Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 291: hunting in the dark

This task also requires the collection of three Void Stones. In addition, Barrett has also taken on two other tasks, but there is no clue yet.

"I take the liberty to ask, what exactly do your mages want to do when they collect such dangerous things?" Barrett asked the curly-haired magistrate Ben Issu this way before taking on this task, "That, I It doesn't mean anything else, if you can't tell it. I just..., well, to be honest, after listening to your description of that thing, it is inevitable for everyone to have some concerns..."

"Oh? Then there are really too many things for everyone to worry about." The curly-haired mage smiled and shook his head, "If you know that in order to win the 'Battle of Faith' in the past magic empires, they collected and If you create something, then you will not sleep well for the rest of your life; and if you understand that the 'planetary prison' that is blocked by layers of terrifying things is imprisoned, you may let yourself be enveloped forever In fear. Some things—I can't call those guys creatures—even me simply chanting its name can make you momentarily insane."

When the mage said these horrors, his tone was light as if he was telling a joke, "Believe me, many of those terrifying things and things still exist to this day. If there is a 'planetary prison' in escape..."

"Why not wipe out all those horrible things?" Barrett asked again, frowning at the time.

"Some guys have no way to destroy them for the time being, including the 'Void Stone', which is the embodiment of some disordered rules of the multiverse itself; and some guys, there is still value worthy of research, although they are dangerous , but it can also be regarded as an alternative 'treasure'; and there are some guys, although there are ways to eliminate them and they have been thoroughly researched, the chain reaction and consequences caused by the elimination will be more serious than escaping. serious……"

The mage paused dramatically, observing the expression on Barrett's face. When he found out that the latter did not show the slightest panic, he added, "Don't worry, the association took over the 'keys' from the empire and locked them well. Otherwise, it's not just you, the whole continent. The monarchs will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"They all know?"

"Of course, or why would I tell you so casually? It's not a secret, and the slightly older nobles have records." Curly Master said, "So I will tell you, don't worry about 'Void Stone' , it does not move, and it is very stable. Its existence is like a small stone produced by a plane. Compared with those things, its danger is not much different from that of the big sister next door. Is the big sister next door dangerous? Of course, for a lot of little boys who don't have all their hair, it is indeed a 'terrifying' existence, you know what I mean." He smiled narrowly.


Away from the skeleton guard he encountered by chance, Barret got on his mount and continued to search in this boundless darkness with the little ghost.

The Nightmare Beast mount covered with green fire under his crotch is the old man 'Carrot'. At the beginning, Barrett had great concerns about whether 'Carrot' could be ridden in the dark realm, and even wanted to rent a skeleton warhorse from the quartermaster of the 'Eternal Body'.

After all, the Nightmare Beast is an alien creature, it has real life, and this is what the Negative Energy Plane hates and covets the most.

But after reaching the dark realm, Barrett found that the fiery flame on the 'carrot' had inexplicably turned into a green flame like a ghost fire in a cemetery. This green flame could act like a 'negative energy protection' spell. In the same way, it is guaranteed that it will not be plundered by the greedy dark realm, and it can gallop here recklessly.

Barrett has vaguely heard that the Nightmare beast species actually has many subgroups, and the abilities of each subgroup seem to be different. Some Nightmare Beasts have the ability to fly in the sky, and some Nightmare Beasts can carry riders on their backs to travel through the plane together.

Barrett has not seen these powerful abilities in 'Carrot' for the time being, but this bloodline acquired guy has a very good adaptability to the characteristics of planes. I don't know if he will change to other planes. There are other forms.

Not long after Barrett rode the Nightmare Beast, there was a sound of wings flapping in the air. The sound got closer and closer, and a black construct raven followed and hovered near him like a ghost.

Death Knight Barret lightly took the reins and slowed down the Nightmare Beast under his crotch. After that, the construct raven in the air swooped down and landed firmly on his shoulder.

"Enemies!" Raven reported to Barrett. "Right, enemy!"

"Very well, let's go and see." Barrett ordered.

