Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 185: lively dinner

"At that time, I climbed the cliff along the ivy as usual. The fastest update visit: щщщ.79XS.сОΜ. The jungle in front of me is no different from the past, and I thought that if I could find a magic lotus flower ', that's really good. Of course, this is just thinking about it. Even if I really discovered the magic lotus 'flower', I would not collect it, and would leave it in place to grow quietly. This kind of If the extremely rare magic materials fall into my hands, but they are overkill, only the mage can exert its true effect."

At the dining table, the herbal 'medicine' master Sean told everyone (mainly his wife) about his dangerous experience this time. The crowd (mainly his wife) listened intently, nodding and smiling from time to time.

Barrett chewed the roasted quail with 'honey' juice in his mouth, crunching the bones and 'meat'. His eyes stared blankly at the darkness outside the window, while he was planning tomorrow's trip in his heart.

The little ghost was sitting beside the barbarian, his little face raised high, his eyes staring at the roasted quail in Barritt's hand without blinking, his little hand hesitantly stretched out, as if he wanted to grab a bit from the barbarian's mouth, but Quietly shrink back in mid-air.

The gnome mage Theodore Sparkle and Phyllis the parrot discuss the details and content of the temporary magic contract. Parrot intends to be the temporary pet of the little mage, so that the strength of both parties will be greatly enhanced, which will be of great help to the next adventure. After all, judging from the four items that need to be obtained, fierce battles should be unavoidable, and it is likely to happen several times in a row.

Felix the bard played with a sackcloth mask in his hand while eating the last bits of smoked 'meat' and beans left on his plate. On the front of the mask was painted the face of a small green-skinned goblin, and only two small holes were 'exposed' on the position of the eyes, which seemed to be very breathable and 'sexy'.

This mask was obtained by a 'mind' poet with a humorous and 'interesting' ballad from a rather robust 'female' and 'sexual' villager in the village. It is said that it was originally this strong 'female' villager of Kongwu, who grabbed, no, picked it up from a 'fine' nest 'hole' on the way to chopping firewood.

The tender-faced 'female' villager "invited" the silly 'mind' into his home after listening to the songs of the 'mind' wanderer. In the end, if it wasn't for Sean's son Andy Go to Barrett and others in time, and bring them all over, what may happen after that is simply unimaginable!

Hmm..., in fact, it's not too bad, anyway, it's just some ulterior 'deals'.

Andy, the little boy who disturbed a certain 'female' villager, was eating the dessert in front of him alone at this time - salty and sweet 'cream' carrots, as if he had become accustomed to being left out.

"The air in the jungle is quite fresh, because it was in the morning. If it is noon or afternoon, the air will become extra warm and soft, just like your breath!" Sean said to his wife. , once again successfully made the other party's face 'color' crimson.

This guy didn't see it, he's still a lover! Barrett secretly kept this sentence in his heart, in case he would find a chance to use it later when he went to Shirley's Whisper.

"I picked some 'Valerian' and 'Ningshen' flowers first along the way, because I remember old Dean mentioned to me that he hasn't slept very well recently, and he always has the same nightmare over and over again. So I'm going to use valerian and calming 'flower', add some mint, make some herbal 'medicine' tea to send. Then I found a big clump of 'caraway', Yuna, remember, I'm with you Having said that, this thing not only promotes digestion and is good for the stomach, but also acts as a spice in dishes and bread."

The herbal 'medicine' master showed off his harvest to his wife one after another, but Barrett thought of the strange request of the village chief - to fight him.

If you defeat this mysterious and seemingly skilled village chief in battle, then he will be a companion and go with Barrett and others to find one of the items. But if you lose in battle, the loser will stay in the village, when the villagers here...

"Then I arrived at the 'Vignan Falls', washed my face in the 'Vignan River', and ate the 'meat' mashed potato pie you prepared for me. The 'meat' pie was so delicious, it made me' I'm full of energy again." Sean and his wife continued to talk to each other, while their son Andy continued to quietly eat the 'creamy' carrot in front of him.

"However, when I crossed the Vinian River, I saw a few goblins sneaking around me and approaching little by little. But you don't have to worry, a few little goblins The goblins didn't bother me. I frightened them with a cane and even hit one of the goblins in the head, so they screamed and ran away."

"My lover is always so heroic, but you must pay more attention to safety in the future!" Sean's wife Yuna said worriedly.

After hearing such words, Barrett suddenly felt that the third roasted quail with 'honey' juice in his hand was a little tired, and some couldn't eat it. He put the roasted quail with little 'meat' left on the plate, and found the little ghost beside him, staring blankly at the roasted quail. The barbarian sighed inwardly, and 'touched' the little ghost's head with his left hand.

A bone-piercing chill came from the palm of his hand, but he was getting used to it...

"It didn't take long for those goblins to disappear, and something even more terrible happened! Several trolls suddenly appeared from behind a dracaena tree. I have been collecting herbal 'medicine' in the jungle for more than ten years, and still I've never seen trolls there. These ugly monsters roared at me loudly and rushed towards me. I turned to run, but at some point, a group of orcs suddenly gathered around me. By the way, you remember Well, Yuna, the orc attack on the village happened seven or eight years ago."

"Of course I remember, I was pregnant with Andy at the time. A large group of terrifying orcs suddenly surrounded the village, but it really scared everyone. Fortunately, a group of passing travelers appeared in time, and the village chief eliminated those orcs. ."

"No, I thought that the orcs had been cleaned up at the beginning, but now it seems that there are still some leftovers running into the jungle." Sean guessed, "But, why didn't they come out in the previous years? "

Because we hadn't come yet. Barrett groaned.

"Don't talk about that. Anyway, after I met those orcs and trolls, I started to flee in a panic, and the cane I was holding was thrown somewhere by me. That cane has been with me for a long time, It's a pity to lose it." Sean said regretfully, "At that time, I could not escape, and I had to climb up to a maple tree closest to me. After that, it was as if I As you said, these good-hearted people killed the monster and rescued me from the tree."

Sean and his wife once again thanked Barrett and others, and the two sides concluded the dinner with a friendly and warm atmosphere.


There are not many rooms in Sean's house, just enough to accommodate Barrett and others, which is also due to the fact that there are many people in their adventure who do not need to take up too much space.

The gnome mage, the bard, and the parrot Phyllis lived in the room of the little boy Andy, who lived with his parents.

As for Barrett, because of his size, if he was crowded with the dwarf mage and others, it was really hard to stretch, so he lived alone in the attic.

Oh, and saying "alone" isn't really accurate, because the little ghost is still with him in the ring.

Barrett took out the gold-plated treasure chest that he had obtained earlier from the space ring. The lock on it had been opened after the dinner party. Everyone had checked the contents of the treasure chest. A necklace strung with troll fangs, a A black 'colored' stone battle axe, and a bottle of light blue 'colored' strange liquid.

Because Barrett is the captain, and only he and the gnome mage have space rings in the team, everyone decided to put all the things they got on the journey with him, and then find opportunities to distribute them later.

The barbarian, who was not yet sleepy, took these three items out of the treasure chest, and then took a deep breath, ready to start the identification.


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