Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 250: unruly mount

The heavy velvet curtains were gently pulled up, and the dusk light filtered through the tulle into the dark room. The light was as soft as an old woman's dying smile, which only made people feel peaceful and desolate.

A beautiful body with black and bright skin like obsidian, quietly leaning against the window, looking carefully and curiously towards the sunset falling into the mountains to the west.

"Lord Mistress said that as long as we live on the surface long enough, we can adapt to the sun just like your day-travelers." The owner of the voice stretched out and showed his seductive figure. Incisively and vividly.

Barrett lay on the bed with his right hand behind his head, thinking about how all this happened in front of him.

Is it because of the ripe strawberry that was stuffed into his mouth? Or the soft finger that touched his lips lightly? Or maybe that barrel was pried open and drank a lot of wine?

"Are you tired?" The owner of the voice stood by the window and turned to look at Barrett. The soft light created a dim and beautiful halo for her.

"No, no, I'm fine. Yes, fine!" The barbarian tried his best to make his voice sound more spiritual, "In fact, I did see some drows who could walk freely during the day, they only covered You can do this easily with a cloak on." He said to the female drow named 'Ellennie' by the window, "Maybe it won't be long before you can too."

"Cloak..." The female drow crossed her hands in front of her chest, holding up the pair of towering towers that were difficult to hold, "But I don't like wearing cloaks, then people won't be able to see my beautiful face. "

That's no big deal. "That's a shame," Barrett said.

Ellenie took a few steps to the bed and jumped on it lightly. Leaning on the head of the bed, she brought her flat stomach to Barritt's face, and gently ruffled Barbarian's hair with her fingers.

"I'm very pleased with you, human," she said with a smile.

Satisfied with me? Barrett felt inexplicably weird. He turned his head sideways, looked up along the other side's graceful waist, then leaned back slightly, then continued upward, and looked at the pair of bright red eyes.

"Thank you." He didn't know what to say.

"No." Ellenie ran her fingers over his newly grown stubble. "You deserve it."


"Of course!" She nodded vigorously and said in a positive tone, "You should have been praised by me for your hard work before."

Well, if it's about that, I really deserve it. Barrett didn't want to deny how hard he fought in this fierce battle, and what kind of magic the opponent's soft waist had.

Barrett got up, twisted his slightly sore waist, and looked at the sky along the window. Phew, maybe it's time to leave.

He moved his legs to the ground, stepped on a slender snake-head whip, kicked the whip away slightly, and began to rummage for his clothes on the ground.

"Are you leaving? Human." The female drow asked softly, but Barrett did not hear much nostalgia in that tone.

"Uh, yes, I have other tasks to do," he responded.

"Is it also like this to send things?" the female drow asked again.

"No, it's another mission." He couldn't carry out a mission like this for a while. Barrett endured the pain in his lower back, bent down to pick up his cotton shirt from the ground, and pulled out a triangular-shaped black lingerie from it.

He subconsciously held the underwear in his hand and looked at it for two seconds, and then came Ellen's sweet voice from behind, "If you like it, I'll give it to you." She said with a smile.

Although he said "send", his tone sounded like "reward" or "gift". But Barrett didn't mind. The other party is Drow, and this kind of tone is normal.

It can only be said that if they want to live normally in the human world, what they need to adapt to may not only be dazzling sunshine.

"Thank you, but I don't have this hobby." Barbarian shrugged his shoulders, put his underwear beside the bed, and continued to dress his clothes and equipment neatly one by one.

"By the way, what's your name, human?" The female drow was a little embarrassed, "Oh, sorry, I forgot when I was happy before."

"Barritt, Barritt Mungo." The barbarian said complacently, he thought it was his own hard work that made the opponent's mind blank and carried away.

"Well, I'll remember you, Barrett," Ellen said softly, leaning on the bed.

"Extremely honored!" Barbarian walked to the door, looked at the pair of bright red eyes again, and glanced down the other's neck until he reached the slightly outstretched toes.

The other party generously stretched his waist and swayed his body lightly, allowing him to look at it enough.

I should have earned it, but why is there no such "earned" feeling? The barbarian shook his head secretly in his heart, and walked out of this dark and charming room.


Going down the stairs and pushing out the door, Barrett came back to the spacious streets of the village.

Because the sunset has not completely fallen at this time, the entire village is still deserted and no one can be seen. But the barbarian knew in his heart that at least in a certain room of a certain building in this village, there was a certain soft body that was hot enough.

He pondered silently for a few seconds in his heart, and then he whistled vigorously...

Mage Edmund gave a special magic circle to the ear of 'Carrot'. This magic circle is an improved and variant form of the zero-level spell 'Sound Transmission', which enables 'Carrot' to easily hear the barbarian's whistle when it is in the shadow plane, and also allows it to pass through the whistle. The sound determines where the barbarian is.

The Shadow Plane and the Main Material Plane are interconnected and coexist. Travelers who are good at plane shuttles can use the Shadow Plane to achieve rapid and long-distance movement of the Main Material Plane.

Although this long-distance movement method using the characteristics of the plane is much more dangerous than the teleportation circle, and its speed is far worse than the blink of an eye of the teleportation circle, it is also an effective, And relatively free long-distance movement.

It's just that the Nightmare Beast 'Carrot' decides when to respond after hearing the whistle, depending on its mood.

Ten heartbeats later, Barrett whistled again. Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice sounded above his head, "Are you calling me?" Ellen was half-leaning by the window, looking at him with a smile.

"Oh, I'm calling my mount," said Barrett looking up. Not the one in front of him, but another black one. There is no such charm in front of him, and his personality is also very bad.

But they do have one thing in common - they're both hard to navigate.

"Is that the nightmare beast?" Ellennie asked.

Barrett nodded, "It runs very fast." Quite fast, "Just not very obedient." Quite disobedient.

"You caught it?"

"Uh, to be exact, it should be bought." It cost 20 gold coins and a favor. Mage Edmund didn't ask Barrett for a certain amount of money for the awakening of the 'carrot' The barbarian knew that this should be the credit of the little mage.

"You should conquer it like you conquered me," Ellen said with a smile.

No, in fact, we can only be considered a tie, and my mounts are equal. No, that's not the point, it's a horse. No, it's not right to think so. Wait, what the **** am I doing?

Barrett shook his head and threw these messy thoughts out of his mind.

At this moment, a cloud of black smoke suddenly exploded on the street not far away, and a tall nightmare beast stepped out of the smoke. It was a 'carrot', with its back facing the afterglow of the setting sun, it looked at Barrett with charcoal-like eyes, and after a neigh, it slammed into him heavily.

Barrett looked blankly at his mount, which was approaching, but had no intention of slowing down. Just when the other party was about to collide with him, the barbarian turned slightly sideways, and the moment the Nightmare Beast passed him, he jumped directly onto its back.

The barbarian grabbed the flaming mane of the 'carrot' tightly, and kicked its ribs with both feet.

Barrett knew that if the Carrot wanted to, the mane on its neck would scorch his hands like a real fire. But the temperature of the horse's mane quietly dropped after boiling hot for a few times.

'Carrot' twisted its head and circled the spot twice as if resigned, then carried Barrett and galloped into the distance, leaving a long string of hoof prints with fire shavings.


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