Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 414: New skills 1 and 2

Barrett followed the Pleasure Demon's advice.

No, it's not the one related to 'happiness', but he decided not to use these souls to redeem his 'limited freedom', but to stay in the prison and fight the remaining four fights. After the total number of wins reaches ten, then use the rules of the arena to leave Mantiri for free.

The devils made such rules naturally not out of good intentions, but they better understand what people think.

The pure despair that brings lifelessness to people has never been the way of the devils. In fact, they prefer to give a little light and a little hope to those who are in the deep darkness, and use this light and hope to guide people in difficult situations. forward. When those people burst out to their full potential and grasped the light in their palms with ecstasy and ecstasy, they found that it was just a boiling, rolling fire of the Nine Hells...

Barrett didn't know whether his choice was right or not, and he didn't know whether the decision he made was influenced by the Pleasure Demon, "Alas, if the soul merchant is still here, maybe give me some pertinent advice. ." He leaned against the wall and sighed, missing his good cellmate who was covered in bandages.

It seems that he heard his sigh, and the big hamster 'meat ball' squeezed out of the mouth of the 'roommate'.

But because the movement was too forceful, the meat ball lost its balance and fell from the corpse of bones, bouncing, colliding, and rolling all the way down. After falling to the ground, the guy crawled towards the wall opposite Barrit again in a daze. He didn't realize that the direction was wrong until halfway through the climb, and turned a big arc and slipped to Barbarian's feet.

"Hungry? Didn't you just eat?" Barrett picked up the meat ball from the ground and teased it in his hand.

Although he didn't bring back fresh flesh and blood from the arena this time (he forgot at the time and only cared about the thousand souls), Barrett divided some of his rations for the little guy as usual, so as not to It was always inside the skull of his roommate, staring pitifully at himself.

"I'm not hungry," Meatball replied in a tender voice, "but you can eat what you have." It lay on all fours in Barrit's palm, letting the barbarian fondle his stomach.

"Don't force it!" Barrett said, "Besides, there's nothing extra for you to eat here." After he finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, and handed the meat ball in front of him, "By the way, you Can you live by eating soil?"

Meatball shook his head seriously.

"And what about the rocks or the leaves?" Barrett asked again reluctantly.

The little guy's serious expression became sad and aggrieved.

"Can it only be meat?" Barrett threw the meat ball high and caught it again, "You golem is quite picky eater."

"The clay golem can eat rocks." Meatball looked at its owner from head to toe, "but Joey can't."

"Don't worry, I'm just talking casually." Barrett put the meat ball on his shoulder, and took out the amber crystal prism from his arms.

"Hey, master, what is this?" Meatball asked.

"...Soul," Barrett replied softly.

Except for the soul prism in front of him, the other 999 are still in the hands of the Pleasure Demon. At that time, the Pleasure Demon named 'Octavier' told Baritt that it was not very good to hide so many souls in the cell, but she could keep it for the time being, and when the barbarian needed it again, she could Pick it up anytime.

After a brief thought at the time, Barrett nodded in agreement.

As for how much of this decision is his own thoughts, and how much is the guidance and temptation of the Pleasure Demon, no one can tell the difference, and there is no need to distinguish carefully. After all, the situation that the Pleasure Demon said is also the same fact.

When the space ring "Song of Saran" is obtained, it will not be too late to get those souls back, Barrit thought so.

He now knows the addresses of the three devils who "stealed" his equipment. As long as he wins the seventh gladiatorial fight, he can get one day's temporary freedom, leave Mantiri, and go to find the three devils. "Go back to your own equipment.

"Soul?" After hearing this word, the meat ball quickly climbed down Barrett's arm. He lay on the crystal prism with his two front paws, staring curiously at the things inside the prism.

And the woman in the prism curled up, buried her head in her knees, didn't cry, didn't shout, just sat quietly and motionless.

"Ah! Is this the soul? Soul, soul..." The flesh and blood golem murmured repeatedly in a tender voice, and its two small pure black eyes were firmly attracted to the prism.

