Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 192: A random villager

Clouds were like ink, lightning pierced the sky, and thunder sounded like a drum in the distant horizon. Barrett and his party rushed over the nameless hills eagerly, and finally returned to Greenwick village before the rain fell.

The gnome mage, the bard, and the parrot all stayed at the herbal master's house to rest, and because of some unsolved doubts in his heart, Barret said hello to everyone, and brought the little ghost with him, ready to go to find that rather unresolved one again. The mysterious village chief, went to ask some questions.

The gust of wind roared more and more fiercely, but the rain was hiding in the dark clouds with lowered eyebrows, coy and shy, and refused to come quickly. On the roads of the village, the number of pedestrians is getting rarer and fewer, and the little ghost is floating around Barret, letting the fallen leaves and broken branches pass through his translucent spiritual body, and he is having a lot of fun.

Barritt followed the memory, came to the ordinary house, and knocked on the door of the village chief's house again. He stood outside the door for a moment, but there was no response from inside.

When the barbarian knocked on the door again, he used a little force to ensure that as long as there was a living creature inside the door, even if he was soundly asleep, he would definitely be able to hear it. However, the door was still extremely quiet.

It seems that the village chief is not at home.

"Big uncle, do you want me to go through the wall and go inside to take a look?" The little ghost said quietly, looking eager to try.

The little guy has learned badly again, is it because of me? "No." Barrett said solemnly, "Don't do this, it's very rude." It seems that I will pay attention to my words and deeds in the future, alas.

Just as Barrett turned around and was about to leave, the building next to the village chief's house suddenly opened the door, and a male villager walked out from inside, "You..." He glanced at the little ghost again, "You want to find Amos ?"

Amos? Who is that? "We want to find the village chief here." Barrett replied, looking at the other side without a trace.

The villager in front of him was wearing loose trousers made of wolf skin, with a naked upper body and three long old scars on his shoulders. The scar is not caused by a sharp blade, but rather left after being bitten by some kind of giant monster. The muscles in his arms are very strong, and he is not much more aggressive than Barrett, but he has a fat belly hanging from his abdomen.

The sky was dark, and a thunder and lightning suddenly lit up among the rolling clouds, reflecting the figure of the opposite person on the ground, disappearing in a flash.

From this person, Barrett felt a breath of peers.

This villager may have also been an adventurer before, or had engaged in one of the many derivative occupations of adventurer (for example, robber, bandit, bodyguard, etc.), it seems that he should be used to using heavier two-handed weapons, or one-handed weapons. The heavy shield is similar to the role of the ogre Moglock in the team. The barbarian judged irresponsibly in his heart.

"The village chief, Amos, 'Perello's Invincible Swordsman', whatever you want to call it, it's the same thing anyway. You know, it doesn't really make any sense to call this kind of thing..." the man said .

Peer, Barrett confirmed in his heart.

"It's like you can call me Borg, or you can call me... Forget it, don't mention that." The man raised his loose wolf-skin trousers, and his expression became a little gloomy.

"Then, the village chief of Amos..."

"He went out, not in the village." The male villager said the answer before Barrett finished his question, "Also, don't ask me where this old man went, and don't ask me when he will be back. You guys Maybe he didn't know, Amos never told others about his itinerary, and he didn't like others to explore. So, as long as he left the village, no one would know where he went. What, are you in a hurry? "

"No, it's not an urgent matter, it's just..." Barret pondered, not knowing if he should speak, or how to speak, "Well..., have you heard of Asha's Tears?"

"Of course." The male villager grinned, revealing sharp and white teeth, "I guess you guys are here to find this thing!"

With an incredulous smile on his face, "Not only do I know the name of the thing in between, but I know how to find it. I also know that before I can find this **** thing, I need to get several other items. I Is that right?"

Barry nodded. This guy seems to know a lot.

"Let me guess what you're looking for this time, 'the black hair of that girl in Windsor', this is definitely there, without it there is no way to locate that thing. Haha..." The male villager suddenly laughed inexplicably , "When I'm bored, I can't help but think, how interesting it would be if that female monster turned bald." The corners of his mouth widened again.

At this time, another lightning bolt jumped in the clouds, illuminating the sharp teeth of the person in front of him, "In addition to the hair of the female monster, you must also need the dragon blood of the black dragon 'Cerelios'. no?"

Barrett put his hand on the hilt casually, and nodded again.

"Did the old man of Amos tell you that if you challenge and defeat him, he will help you get some blood of the black dragon?"

He didn't say what would happen if the challenge failed, did he not know, or didn't want to say? "You know that too?" Barrett asked.

The person in front of him didn't answer directly, "Forgive me for asking a more presumptuous question, I want to know, do you plan to stay here, or do you want to go out?"

"Adventurers are always used to walking around, and staying in the same place all the time will eventually get boring." Barrett didn't answer directly.

"Actually, this place is quite big. Also, it's not as bad as you think." The male villager scratched his neck and said casually, "There used to be many people who wanted to find an opportunity to stay here, but instead had to No way! But anyway, since you are planning to, I would advise you not to try to challenge Amos. Because, you will definitely not be able to beat him."

"Oh? You seem to know him well?" Seriously, Barrett didn't really notice it.

"Understood? I can't call it that, but he was really famous at that time." The male villager said, "Amo used to be a follower of a legendary mage, and he even followed that legendary mage during the War of Faith. He fought in the kingdom of some gods, and killed a powerful demigod with a thin sword in his hand. Besides, he also killed an ancient dragon in **** alone, you know, Hellfire dragons aren't the kind of half-breed thing you wear on your feet." He pointed to the dragonskin boots on Barrett's feet, "There are more other deeds. You seem to be very concerned about your own You are very confident in your skills, but can you do all of the above?"

The guy seemed to be running on me with words, a trick Barrett was quite familiar with.

"In those days, people called Amos the 'Invincible Swordsman of Pereiro'. Of course, this title seems to have disappeared now, and newcomers only know to call him the village chief, and even his own name is rarely used. It's known. So I'm just saying, it doesn't really make sense to call this stuff, no matter how loud it gets, it's going to be forgotten."

"You said so much that I'm a little puzzled." Barret asked with a frown, "If this village chief named Amos really participated in the battle of faith, then he must be at least a thousand years old now, which is obviously It's impossible." Ordinary people can't have a long lifespan like a mage, no matter how high his martial arts skills are.

"That's because you don't know anything about this place. Uninformed adventurers from outside. Guess what's this place for?"


Recommend the new book of the great city **** Lao Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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