Every enemy symbolizes a little bit of soul energy. Along the way, he has hardly spared any undead from his own camp, even if it is a few skeleton soldiers with missing arms and legs, he has not let him go. Pass.

However, that doesn't mean that Barrett has killed a lot of undead along the way. Because the realm of darkness seems to be endless, and there is no end in sight. Although the undead that exist in it are numerous and varied, they are quite sparse compared to the entire plane, so Barritt doesn't want to let go of any of them.

Regarding the Dark Realm, the Master Ben Ysu once said, "No one can clearly know how big it (Dark Realm) is. During the Magic Empire, there was a curious mage who walked along some of its He has been flying in this direction for nearly a hundred years, but he still does not see the edge. During his long journey, this necromantic mage encountered many incredible things and left a lot of marks. But the once prosperous mage Curiosity was gradually wiped out. In the end, the mage was a little bored with the journey, so he stopped exploring and went back to write a travel note called "I Came, I Saw". Would you like to read it? You can buy it from the bookstore diagonally across from this restaurant. Although the price is a bit expensive, it is still worth it, and it will also help you in your mission in the dark realm."

This book is still lying in the space ring of Barrett. It is very interesting that the mage named 'Harold' wrote it, especially his book records a lot of undead with consciousness, and how to get rid of these undead. The content of the guests and conversations in the residence. Barrett has seen about a third of it.

The construct raven on its shoulders flew into the air again, and Barrett turned his horse's head and followed closely. The little ghost Eve was by his side, and the pattern of her dress changed from the Liendy Cherry in the past to a small bone beast exactly like the one she saw before.

It can be seen that this little girl in the form of a spirit body still has some fond memories of the little bone beast just now.

For spirit creatures like ghosts that can change their appearance at will, the clothes they wear are actually part of the body, but most of them are conjured up according to the memories of their lives.

"You're running too fast, big uncle, I can't keep up!" The little ghost shouted to Barrett diagonally behind.

"You can go back to the jewelry first, and come out later when you get there." Barrett turned his head and replied, but he didn't intend to slow down.

Eve is very naughty, and Barrett doesn't want to follow her all the time.

"I don't." The little ghost pouted, and it seemed that he didn't want to go back for the time being. Then she turned towards the galloping Nightmare Beast and shouted loudly, "Hey, 'Carrot', slow down!"

Before Barrett could say anything, the Nightmare Beast under his crotch automatically slowed down. Our Lord Death Knight kicked his mount with the heel of his metal boot angrily, but failed to make the Nightmare beast quick again.

This grumpy guy got along very well with Eve, and listened to the little ghost, and he didn't know why.

The green ghost fire on 'Carrot' danced backwards in the gallop, very striking in this dark plane. After passing through a barren gravel field and jumping over a giant leg bone across the road, Barrett finally saw the enemy's trail.

It was a dark gray sphere floating in the air, with a diameter of about two There were many slender tendrils on the entire surface of the sphere, and a pair of long and narrow organs that looked like eyes .

It was a 'negative energy monster', and Barrett recognized it, a very mysterious energy creature. In the book "I Came, I Saw", Master Harold recorded some of the conditions of this creature.

According to the mage, creatures like 'negative energy monsters' are not natives of the negative energy plane, but they live widely in the plane of the dark realm. On the contrary, the twins, the positive energy plane, also have an existence that is almost completely similar to this kind of creature, except that this kind of creature in the positive energy plane is bright silver.

These two strange energy creatures seem to be conscious, but no one, or undead, or whatever, has ever been able to communicate with them.

Unfortunately, this creature was not the target of Barrett's hunt, as it did not belong to the undead.

He waved at the Construct Raven and let it land, "No, not this kind of enemy." He corrected, "We're looking for undead, such as skeletons, zombies, vampires and the like."

The Construct Raven flapped its wings, "Bone!" it retorted loudly, "Lots of bones!"

Well, it looks like it didn't find the guy in front of him. Barrett took out a small handful of corn and fed it to the construct raven to stop it from chattering.

After the raven had eaten the corn in his hand, Barrett ordered again, "Let me lead the way, and let me see what those bones you found are."


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