"Let's go! Let's go quickly! If we don't go, we will die here!"

Wu Xin looked crazy and struggled to free himself from Zhang Yi's hand. His face was distorted and he was no longer human, and his eyes were full of sharp panic.

"Wu Xin! Calm down first. Even if there is a demon here, I can protect you!"

Zhang Yi frowned and looked at the crazy Wu Xin. He never imagined that the young monk who had already been deeply involved in Buddhism would end up in this situation.

"No! We are no match for him, run! Leave this ominous place quickly."

Wu Xin kept shaking his head, his eyes filled with fear.

"Just calm down first."

Zhang Yi knocked Wu Xin unconscious and continued to let him go. Who knows what will happen?

When Wu Xin fell into a coma, the world returned to peace, but Zhang Yi was in trouble when he saw Wu Xin, and for a moment he didn't know where to start.

"Witch, you are a powerful demon. You are good at this. How can you help Wu Xin regain his mind?"

Zhang Yi posed the question to Ren Qianchou. He was really not good at magic.

"It is actually very simple to help him recover, but his strength will also be affected, and it may even affect his Taoist heart. This is not worth the gain."

"The real difficulty is how to help him understand the dual paths of the devil and the Buddha, and use the magic power for his own use, so that he can become a devil and a Buddha!"

Ren Qianchou can indeed dispel the demonic energy in Wu Xin's body, but this is obviously not the best way.

"The best way is to completely control the demonic path by himself. In this way, he will become the first demonic Buddha in the ancient domain, and his future achievements will be limitless!"

Ren Qianchou pondered for a moment and said with an extremely serious face.

"But in his current situation, it is simply impossible for him to understand the magic way!"

Zhang Yi shook his head and felt a blue pain in his head, which definitely gave him some problems.

"Master, actually the situation is not as bad as you think. At least he chose this path, and it is already a miracle that he is not dead yet."

Ren Qianchou knew that it was extremely difficult to practice two incompatible paths at the same time. To be honest...she felt that it was not easy for Wu Xin to survive until now.

"It's just that the Buddhist path in his body has been completely suppressed now, and he can't face the demonic path directly. This has caused such a situation."

Ren Qianchou saw Wu Xin's situation very clearly and slowly analyzed it to Zhang Yi.

"If Master can help him realize the two paths of demons and Buddhas, he will definitely get a lot of help in the future. The power of Buddhism is particularly terrifying..."

In fact, Ren Qianchou asked Zhang Yi to take action because he wanted to pave the way for Zhang Yi's future.

After all, now that the Great Dao List has appeared, will it be too late for the Road to Immortality to appear? It’s definitely a good idea to prepare in advance.

"Not to mention these, how to awaken the Buddha nature in his body? Or how to suppress his demonic nature?"

Zhang Yi finally understood the key to the problem, glanced at the unconscious Wu Xin, rubbed his temples and said.

He didn't think that much about Ren Qianchou. He always only wanted to have a clear conscience when doing things.

"None of us are proficient in Buddhism, so we might as well find a way to suppress his demonic nature first."

Ren Qianchou thought for a moment and realized that it was too difficult for her to awaken the Buddha nature in her enlightened mind, but she was an expert at suppressing the demonic nature.

"Use the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Technique?"

Zhang Yi understood Ren Qianchou's thoughts almost instantly and asked tentatively subconsciously.

"Yeah, but we need to work together to suppress it. The demonic nature in his body is too deep now, and we can't completely remove it from his body."

Ren Qianchou nodded. Sure enough, nothing could be hidden from Zhang Yi's eyes.

"It just needs to be suppressed, right? Okay... let's get started!"

Zhang Yi nodded. As long as there is a way to solve it, it would be fine. What I'm afraid of is that I don't have a clue.

Next, Zhang Yi and Ren Qianchou were seen surrounding the unconscious Wu Xin. The two of them simultaneously used the Heaven Swallowing Magic. A golden cave of nothingness appeared behind them, as if they could swallow everything around them.

I saw a steady stream of black demonic energy flowing around Wu Xin's body. Under the control of the Sky Swallowing Divine Art, Zhang Yi and Ren Qianchou worked together to suppress the demonic energy in the deepest part of Wu Xin's body.

When the two stopped operating the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Art, Wu Xin also woke up from his coma. However, he seemed to have no influence on Cai Cai's affairs. Looking at Zhang Yi and others in front of them, their faces were confused, "Supreme Lord? How did I meet him?" To yours?”

"Did you save me?"

Wu Xin only felt that his brain went blank. He shook his head vigorously, trying to recall the lost memories, but in the end he found nothing.

"What did you encounter in the Great Dao Palace?"

Zhang Yi had seen Wu Xin outside before. He looked very normal at that time, so he concluded that the accident happened in the Daodao Palace.

"I wanted to follow the path of Ksitigarbha Buddha and practice the two paths of Buddhism and Demon. I happened to encounter the path of the devil in the Dao Dao Hall. Unexpectedly, it stimulated the demonic nature in my body. If I hadn't met you, I would have gone crazy. Thank you very much. Everyone."

Wu Xin had a look of recollection on his face. He still remembered the previous things very clearly, but he just couldn't remember what happened after he became possessed.

"Ksitigarbha Buddha? The Ksitigarbha Buddha who vows not to become a Buddha until hell is empty?"

Zhang Yi was confused. This was the first time he heard about Ksitigarbha Buddha in this world. He was eager to know that Wu Xin was talking about the Ksitigarbha Buddha in his imagination.

Everyone else looked confused when they met again. Apparently they didn't know the existence of Ksitigarbha Buddha, and they didn't know why Zhang Yi was so excited.

"Huh? The Supreme Lord knows about the existence of Ksitigarbha Buddha? This is an extremely secret existence in our Buddhist sect. Many Buddhist masters don't know about it. How does the Supreme Lord know about it?"

Wu Xin also had a look of surprise on his face, obviously he didn't expect Zhang Yi to know about the existence of Ksitigarbha Buddha, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

It was just a casual comment at first, but Zhang Yi didn't expect that Zhang Yi actually knew about Ksitigarbha Buddha.

Hearing this, Zhang Yi's mind sank, and thunder exploded in his mind. He knew that the Ksitigarbha Buddha mentioned by Wu Xin was the one he imagined.

Recalling that the first Confucian sage was most likely Lao Tzu riding a green ox, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, "What is the connection between the two worlds? The characters that existed in the ancient myths of my world, How could it appear in this world?"

Zhang Yi previously thought that the two worlds had no connection, but the appearance of these two people made him break this idea. "If there is a connection, will I still have a chance to return to the previous world?"

Zhang Yi fell into deep thought, and his mind became extremely active. He found that this world was much more complicated than he imagined.

"Supreme Lord?!"

Wu Xin saw something was wrong with Zhang Yi's expression, with a look of concern on his face, and cautiously warned him.

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