Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 342: new mission (1)

Back in the Muya city-state, Barritt still felt a little hot in his body.

It felt like a group of embers with red threads in the black ashes, hidden deep within his body, slowly providing him with heat. To be honest, this feeling is really not bad in winter, at least it can keep out the cold well.

Barritt lay on the bed and touched his forehead, but found nothing unusual, as if the hot feeling was like an illusion of the body.

But Barrett knew it was certainly not an illusion. Because Old Phil told Guo He that getting hot is a normal reaction after drinking the 'medicine'.

"Don't be nervous, it's normal for a cat to be surrounded by flames," the old man said at the time. "If you want to be safe from fire, you need to be as hot as it is; if you want to avoid being frostbitten by ice, you need to be as hot as it is. Get as cold as it is; wrap yourself in wool if you want the sheep to accept you, plus learn to walk and graze on four legs. Oh yeah, and watch out for the shepherd dog, and, single, the shepherd..."

What logic is this? Barrett didn't quite understand it then, and he still doesn't understand it now.

In any case, whether the liquid he was drinking was ordinary onion chowder, or some kind of potion that didn't work, there must be something wrong with that liquid, it must be!

Is the root cause of this hotness the pure black cat hair, or the dried frog? Or did the rooster's fiery comb and the daffodil buds react? Barrett thought wildly. I actually knew there was something wrong with the soup before I drank it, but why should I drink it? why? He found that his memory before and after the soup was somewhat broken.

Barrett struggled to think in the memory. The next moment, an old and treacherous ballad was dug out from the depths of my mind. Just as the tune sounded in his mind, Barrett slapped himself instantly and slapped the strange tune away.

Forget it, anyway, this feeling has gradually diminished and subsided, maybe it will disappear completely tomorrow, and Barrett decided to ignore this abnormal feeling and not think about it.

He didn't think old Phil would harm himself. Although the other party's brain is obviously wrong, and his personality is a bit secretive and neurotic all day, but inexplicably makes the barbarian feel trustworthy.

Just when he was thinking about the day he should go to find the little mage Chris, the sound of metal rubbing against glass suddenly sounded outside the closed window. Barrett turned his head and saw that it was his construct, the raven, flapping the window with its wings.

"Open the door, open the door!" the raven shouted from the window, "open the door!"

He wasn't sure if he had heard the last particle particle wrong. He got up and opened the window, and the metal raven folded its wings and swayed in from the window.

Standing on the windowsill, it tilted its head and glanced at Barrett, then its beak opened wide, and a small rolled-up note protruded from its mouth. Barrett had only seen this big metal bird stuff everything into its mouth before, but he had never seen it spit something out of its mouth. This was the first time.

"Mission!" cried the raven, followed by another word, "Corn, corn." It was always repeated at the point of emphasis.

Task? what task? Barrett picked up the note, flattened it and read: "Dear Mr. Barrett, there are several tasks in the garrison hall that need heroic adventurers to complete, I wonder if you want to undertake it. If you are interested , please arrive at the garrison hall for an interview by noon tomorrow."

The signature below the note reads 'Julian Eisley the Good Guy', and there is a seal mark behind the name, in the shape of a kite-shaped shield with a seven-pointed star on the shield.

Barrett vaguely remembered that the main entrance of the garrison hall was engraved with such a shape, and it seemed that it should represent the institution of the 'garrison hall'.

I thought that you suddenly flew out and found something to eat like a 'carrot'. Barrett touched the raven, but I didn't expect that the thing you found was "feed" to me.

He put away the note and threw a handful of corn on the windowsill. After thinking about it, I added a small magic spar about the size of a corn kernel into it.

It has been more than two weeks since I returned from the dark realm, and it is time to go out for activities, at least to hear what those tasks are. He decided so. But before that, I have to get my new leather armor out.

Barrett looked down at the construct raven on the windowsill, "Are you going out with me, or stay inside?"

The raven ignored him and ate happily on his own.

"Okay, stay here, don't eat anything, don't try to swallow the statue by the bed, it will get stuck like last time." After exhorting Barrett, he turned around and left the house, ready to go to the tailor's shop. Layers of skin'.


Inside the shop, Master Tailor Erica is sewing the finishing touches for Barrett's leather armor.

In fact, this set of leather armor was completed a few days ago. The last time Barrett came, he had tried it on. Then Erica was going to make some small changes according to his feeling of trying on, and it was delayed again. today.

"You came at the right time, Barrett, my strong and handsome young man, come and see if it fits this time." Erica said to him with a smile. ..

"It fits perfectly, Ms. Erica. I just hope that wearing it doesn't cause even my enemies to fall in love with me." Barrett likes to talk to this lady, certainly not for the "handsome" voice. ".

"That's not right." The master tailor helped Barret to put on the leather armor, while smiling and teasing, "You can use a sword, or other things you often use, to stab hard when your enemy is absent-minded. Wear 'em, or them, or them. Whatever you like. Of course, I just hope your enemies don't include goblins, you're a little out of shape with them."

"Ahem, I actually prefer to kill them - those of my enemies and get paid for some of their body parts. I'll slash with my sword, not stab, of course, sometimes Also with an axe."

The purple-black leather armor fits perfectly, and after a careful adjustment, it fits Barrett's body perfectly. The high collar of the leather armor protected Barrett's scarred neck. There's also a pointed-brimmed hood behind the collar that covers the forehead, allowing for a degree of camouflage if you need to sneak in.

The shoulder pads and the front of the leather armor are embedded with closely arranged steel sheets and diamond-shaped nails, and a place and a place to place the magic stone are reserved in advance for the enchanting Equipment requires magic stone support).

Moreover, the whole set of leather armor has also been modified a lot in terms of appearance. The subtle patterns and lines are very elegant and beautiful. It can be seen that Erica has done it very carefully. And on the right side of the chest of the leather armor is embroidered a flying dragon, which was specially added for him by Erica after hearing the story of Barrett beheading the zombie dragon.

After Barrett was dressed, he stood in front of the mirror and looked over and over again. Then in the bragging of the master tailor and the intoxication of self-appreciation, the desire to go out and try his hand intensified.


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