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Chapter 350: helpless little maid

The little maid 'Yeda' sat on the wooden chair outside the mistress's bedroom, her head dozing little by little.

Outside the window, the beautiful crescent moon was hazy and quiet, and the moonlight stroked Yeda's sleeping face through the tulle curtains. Although a shadow flashed from the outside in a very discordant manner, it did not wake up our little maid with a small smile on the corner of her mouth.

Yeda was having a sweet dream at this time. In the dream, the handsome prince Rochester was holding her hand and dancing lightly at the ball. The prince's face was so handsome that he looked exactly like the eldest son 'Cliff' in the candy store.

Cliff, no, it was the Prince of Rochester's arm around Yeda's waist, sliding down slowly to the melodious music, finally landing on her plump buttocks. This made Yeda blushed.

"Your Royal Highness?" She asked shyly and softly.

"What's the matter, my little cutie?" the prince asked affectionately, "my walnut fudge, my caramel chocolate, my most delicious candied chestnuts, what's the matter?"

"No, nothing..." Yeda lowered her head coyly.

If the prince wants to touch it, let him touch it, I'm definitely going to marry him anyway. After marrying the prince, she will do more shameful things than this. Thinking of this, Yeda's face turned even redder.

"You look a little hot, my fruit gum, my cheese filling, my vanilla pudding, you seem to be melting, do you want me to help you take off the icing?"

"Just, right here?" Yeda was a little flustered, "But there are still a lot of people here."

"Of course it won't be here. I won't let anyone see the white carcass of my milk candy," the prince picked up Yeda and strode out of the splendid ballroom into the quiet and deep long gallery.

Yeda leaned her face on the prince's chest, looking at the end of the corridor with fear and anticipation, the bedroom decorated with many candies was getting closer in her eyes.

At this moment, "Ring Ling Ling Ling", a crisp ringing bell came from the hostess's bedroom. The voice woke Yeda from her sweet dream, and she immediately stood up reflexively, a book with a gray cover slipped from her lap.

The little maid Yeda couldn't care about the book that fell to the ground at this time. She looked to the left and right in a panic, and after turning around in place for two times, she focused her eyes on the tray of the round coffee table next to her.

"Huh, fortunately I didn't forget." Yeda let out a long sigh of relief and picked up the tray on the coffee table. She walked steadily to the door of the hostess, calmed herself, turned her head and rubbed the corner of her wet mouth with her shoulder, and pushed the door in.


Coming out of the hostess' bedroom, Yeda knew that her work for the evening had been successfully completed. After that, the hostess would fall asleep deeply, and then wake up gracefully from the bed at noon the next day.

"I should go back to rest too," thought Yeda. She leaned over to pick up the scattered books on the ground, smoothed the wrinkled pages with some distress, and put them in the front pocket of her apron.

Yeda lit the candles on the coffee table, raised the candlestick and walked slowly.

The deep corridor reminded her of the beautiful dream she had before. Not only was Yeda's mood agitated, but the corners of her mouth seemed to become moist.

Yeda swallowed, suddenly remembering that there seemed to be some dessert left in the kitchen. The dessert tonight was the rich and soft 'Coconut Red Bean Pudding', and the hostess only ate two pieces at that time. Aunt Weina said that the rest were reserved for the hostess for supper, but the hostess didn't eat supper tonight, and now she won't eat it after she slept.

Then let me help the hostess eat them, Yeda thought happily, anyway, Aunt Weina will make new ones tomorrow. She happily walked towards the kitchen on the first floor, ready to eliminate those "evil" coconut red bean pudding.

Just when she reached the kitchen and just pushed the door to enter, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out beside the door, covering Yeda's mouth and hooping her body tightly.

With a soft blow, the candle in Yeda's hand was blown out, and the surroundings fell into darkness again. Then one foot stretched out and slowly closed the kitchen door.

Who is this guy? Yeda guessed in horror. Is it a thief who broke in from outside, or one of the guards here? Or the mysterious man in the cellar?

"Shh, as long as you don't make a sound, I won't hurt you." A low voice said beside her ear.

Yeda nodded desperately, indicating that she would definitely be obedient and cooperate.

What does he want? Is it property? Most of the valuables were in the hostess' room, and Yeda didn't want this person in the hostess' room. However, there are actually some in the kitchen. Those exquisite silver tableware should be worth a lot of money, but I don't know if they will satisfy this person's appetite.

Or does he actually want me? The embarrassing contents of the book immediately flooded Yeda's mind.

Should I resist? Will he kill me if I resist? If I don't resist and let him be satisfied, will he just leave? Or will he kill me if he is satisfied? So can I ask him to let me eat all those coconut red bean puddings before I die? Or ask me to eat those red bean puddings while he's doing shy things? I heard that the shameful thing was painful at first, and eating some sweet pudding should relieve the pain.

Without waiting for Yeda's wild thoughts to last long, the intruder behind her whispered in her ear again, "I will let go of my hand now, if you dare to shout, I will kill you as soon as possible. And If you answer my questions obediently, you won't hurt a single hair when I leave, understand?"

Yeda nodded vigorously again.

"Very well," said the intruder. Afterwards, Yeda felt the big hand covering her mouth leave, but the big hand in her belly still hugged What is your name? ' asked the intruder.

"Jeda, Jeda Christine," she whispered in a trembling voice.

"The room you entered just now, is Countess Teresa's bedroom?" the intruder asked again.

Yeda hesitated, but did not answer immediately. Is he trying to hurt Mrs. Or want to steal property? I should try to divert his purpose. If this man is full of silverware and fine china, he probably won't want to enter the lady's bedroom.

"There are also a lot of valuable things here." Yeda summoned the courage to persuade. "Those cutlery are all sterling silver. They are very valuable. You can take them all. I won't tell anyone."

"I'm not here to rob, I just want to know some things." The intruder said, "Answer my questions well, no one will be hurt. Otherwise..." He paused and asked the previous question again. . "Is that room Countess Teresa's bedroom?"

Hope what he said is true. Yeda nodded lightly, "Well, it's Madam's bedroom."

"What did you send in?"

"Potion." Yeda had the urge to cry. She took a deep breath and held it back.

"Is she sick? Why is she drinking so late?"

"Madam..." Is Madam sick? Yeda didn't know how to answer. Although the lady wakes up every day with a radiant face, but if you don't drink the potion...

"Only after drinking the potion at this time, Madam will be in good spirits tomorrow." Yeda said another way.

"Are those potions bought or made?" the interloper asked one after another.


"Who did it?"

"The man who lives in the cellar."


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