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Chapter 286: Mysterious life experience

'Albino drow', this is a rather strange species name, but it was the first thing that came to the mind of the little mage.

The reason why he made sure of this, and did not regard the young child in front of him as the drow elf's cousin on the ground (the forest elf's skin is also quite fair), the reason is not only the abnormal pure white on the other side, but also the young Tong looked at his pair of red eyes that contained panic.

Kris knows that almost all albino pupils are red or pink (except for some incomplete albino, they also produce a small amount of melanin), this is because the iris in their eyes is transparent, and the red is the blood vessels of the fundus. s color.

These pure white-skinned creatures are extremely rare because of congenital genetic defects, making it difficult for them to survive in the cruel nature. And for the race of the drow, this is even more so.

Cruel drow are equally fond of "beautiful" things, including carvings, furnishings, weapons, and even the body itself. Drow, male or female, are very happy to show off their beautiful physique, and any infants and children who show subtle physical defects will be mercilessly killed.

Unlike other types of elves, the drow's fertility is comparable to that of humans, which is the capital of this crazy race that can be so brutal and infighting (or it would have been extinct long ago).

Babies and young children in the drow family are all raised in the family kindergarten (except for the children of a few nobles). Babies are encouraged to compete for food and space, and violence will be rewarded, so as to eliminate the weak in the race, So they have been extremely dangerous since they were young.

However, the young child in this albino state does not even have the possibility of unified competition in the kindergarten. Once he or she is found, he or she will be killed immediately, or thrown into the abyss of spider transformation to serve as food for those spider elves.

Because of this, Kris suspects that the little albino drow in front of him is probably the only one in the vast and boundless multiverse.

Kris didn't know why the young child's drow parents allowed the baby with serious physical defects to survive for the first time (female drow basically did not have maternal love), nor did they know how they were here in the first place. In the dangerous city, this matter was carefully concealed.

In short, all of this is extremely rare, and even the word "miracle" is not an exaggeration, Chris sighed silently in his heart.

The albino drow child in front of him just curled up in the corner in fear, and peeked at Kris with those red eyes from time to time, but he (she) did not show the same extreme as those drow children of the same age. Aggressive aggression and homicidal impulses.

"[Drow Elf] I won't hurt you." Kris said softly, and tentatively took a few steps forward. But the little child didn't appreciate it. He (she) shook his face to the wall and closed his eyes, as if he wanted to be the "terrifying" guy who didn't exist.

The little guy in front of him seemed to be rummaging for food in the kitchen just now. Chris estimated that he or she probably hadn't eaten a full meal since the city was captured by a mind flayer. Therefore, food has become the best way to open up the situation.

Our Master Mage took out a sweet lemon cake from the space ring, bent down, and handed the cake to the little guy. Although the other party was closing his eyes, his little nose twitched a few times involuntarily, like a fox.

Immediately afterwards, the pure white little guy slowly opened his bright red eyes, first looked at the attractive golden cake, and then raised his head to look at the owner of the cake.

"[Common language] for me?" the little guy asked timidly in a slightly hoarse childish voice.

Chris raised his eyebrows in surprise. Oh? It is not the language of drow, but the language of human beings! Hmm, kinda interesting! what does that mean? He has no clue in his mind for the time being, but there must be a reason for such a strange thing.

The intrigued mage first brewed a tone to make sure it sounded more innocuous, then replied softly in the same subterranean common language, "Of course, it's yours." Handed it forward again.

The little guy looked straight at Chris without blinking. After a long time, he (she) lowered his head, tentatively stretched out a small hand, and slowly grabbed the lemon cake. And when his fingers were about to touch the cake, he stopped again and looked up at Chris again.

"Take it." Our little mage gave the other party an encouraging and kind look, and the other party took the cake, put it under his nose and smelled it, and then ate it in small sips.

"Your..." Chris stopped as soon as he spoke. After hesitating for a few seconds, he asked again, "Where are your parents?" He wanted to know some specifics about the little guy's parents, if they were not If he died in the war and was captured by the mind flayer, he could help rescue him.

Of course, the premise is that they have not been transformed into the same clan by the mind flayers. This possibility is not very high. I think those octopus heads should not look down on the drow civilians who have no special skills.

As for why he did this, there was no other reason, he just had this idea. For the Master, this reason is quite sufficient.

"Dad told me that he went to... war, and asked me to... as go to the cellar... to hide in the cellar, don't... come out." strenuous.

Chris took out a cup, and then "changed" a water bag under the surprised eyes of the little guy. He poured some water into the glass and handed it over. "Then what about your mother?"

"My, Mom?" The little guy's face showed doubts, and he didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word.

Oh? interesting.

This little guy seems to have been raised by his father and has never seen his mother. And when the mysterious father hid him or her and raised him, he taught Common, not the drow language, and he had not taught him the sacred word "mother", which means that What? Chris had some guesses in his heart.

"What's your name?" he changed the question.

"Dad called me 'Zerifah,' and he said that was my name," the little guy replied.

The name of the female drow, Kris pondered in his heart, "Is your father's ears as pointed as yours, or like mine?" Kris asked his guess and turned his head. Let the little guy see more clearly.

"Like you!" The little guy suddenly got a little excited, "You are..." She suddenly didn't know how to describe it, and after a long dazed expression, she asked timidly, "Are you 'Dad'?"

"No, no, I'm not." Chris hurriedly denied, "But..."

A few days later, in the negative energy plane, in a frontier tower of the Magic Association.


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