Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 487: save

The father died and was swallowed into the body by the huge monster. 'Faith' leaned against the edge of the window in a daze, unable to believe the tragic scene in front of him.

In the heart of this young wolf, his father was invincible and the most powerful warrior in the village. He can easily catch those delicious but shrewd rabbits, and he can drive away the gnolls and goblins that roam the prairie.

Two years ago, a terrifying manticore flew from the grassland. The big lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail built a nest in a gravel pile not too far from the village. He liked it on weekdays. Hunted around the village and killed many villagers. Even Faith's best playmate, 'Toby', was captured by the manticore by jumping down from the sky in broad daylight.

The village's hunting team has gone to the gravel piles to hunt the monster many times, but the opponent is very cunning. Once they find that there are many people, they will spread their wings and fly away. After the hunting team leaves, they will fly back secretly.

In the end, the father chose to go to the nest alone. Faith and his mother worried at home for three days. The mother prayed to the ancestors every night for the safe return of the father. On the evening of the fourth day, when the sun was about to set, my father finally dragged the corpse of the terrifying monster, carried the setting sun on his back, and slowly walked back to the village from a distance.

That night was the happiest moment of Faith's life, the whole village was laughing and everyone was praising his father's feat. The elders of the village also put a fifth 'carved wolf tooth' around his father's neck. Feith knew that these wolf teeth were leftovers from his ancestors. Infiltrated by the breath of ancestors, it has become more powerful.

In the whole village, only his father can control the five wolf fangs while still maintaining a completely clear sense of reason. Fith has always been proud of this, and regards this man as an invincible existence.

"Father, father, have you never been fearless, and nothing can beat you?" The excited Feith asked at the time.

"No, every life should be in awe, and I'm no exception." Father replied, "The most awe-inspiring thing in this world is nature itself. No matter how powerful a warrior is, they can't withstand thunder, rainstorm, and gust of wind. , and the quagmire."

Now, this mighty warrior seems to be stuck in a quagmire, disappearing forever into the monster's body. Moreover, while the monster slaughtered the villagers frantically, it kept howling and roaring in his father's voice, as if he was doing it himself, which was even more unacceptable to Feith.

Why, why are these plant-like monsters attacking us? The boy's body trembled uncontrollably. What are we doing wrong? His heart was full of confusion, but no one was destined to tell him the answer.

Large and small monsters are running around in the village, and the number is increasing. Although the clansmen in the village were still desperately resisting, their resistance became weaker and weaker with time. Even the elder, who usually stumbled on walking, transformed into and participated in the battle.

The elder transformed into a huge Warg that was not much smaller than the monster. The Warg had a long string of wolf teeth hanging on his chest, each of which was faintly flickering.

The warg stared at scarlet eyes, and used frantic bites and pounces to continuously destroy the incoming enemies.

However, the enemy's pine needles shot towards the Warg one by one, breaking up the clansmen. The elder, who was the spiritual pillar, was also entangled by two bloated vines, unable to move at all.

The monster that killed his father then rushed over, pressing the worg's head **** the ground and roaring in his father's voice, "Death, you cursed beings!"

The monster slapped the Warg's head with the log in its hand, and when the Warg was dying, it wrapped around the long knife that his father had dropped, and stabbed it into the Warg's eye socket.

The sound of the door downstairs being slammed open woke our wolf cub out of dazed fear, and then he heard a staggering sound of climbing the stairs. Although the speed of the voice was very slow, it was persistently approaching his room. Faith turned around, staring at the closed door at a loss, his mind went blank.

The unknown creature came out of the door and fell down with a "pop", without making a sound for a long time.

Our little wolf, who had never even killed a chicken, slowly gathered up the last bit of courage in his heart and walked towards the door slowly. He cautiously pushed the door open a little, and looked out with his hands on the crack, and found that lying outside was a werewolf covered in blood.

That is his own mother! Fith slammed open the door, threw himself on the werewolf on the ground, and cried out in grief.

In the memory of this young wolf, the mother and father have very different attitudes towards transformation. The mother always maintains the appearance of a human and rarely transforms into a werewolf. Faith had only seen her mother pray in werewolf form during the days when her father went hunting manticores, but never again.

Now all the adults in the village, men and women, have joined the fight, and the mother is not spared. Although the mother does not like this half-human, half-beast appearance, it is undeniable that this form can provide stronger fighting power.

The dying mother was awakened by Fez's cry. She reached out her hand tremblingly and gently stroked the young wolf's cheek, "Run, my child, and leave the village while those monsters are attracted by the battle!"

The mother's tone was weak and urgent, "Go to the elves, only they can provide you with shelter."


Faith obeyed his mother's orders and managed to escape from the village with his tiny stature, and ran lifelessly on this vast expanse of grassland.

There are many unpredictable dangers hidden under the beautiful grassland, but the most terrifying is the helplessness and despair of losing home and relatives. In a certain patch of grass, and then passed the whole day without moving like this.

The exhaustion of the body eased the sadness of the soul, "I can't die like this, I can't!" The sore young wolf couldn't help saying to himself. At this time, there was only one purpose left in his heart, which was to reach the territory of the elves, begging those elves to destroy the monsters in the village and avenge his parents and clansmen.

Mother had taken Fith to the vicinity of the forest of the elves before. Although they did not enter the forest in the end, they only looked at it from afar, but the towering ancient tree above the forest was still there. The young wolf left a deep impression on his heart.

He vaguely remembered the general direction of the Elf Forest, but he couldn't quite remember the exact location. But this is enough, as long as you run in the direction, the towering ancient tree will eventually appear in the field of vision.

Berries, insects, voles, tubers, Fez feeds everything he can find on the steppe. With some hunting skills taught by his father, he can barely guarantee that he will not starve to death on this food-rich grassland.

Aside from finding food and resting, Fez spends the rest of his time on the road. He has encountered goblins who screeched and chased him frantically, and also encountered large lynx that appeared silently in front of him but did not attack.

But in any case, this young wolf, who had gone through all kinds of difficulties, with its own racial advantage and a little luck, finally managed to survive, and saw the tall ancient tree in the distance that was almost soaring into the sky. Tree.

But just as he happily ran towards the ancient tree, a huge eagle in the sky rushed towards him at a high speed. Instead of attacking him with its claws, the falcon fell to the ground and turned into a humanoid creature wearing a hood with eagle feathers.

"What's wrong? Little Wolf, can't you find the way home?" The hooded man asked him in a relaxed tone.

Feith couldn't see the face under the hood, "Are you an elf?"

"Guess what." The other party smiled, and instead of answering directly, he asked back, "Do you have anything to do with the elves?"

"I want to enter that forest."

"Oh? The Holy Land of Spirits is not something that anyone can but I happen to have the right to take you in. But there is a precondition. You have to tell me what to do after entering."

"I'm going there..." Feith just wanted to tell the other party his purpose, but suddenly stopped. For some reason, he is extremely uneasy right now, but he doesn't know where this uneasy comes from.

Is it because of this person in front of me? The wolf cub hesitated, was it because of the pair of sharp eagle eyes on the opponent's hood, or the darkness hidden under the hood?

"What's the matter, little wolf, why don't you speak?" The man in the hood raised his hand gently, the surrounding plants became a little weird for a moment, and the unease in Feith's heart became deeper and deeper.

But just when he didn't know what to do, the hooded man in front of him suddenly stopped what he was doing and turned his head to look in the other direction.

He also looked in that direction subconsciously, and saw several horses running towards here from a distance. One of the mounts was wrapped in thick black smoke and flames, and on its back sat a tall and sturdy human being.


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