Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 386: Live talk show commentary

"Seriously, compared to every highly-anticipated battle of the spotlight, I actually prefer this kind of random fight with a group of guys in front of me. Do you know the reason for this?" The resounding voice came out again. voice asked.

"The answer is very simple, as long as you are good at observing, you will find many interesting creatures from these gladiators off the field." The voice gave the answer directly, "Yes, it is undeniable that they are small, weak and pathetic, but None of that stops them from being interesting. Like, um…”

The voice pulled a long tone, as if looking at the gladiators in the arena, "It's like the pile of moving chunks of meat standing in the center of the arena, you may not know that although that guy also has limbs and a head, but It can't be called a living thing. Because it's alchemy, a flesh golem, a flesh golem that has lost its owner."

"As we all know, those self-righteous mages on the main material plane have already eliminated this old golem manufacturing process a long time ago, so we have reason to think that it was born before the resurgence of the seventh era, that is, the well-known , some ancient time before the establishment of the untrustworthy magic empire." The voice said.

"We originally found this guy in a river of blood on the first floor, when it was like a normal, mindless, shrinking little sarcoid, drifting aimlessly along the river of blood. Some made blood coins When the devil was salvaging the blood clot, he also brought it up by the way. But as soon as this guy came ashore, he turned into a blood-red ooze monster and devoured three devils directly. Then it gradually began to condense into a human form. , and used the 'ancient common language' to say some 'waiting for orders', 'looking for the trace of the master' and other rambling words."

"The guards at the Mint eventually overpowered this guy, but the guards didn't choose to kill him outright because it didn't do any good. They chose to sell this thing to us, you know, what is the Arena of Diss like? All weird things are accepted, as long as it can move and know how to kill, that's enough. It just so happens that 'Xiaohong' can satisfy both of these points."

"Oh, 'Xiaohong' is the name of this flesh-and-blood puppet. I gave it to it when it first participated in the brawl." The voice said triumphantly, "It even has a high IQ, the most At least it's not too different from a goblin, basic communication is definitely not a problem, and it also knows how to make a wise choice between 'fight' and 'destruction'."

"And the humanoid that Xiaohong is fighting with now is called 'Barritt', and he is also an interesting guy." The voice continued to introduce, "He is now a prisoner in 'Mantili', and hope to get his freedom through the arena. As long as he manages to win ten victories here, then with the rules of the arena laid down by our great lord 'Dismart', he will be free to leave that terrible Prison. You must know that we are different from the mages of the magic empire. As long as it is the contract and rules set, we will definitely implement it."

After the voice followed the audience and cursed the Magic Empire for a while, he continued, "Don't look at Barrett looking like a stout orc, but he's a complete human, at least that's what he said. However, I have reservations about this myself, because my mother used to say to me, 'You're such a lovely little angel.' But the truth is, I have wings, but I'm really far away from those celestial beings. So, you see, sometimes your parents do hide things from you." The voice said with a smile.

"Sorry, the above is actually made up by me, because we purgatory creatures do not rely on both sexes for reproduction. Although the **** lying on my bed, as long as I give her enough benefits, she will do it for me. Give birth to offspring. But why bother? What good can offspring bring me? At best, it is a weak ally, and it will not be useful until he grows strong enough. If you are unlucky, it may be One more potentially dangerous enemy."

"Of course, in a sense, our birth method is actually somewhat similar to bisexual reproduction. The Material Plane can actually be called our father, and Baator is our mother. The Material Plane Put pools of sticky pools... I mean souls, put them into the body of the Nine Hells, and then we purgatory creatures are born from the Nine Hells one by one, and then advance from one form to another A form that slowly becomes stronger."

"It's a bit off topic, let's...hey, did you see that, our Barrett gladiator just made a special gesture towards the sky, if I remember correctly, this gesture is in the prime material world belt There's something insulting about it. The gesture should mean 'fuck you', or, 'fuck you' or something, since creatures on that plane like to talk about sexual reproduction anyway. "

"Haha, this is really funny!" The voice Did he think my previous words offended him? Or, does he really want something to happen to me? Sorry, although I know a lot about most things about the material world, it's really hard for me to tell which of the two situations he's trying to express. Because, in that plane, there are occasional close contacts between the same **** that are not too different from the two sexes. I have not tried it before. If he really thinks about me just by his voice, I am It does not matter. "

"Oh, we saw that Barrett and Xiaohong separated and went to find another target. It seems that he judged that he could not directly kill Xiaohong with the axe in his hand. I have to say, this is the right choice, flesh and blood puppet While its attack isn't outstanding -- of course, that's why it's been eliminated by all kinds of new construct golems -- but its recovery is pretty good."

"Like colloid creatures, it is very difficult for you to destroy the flesh-and-blood puppet through ordinary physical attacks. Although we don't know what method Barrett used, he actually used the rusty axe in his hand to beat Xiaohong constantly. Disintegrating, shattering, escaping, but Xiaohong can still recover his damaged body by constantly swallowing other pieces of meat. And there is no shortage of corpses on the field now."

"There are still 5 guys left. Except for the half-elf who left and got the first kill with a bow and arrow at the beginning of the game, these 5 guys are now competing for the remaining two appearances."

"And at this time there is still time before the start of our focus battle..." The voice paused for a while, and then continued, "There is still one and a half minutes left, I hope these five guys on the field can speed up the killing speed, otherwise , our two gladiators in cages, get involved."


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