's hard to step down. In short, climbing a fir tree four or fifty meters high was just one of the many stupid things he had done before.

He vaguely felt that during the long climbing process, something else happened, something quite important. But he couldn't remember exactly what those things were. I just vaguely remembered that after trying my best to climb to the top, I hugged a tree top that was detached from the sea of ​​fog, admiring the magnificent and bizarre beauty of the upper part of the foggy forest.

The sunset is beautiful, the giant trees are towering, the smoke and clouds are vast, the mist is churning, and there is a huge cloud ray, rubbing the top of Barrett's head, flying lightly from the misty canopy...

The magic rope around his waist slid up again, shaking Barrett out of his memory.

The position of the rope swayed a little crookedly, making his waist extremely uncomfortable. But Barrett didn't dare to tidy it up, he could only twist a few times carefully. The tower base of the magic tower is about to arrive. If it falls down at this time, although there is a rippling lake below, the taste is not so pleasant.

Barritt could see that in a nearby village, many villagers gathered together, looking at the magic tower in horror; he could also hear the bard Felix sitting in the boat below, comfortably. He was humming a song, not at all worried about the adventure he was about to embark on.

Fools are always the happiest in the crowd, Barrett has to admit.

The colors of blue and yellow crossed the sky, and it was Phyllis the parrot flying out of the tower. She circled the barbarian twice before finally landing on his shoulders, combing his feathers like a bird.

Oh, it was a bird, it's just that Barrett always forgets that.

"How's it going inside?" he asked the parrot.

"I don't know." The parrot spread its wings humanely. "The door of the magic tower was not fully opened as Master Theodore imagined, only a small gap that can only be passed sideways. Therefore, most of the The place was pitch black, and there wasn't much to see."

"What about the little mage?"

"Master Theodore is still busy inside. I walked around in it and found nothing strange. It doesn't seem to be in any danger." Look at Felix." It flew towards the boat below.

As long as there is no danger, maybe this adventure will be as easy as the gnome mage said.

The magic rope went up again, and Barrett was only half a step away from the bottom of the tower. He raised his arms high, clasped his fingers on the edge of the tower base, and used the powerful muscles of his arms to climb up, and finally stood up.

The first thing that entered the eyes was the two-sided door made of two giant purple spinels, which showed the mages' luxury and wealth.

Barrett untied the rope around his waist, threw it down at will, and reached out to touch the exciting giant spinel in front of him. Yang watched on the surface of the spar, and Akira squinted his eyes. The adventurer's habits made him feel a little strange in his heart.

However, that little thought was quickly suppressed by Barrett, and he turned to look forward to the treasure inside the door even more.

The whole door was indeed just as the parrot Phyllis said, only a narrow gap was opened. The inside of the door was not completely dark, and there was a little light shining in the darkness.

It was a small mage holding a glowing stone.

Barritt also took out a stone with a light technique attached to it from the space ring, and pulled out the 'Iron Bride' from his waist, and passed through the door sideways.

As soon as he entered the door, Barrett habitually looked towards the door, where, as expected, a tall shadow stood there. By the light of the stones, Barrett discovered that it was a construct golem that was half a head taller than an ogre, made of a special kind of lavender jade and dark purple crystal clusters.

He carefully observed the golem by the light, and walked a short distance along the wall, and saw another construct golem of the same shape emerging from the light again, and there seemed to be more around.

"Hey, you said, will they wake up?" he asked the little mage in the distant spot of light.

The low voice echoed in the tower, making Barret a little worried that he would wake up these sleeping golems.

"Who? Those golems?" The gnome mage's voice came from the light. "Of course it will. In theory, when we first entered the tower, these golems should wake up and show no mercy. to destroy the invaders. Honestly, that should be the main job they were created for."

This is not a good answer. "And now? Are they broken?"

"Maybe." The gnome mage's tone was full of uncertainty, "I don't know why, although this magic tower is very well maintained, it has not been fully activated under the action of keys and spells. Summon it so that you can find out everything."

"Talling? What's that?" Barrett walked towards the little mage.

"Haven't heard of it?" The dwarf mage Theodore Shining Gold sat on the ground, flipping through a thick ancient book of parchment with the light in his hand.

While frowning and studying the books, he sketched something on the ground from time to time, and he was distracted by answering the barbarian's question, "You know, the mage sometimes stays out of the magic tower for a long time, but Go to the alien plane to collect rare magic materials, or do some other weird things. At this time, something needs to be responsible for the normal operation of the tower. "

"Like the stewards of those noble mansions?" Barrett asked.

"Yes, like a housekeeper. Of course, humans are definitely not good, and those immortals are not a good choice, because they can't stand loneliness. Constructs are obviously used the most, because they are very loyalty, and the constructs that have been infused with enlightenment are extremely intelligent, no different from sentient beings."

"Is the towering here also one of the constructs?" Barrett looked at the golems in the shadows.

"No, according to records, Master Keen's magic tower uses another method, a very extensive method," said the dwarf, "that is, through alchemy, using a powerful soul as the core, infuse it in Inside the magic tower, so that the entire magic tower becomes an alchemical creature-like existence. As we all know, the 'city of wizards' Al-Safir, located in the central sky of the mainland, is itself an incomparably huge alchemy beast I heard that it is not only extremely powerful, but also deformed. It is rumored that the body of this alchemy beast was once infused with the soul of one or several fallen gods."

Barrett has also heard this rumor. Some people say that the 'city of wizards' will transform into a giant dragon that covers the sky, and some people swear that it will become the deity of those fallen gods, and some people say that if it combines The mage towers of all magic branches will become the ultimate form.

Not only that, but Barrett also heard people say that the city in the sky had fought in the kingdom of many gods during the war of gods in the Magic Empire, and every time a **** was killed, the alchemy beast would be destroyed. A strong one.

In short, there are all kinds of bizarre rumors.

At this time, there was a little noise at the The bard Felix was also pulled up by the magic rope, and the parrot Phyllis stood on his shoulders as usual.

"It's so dark in here." The young man entered sideways and said in a surprised tone, "Why is there no window?" He looked around curiously, "I can't see anything clearly, it would be great if it could be brighter. now..."

As soon as the bard's voice fell, Barrit found that soft light was transmitted from the wall, and the entire magic tower was instantly illuminated. Then the purple spinel gate also made a slight noise, and the whole gate was closed again. Immediately afterwards, Barrett felt that the space began to tremble again. After about two heartbeats, the tremor stopped and the space returned to its original state.

what's the situation? Barret clenched his long sword tightly and took out his one-handed axe from the space ring. While looking at the surrounding environment, he focused on the surrounding construct golems.

"What happened?" asked the young bard, wide-eyed. "I didn't do it. I didn't do anything. I promise!"

The gnome mage sighed, slowly stood up from the ground, and looked up in the air, "I thought there was a problem with your spiritual sense, so you couldn't wake up. It seems that you have already woken up, or, at all, never slept."

With the words of the little mage, the nearly twenty Constructed Golems standing on the walls all around began to operate the magic furnaces in their chests. A huge amount of magic power was transported to the whole body along the lines in the golem's body. The next moment, all the golems raised their heads at the same time, and the eyes made of spar lit up with purple light.

At the same time, a translucent figure suddenly appeared in the air, "Hello, intruders." She said to everyone, "My name is Cortana, and I'm Taring here."


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