'Pop' Barrett flicked Meatball's head with his other hand, "Hey, what's the matter?" he asked suspiciously, "Are you also craving this kind of thing like a devil?"

"Yes, yes master!" Meatball covered his head with his claws and nodded repeatedly, "The previous master once said to Joey, 'It would be great if you had a soul Ah!'" It imitated the tone of an unfamiliar male.

After learning, Meatball returned to his tender voice, "Can you give this soul to Joey? My good master." It asked with wide eyes, "This way Joey also has a soul!!"

"No, you misunderstood, I guarantee that what your former master said is definitely not what you meant!" Barret snatched the Soul Prism from the meatball's claws, but after thinking about it, he added it again. This thing was stuffed back to the little guy, "Forget it, it's not safe to put on me, maybe it will fall off accidentally during a fight."

"You keep this soul for me first." The barbarian said to the meat ball solemnly, "but it is definitely not for you, you have to remember this!"

"Mmm, um, I see, Master." Meatball held the Soul Prism in his mouth, happily crawled back into his roommate's head, and hid inside, giggling endlessly.

"Oh, boring!" Barrett sighed again in his heart.

No wonder every time he came back from the gladiatorial fight, he saw the soul merchant sleeping. There was really nothing else to do in this place, and the only remaining mysterious cellmate was never willing to speak.

Barrett lay on the smelly straw, ready to take a nap. But he couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning for a long time, so he simply called out the [Mission Log] and looked at the two newly acquired skills again.

[Proficient: Golem Buster]

This is the skill that Barrett acquired after winning his third gladiatorial victory.

[Golem Buster: Your attack will cause more serious damage to golem-type enemies, and there is a certain chance that the inner magic circle will be disrupted for a short time.

Skill effect: The damage is increased by 100%, and it carries the magic circle disorder feature. Magic Array Chaos: Attacks have a 20% chance to stop golem enemies from moving for 1~3 seconds. 】

[Note: Killing with my sister in my arms, dismantling Gundam with bare hands...]

For Barrett, this is really not a good skill. He has encountered many kinds of enemies, but the golems have never encountered a second one other than the meat ball. And in the foreseeable future, he will not have many enemies with golems, which means that the effect of the skill [Golem Buster] is almost equal to zero.

It would be great if it was changed to [Devil's Nemesis], at least it might be used at this stage. And if it is [Human Nemesis], it is really too bad, and Barrett does not dare to hope. But even [Goblin Buster] is not bad, at least it has a chance to play a role.

There is only one skill that can be obtained through the achievement of [Arena Master]. When Barrett saw this skill, he habitually clicked it, but he regretted it immediately after clicking it.

What a waste of a skill It's better to strengthen those original skills, he sighed inwardly. I only want to fight against those war machines when I have a sick mind. Isn't this courting death?

However, another newly acquired skill is really good, and can even be called quite powerful.

[Crisis Instinct: Passive. Your body has been honed by thousands of battles, with countless wounds, big and small. So when the blade reaches the body, every cell in your body already knows how to avoid and dodge to make the wound lighter. They do the same even if you don't control it.

Effect: All injuries will be reduced by one order of magnitude, serious injuries will become medium, medium injuries will become common, common injuries will become minor, minor injuries will be saved directly, and so on. This effect triggers every 5 seconds, and the fatal damage is invalid. 】

[Note: I want to give you a golden bell, an iron cloth shirt...]

Barrett is quite satisfied with this skill, and it is foreseeable that it will take effect many times in future battles and shine. Although there are some battles that are fought quickly, the knife will be fired multiple times in one second, or be besieged by many people, making the interval of 5 seconds a little long, but such battles are only a few after all.

In most cases, a 5-second interval can be easily handled. Moreover, literally, it seems that the injuries caused by magic are also included in the skills.

If you put on other equipment, coupled with a rather sophisticated leather armor protection, then Barrett even thinks he can be called 'invincible'!


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