Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 321: Soft-hearted Barrett

It was a completely dark solid mass, shaped like a dried, wrinkled mango. It hangs in the air, and some unknown force makes it slowly turn, circle after circle, without stopping.

Not far below the 'Mango', two zombies raised their heads and stared at it motionless.

These two zombies are like hungry travelers, thirsting for the powerful power contained in the 'mango' itself - the negative energy that is so thick that it has already materialized, and there are other things in it that are unclear and unclear.

But this power is too terrifying, and other undead creatures are far away from 'Mango'. The daring zombie duo only tentatively took a small step forward, and immediately felt that the fire of their souls was like a lonely boat caught in a storm, and it was in danger of being destroyed and collapsed at any time.

The small step that was taken was forced back again. After the two zombies looked at each other, they continued to stare silently before.

After an unknown amount of time, Zombie Armor suddenly felt that something seemed to be approaching at a high speed. It turned its head and looked in that direction, just in time to see a death knight riding a horse with turquoise flames, breaking through the fog. The darkness like this came to him.

The death knight dismounted and looked at the zombie duo standing still, "Is that thing yours?" he asked, pointing to the 'mango' in mid-air.

Zombie A shook his head blankly, and Zombie B nodded blankly.

"It seems that you have not coordinated this issue internally." The sturdy death knight put his arms on the warhorse next to him, "If it is not yours, I will take it."

"This thing doesn't belong to us." Zombie A said to Zombie B with the fire of his soul with no expression on his face.

"We discovered it first, so it should belong to us." Zombie B retorted with the fire of the soul, "This thing is very useful, it can play a very good protective role, the group of vicious ghouls chasing us before, just Don't dare to get close at all."

"Because this thing is very dangerous, quite dangerous, we can all perceive it, can't we." Zombie Armor argued, "But, the death knight in front of him is even more dangerous. Don't you see, this guy obviously intends to take it Go with that 'Mango', if we stop it, he might kill us right away."

"Maybe we killed him? Yes, that's a good idea!" Zombie B was eager to try, "After killing him, we robbed its mount and armor, and we can also be death knights. We can wear half of the armor by one person, He has two weapons, so there is no problem in dividing them."

"Are you kidding? We can't even beat ghouls, and we still want to kill higher-level death knights?" Zombie Armor's Soul Fire sneered disdainfully.

"Of course we can't, but the 'mango' can definitely do it!" Zombie B explained, "Let's wait here, when he takes the 'mango', look for opportunities to sneak attack or harass, maybe …”

"Hey, I'm not such a person!" Zombie Armor's Soul Fire showed a little anger.

"Please, you are already dead, and now you are not a human at all, but an undead. We are all undead! In this place where there are dead people, we should eat the weak and the strong!"


Barrett looked at the two motionless zombies in front of him, hesitating whether to kill them. He could feel that the two zombies still had some consciousness left, which was why he hesitated not to draw his sword directly.

Killing is of course a very easy thing, but after the undead form lasted for a long time, Barrett found himself more and more inexplicable identification with some undead creatures that still had some consciousness and humanity, feeling that they were like ordinary human beings.

Especially since he had just successfully hunted a quest target called 'Blue Soul Banshee', this strange feeling became stronger for a while.

'Blue Soul Banshee' is a female undead creature with long black hair and pale skin. It's a little strange that the body of this undead creature can be between a zombie-like entity and a ghost-like incorporeal body. The constant back and forth transformation is really a bit magical.

Barrett doesn't know if this undead creature should be classified as a zombie or a ghost if it is to be calculated according to the way the Cyril Mage classified the undead.

But no matter what kind, his rune weapon can easily hurt the opponent,

According to the requirements of the mission, Barrett needs to kill the opponent when he is in a physical state, so that the opponent will leave the corpse, and then he can collect the long black hair on the opponent's head. If the 'Blue Soul Banshee' died in the ghost form, it would only be like a normal ghost, leaving some white dust behind.

It is worth mentioning that when the 'Blue Soul Banshee' died, it actually let out a deep sigh. The sigh was resentful and long, desolate and mournful, and went straight to the depths of Barrett's heart, causing him to have some indescribable touch.

This made him feel indescribably uncomfortable when he collected the hair of the 'Blue Soul Banshee' He cut off each other's hair strand by strand, feeling the color of the hair in a trance Inexplicably turned red...

Not only him, but even the little ghost and the nightmare beast became a little strange after hearing the sigh.

The mood of the little ghost suddenly became a little low, and she whispered to Barrett that she really wanted to eat lemon cake. Later, after being gently advised by Barrett, he sadly hid in the jewelry, and has not come out yet.

And after the nightmare beast 'Carrot' heard it, the color of the flame on its body changed to a cyan with a little blue in it, and I don't know what happened to its psychological change.

Forget it, forget about these two guys.

Barrett turned back and walked towards the 'Void Stone' not far away. If you count this one, he has successfully collected four pieces, and it is not far from completing this task.

In fact, when he was on the journey before, he also encountered another large void stone. But the volume of the void stone was too huge, and the danger increased exponentially, so that Barrett could not even get close, so he had to give up.

The volume of the void stone in front of me is just right, but the hovering position is a little high. With Barrett's figure of a little over two meters, it is difficult to reach.

He touched his chin and thought about it, and then looked around the surrounding environment, he found a large stone nearby, ready to stand on the stone to collect.

Barrett condensed the fire of his own soul so that it could resist the influence of the 'Void Stone', and then he hugged the big stone and approached it step by step.


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