Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 239: leave, or go deep (below)

"Lost? Is that so? Your eyes are as erratic as the flames in your hands, people of the day." The White Spider Woman looked at Barrett expressionlessly. "That means you don't have confidence in your answer."

Following her words, the spider group crawls forward in unison, compressing the space around Barritt even narrower.

"Hey, calm down, calm down everyone!" he shouted, bringing the flame slightly closer to the kerosene tank. "Trust me, impulse doesn't solve anything. If you're not satisfied with the answer, we can talk more slowly." Damn, how am I so bad at lying to women? The barbarian was secretly annoyed.

White Spider Woman stared at Barry for a long time, she gently gathered her long hair, and the spider group returned to its original position, which not only made Barry sigh inwardly.

Unlike the previous situation, it is not an easy task to kill under this countless and heavy siege, even with the help of the power of flames.

"Are you getting lost..." White Spider Woman pondered for a while, and didn't worry too much about the authenticity of this answer, "Those who have a feasible way will get lost." She said softly, "Since you didn't want to come here, then What was your original goal?"

At first? Barrett was taken aback by the question. He put away the joke and thought about it carefully in his mind. Going to a spider lair to collect egg sacs? No, that wasn't his original goal.

"I don't know, it's the truth, whether you believe it or not." The barbarian's expression was much more serious than before, "I was lost in this underground world and lost myself. Now I'm back, I just want to find it here again. To a question that doesn't know the answer, that's all."

White Spider-Woman stared at Barrett again, and there were traces of flames in her pure black pupilless eyes.

After a long time, she finally said, "Take back your fire seeds, the people of the sun on the surface. In the name of 'Dark Maiden', I can forgive your crimes and let you leave safely from here,"

Is it a crime? Barrett does not agree with this, it is only natural for adventurers to kill monsters. If there are indeed a few fundamental laws in the multiverse, the one "adventurer killing monsters" must be counted as one of them!

But at this time, the barbarian did not utterly retort, nor did he obediently put away the kerosene, but quietly waited for White Spider Woman's next words.

"However, there are many ways to get out of here, which choice will you make?" she asked.

"Multiple?" Barrett wondered, "Choose?"

"One of the outgoing roads can take you to a meeting point with those of your comrades. If you're lucky enough and don't get lost again, after a few long passages, you may be on your way. Somewhere, see your comrades again." White Spider-woman pointed her finger somewhere in the darkness.

"And another road." She changed her direction again, "will be closer to the surface. Many drows who yearn for the light follow this road to the new world. But this road is not smooth, and it will also be Encountered many dangers hidden in darkness. The pursuit of light is never smooth."

"Anything else?" Barrett asked, looking up.

Following his question, the spider group in front of the White Spider Woman spread out slightly to both sides, revealing a smooth path that was not too narrow between her and him.

She dragged her bloated stomach and took a few steps towards Barrett. "There is another way," said White Spider-Woman. "It's right behind me. It leads to a deeper level of the Underdark. There, underground. The war is sweeping every corner, and almost all races are not immune. When you want to escape this war far away, you will find that you are involuntarily involved in another war.”

The underground war, Barrett knew, was talked about by countless people, but it had nothing to do with him.

"The victors get a moment of respite, try to gain a foothold, and repopulate the Underdark. The losers retract their minions, lick their wounds, gather strength, and try to fight back," said White Spider-Woman, "and you, want to Would you like to join it?"

"No, no matter how tragic the underground war is, it has nothing to do with me." If the two sides in the fight were not mind flayers and drows, he might still be able to see the price, and maybe he would join one of them as a hire. soldier. But for these two races, he has no interest in joining at all.

Barrett looked back at the other party, and finally put away the kerosene tank in his hand, "But the road behind you is indeed my final choice." He said firmly.

"That being the case, I hope the 'Dark Girl' Eilistraee will help you find the answer in your heart." White Spider Woman slightly moved a step to the side, revealing the boundless darkness behind her.

"I trust my weapons and skills more than your good goddess," said Barrett. He took a deep breath, and subconsciously pressed his left hand on the 'touch of tyranny', holding the torch and walking forward slowly.

The swarm of spiders receded in front of him, and then gathered from behind him again, like the thick ink-like darkness.

When he met the unnamed White Spider Woman face to face, Barrett looked up at each other. The pure white woman was even more beautiful than when he looked at it from a distance, her long white-gold hair gleaming in the firelight.

He nodded slightly and continued forward.

After passing her by, Barrett glanced at the other's bloated belly again. After getting used to it, it doesn't seem so ugly, he thought to himself.

As he walked, a corridor more than three meters wide gradually appeared in the darkness ahead. At the entrance of the corridor, there stood a brand new heavy armored spider with a darker, thicker carapace and spikes. The surrounding rock walls were also full of another new type of mossy rock spider with eight extremely sharp legs.

After Barrett arrived, the new heavy-armoured spider moved slightly to one side, revealing a narrow gap for one person only.

Barrett knew that there were many entrances and exits between the three layers of the Underdark. But for some unknown reason, the entrance here is so tightly guarded, perhaps because it leads directly to the White Spider Woman's lair.

The barbarian carefully passed through those spikes, and glanced back at the white spider woman, until the heavy armored spider moved its body again and blocked the entrance.

Huh, looks like he escaped. He exhaled and continued walking. But before he could walk 20 meters away, the passage actually came to an end.

On the ground at the end, there is a stone staircase that spirals downward. The stairs are narrow, and they look a bit similar to the one in the "Beautiful Experience" store. It seems that the designer on the stairs in the store was also an underground citizen.

However, the ladder in front of me is more primitive. I don't know what material the steps and handrails are made of. They seem to be extremely strong, but they still have some marks like axe and knife. It seems that some fierce battles have taken place here.

Barrett put out the torch, replaced it with a glowing stone, put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and walked down the stairs.


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