Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 494: Reforged Iron Bride (Part 1)

As night came, one after another curved vine-like plants emerged from the dirt on the side of the road. These plants spread out many small, sinuous branches on both sides, each with a round pearl-like fruit at the top.

The fruit emits a soft and dense light, which makes the city of elves look like a dream.

There are similar fluorescent plants in the foggy forest, but the light emitted is not as bright as that of the elf holy land. Barrett stretched out his hand and carefully touched a round fruit that was closest to him, thinking about whether these fruits would continue to glow if they were picked.

After another quarter of an hour, Barret finally saw the little mage come out of the magnificent palace at the end of the road. The little mage was also followed by a few elf guards wearing gold-green armor. The guy nodded politely to the guards, then smiled and waved his hand, as if rejecting something, and then went to the location of the rainbow eucalyptus tree alone. floated over.

If it was before, Barret would definitely not care about the complicated task of the little mage at all, but after the words of the rabbit just now, he was a little curious about the result of this negotiation.

"Did the talks go well?" he asked his companion.

"It's more than smooth. Compared with the previous few times, it can even be called a historic breakthrough." The little mage sat next to Barrett, looking very good, "If I try harder, Maybe it will make a big news. If it is really successful, I will get a lot of points, maybe the association will be happy and give me a ready-made magic tower directly!"

"I don't want the magic tower, because I want to make it myself, but I won't refuse the materials used for the construction. In the early stage, just add some according to the number of the two magic towers, and then talk about it later. "

"It seems that the situation is better than I thought." Barrett thought of the lop-eared rabbit who took the initiative to talk to him. Maybe there are a few people like her/him in that palace.

"Much better!" The little mage's words confirmed Manzi's guess. "I originally thought I would fight alone and face the one-sided condemnation and condemnation of many elves, but I didn't expect it to end in a rather fierce debate." He danced He said, "There are several real-power figures in the elf royal family whose attitude is very ambiguous. Although they did not express their support clearly, they also helped me to say a few good words when others spoke out against it."

"Of course, the most important thing is to rely on myself." The little mage said complacently, "It's a pity that you didn't go in. I didn't see the scene of me standing in the discussion hall 'fighting with Confucian scholars'."

"The scene of the tongue fight? Sorry, I didn't quite understand it." Barrett asked in surprise. Tongue battle? Do you "fight" with your tongue in front of a bunch of people in the hall? Should be unlikely.

"No, it's nothing, don't worry about it." The little mage patted the barbarian inexplicably. "If you really understand, it will be my turn to be surprised. But then again, something unexpected happened at that time."

Chris frowned while stroking his chin with a little fluff, "There are also some elves who have a strange attitude. They neither support nor oppose this issue. This opportunity has repeatedly urged the 'Queen of Valencor' to make up his mind."

"What's your decision?"

"Ha, you would never have thought..." The little mage said mysteriously, "It's actually the determination to fight! Not with us, nor with any other race on the land, but with the 'sea of ​​rising sun' The Naga on top go to war."

"Why go to war with them?" Barrett asked. "Every war happens for some reason." No matter how cruel or comical the reason may be.

"Do you know the 'Kim Bay' in the east of the Holy Land Forest?" Kris reached out from the top of the vine-like plant and picked a round fruit the size of an apple.

Barrett watched the glowing round fruit gradually dim in the hands of the little mage, "'Kam Bay'? I've never heard of it. I'm not very familiar with the landforms on the east side of the mainland."

"It's normal not to know. Because of the elves' escape, there are almost no ships in that area." As the little mage said, he wanted to put the fruit in his hand back on the branches of the vines.

After several unsuccessful attempts, he glanced left and right, and while no one was paying attention, he instantly bent down and tucked the non-glowing round fruit under the bench, then straightened up and acted as if he did everything Did not happen.

"'Kaim' means 'sleeping' in Elvish, so you could call it 'sleeping bay'," Kress said. The medium-sized islands were originally within the scope of the elf holy land. I don’t mean that they are surrounded by holy forests, but that they are part of the elven territory just like the vast sea grassland we passed by.”

"Are those places important?"

"It can't be called how important. There is nothing of value in that area. There is only an unknown island that is rich in pearls, but that's all. The elves don't have troops stationed near Sleeping Bay. Some scattered fishermen were fishing for pearls near the island. Then, the Naga in the sea came. God knows why they don't stay in the vast ocean, but always like to run on land from time to time, which is really confusing Is life on land so attractive to them?"

The little mage stretched his waist and continued, "In short, a few years ago, I don't know the specific time that the group of Nagas suddenly occupied the sleeping bay and the small islands and land around the bay for some unknown purpose."

"Shouldn't this kind of thing directly send troops to recover the lost land?"

"It's not that simple." The little mage shook his head, "Even if this kind of thing happened in our human kingdom, it would still be a long time. To give a simple example, there is an environment in a certain territory of the Griffin Kingdom. Bad swamp. Ogres, gnolls, and countless goblins live there. These ugly creatures don't harass the human villages outside the swamp, and no one dies at their hands. Then you as lord, Will you send troops to destroy them?"

"Maybe, if I'm strong enough," Barrett replied.

"No matter how strong you are, people will die, and it is very likely that a large number of people will die." The little mage said, "Compared to the elves, that group of Nagas is also in the same situation. The 'Queen Valenkor' hesitated, is it Are you really fighting the guys in the sea for those less important places? The key is to know the exact number of the Naga who invaded the sleeping bay."

"No matter how strong the elves in 'Los Rollins' are, they cannot be said to win this war. After all, the battle will take place near the bay and the island, which is very unfavorable for the elves. If you are caught in the quagmire of war and cannot escape, then the subsequent situation may get worse."

This is really Barrett nodded in agreement. It was not a battle of one man, nor a battle of a team, but between one race and another.

"And according to my observation in the hall, things are far more than that." The little mage said in a low voice, "Although the 'Queen Valenkel' is older than my grandmother's grandmother, for the elves, She is very young, and she can't suppress the different voices of various factions in the Holy Land. There are several factions of the elf druids, not to mention other occupations and sacrifices in the temple."

"If you want me to tell me, it's better for us outsiders not to talk about this in other people's territory, it's not good." Barrett gestured to the little mage with his eyes.

Elf Druid is a master of manipulating plants. The shade above his head can automatically open and close with his movements, not to mention other plants. Maybe the rainbow eucalyptus behind him has recorded all their conversations. .

"Yes, you are right, let's not talk about this, let's repair your saber." The little mage stood up, "The elves have agreed to use the altar of the moon, and will send several excellent craftsmen to help us throughout the process. However, they are not sure whether it will be successful. According to the elves, it depends on the 'Iron Bride'."


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