Opening confession to the beautiful master

Chapter 473: The Ancient Supreme Dao

"Get lost!"

But when Zhang Yi stepped onto the Supreme Avenue, a thunderous roar sounded in his ears, trying to drive him away from the Supreme Avenue.

The source of the sound was the Supreme figure that was straddling the Supreme Avenue. At the same time, the Supreme Breath that burst out from his body made it difficult for Zhang Yi to move forward, as if he had suffered an unprecedented blow.

So, Zhang Yi's footsteps stopped at the first step on the Supreme Avenue, and he could no longer move forward.

"You want me to stop here just by relying on a figure? Don't even think about it!"

Zhang Yi raised his head, looked directly at the illusory eyes of the Supreme figure with a tenacious gaze, raised his foot again, and took a step forward.

Just this one step, but it seemed to have exhausted all his strength. The vast Supreme pressure continued to crush his body. When he took a step, his body had actually come to the center of the Supreme Avenue.

With one step, he could reach the middle of the Supreme Avenue, but this also cost Zhang Yi a heavy price. He was seen panting with a weak breath, his eyes were full of fatigue, but there seemed to be a thousand-foot light shining in his eyes, comparable to the stars.

At this time, Zhang Yi's body was just above the navel of the Supreme figure, and the vast pressure of the Supreme made Zhang Yi almost breathless.

"Very good, you have walked half of the Supreme Avenue in one step. Among the Supremes of all generations, you are also a brilliant existence."

"But... it's not that easy to walk the Supreme Avenue."

The hollow but desolate voice of the Supreme figure resounded in the void again, as if to shock Zhang Yi to faint.

And just as his voice fell, while the endless Supreme breath burst out, there were also waves of ancient breath sweeping towards Zhang Yi, which also caused a huge impact on him, and his body almost became unstable and fell directly.

Fortunately, the ancient supreme bone in Zhang Yi's body vibrated in time, emitting a ray of light to counter it, which allowed Zhang Yi to barely stand up.

But this ray of light was like an ant trying to shake a tree in front of such a huge breath of the ancient supreme.

"Does this supreme figure have his own consciousness? Is he protecting the supreme avenue?"

Zhang Yi was extremely shocked. He thought that the supreme figure had no consciousness before, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"You are not going to take the supreme path, but the ancient supreme path. The first ancient supreme in the world, whether you can realize the way depends on your own luck!"

"I am the guardian of the supreme avenue. Let me see if you have the ability to master this ancient supreme avenue from ancient times to the present!"

The supreme figure raised his head and looked directly at Zhang Yi with blurred eyes, as if he wanted to see through his soul, with supreme deterrence.

But with the vibration of the destiny map in Zhang Yi's body, the supreme figure finally retracted his gaze, and even uttered a light exclamation.

"So... I'm going to walk the ancient supreme road, not a simple supreme road."

Zhang Yi was shocked, thinking of the fact that he had merged with the ancient holy body before, which caused his supreme bone to become the ancient supreme bone. This seemed normal.

"Ancient supreme road? It's just a road, just walk it and it's done!"

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, a gleam of brilliance burst out of his eyes, dragging his tired body to perform the Three Pure Ones Holy Method, and at the same time, three identical figures appeared beside Zhang Yi.

"There are three thousand roads in the world, and I step on them all in one step!"

At this moment, Yue Yao's figure appeared in Zhang Yi's mind, and the scenes of life were replayed like a revolving lantern. At the same time, the three figures beside him stepped forward with him at this moment.

But when they raised their legs at the same time, the three figures were successively annihilated by the vast and terrifying breath of the ancient supreme, and there was no time to react at all.

All the pressure instantly gathered on Zhang Yi, his body gradually bent, and the legs that had just been raised were instantly retracted. He could only use his hands to barely support the ground to maintain stability.

"Not enough! Not enough! What is the Supreme? You are not worthy of being called the Supreme!"

The impatient voice of the Supreme figure echoed in Zhang Yi's ears again, and with the overwhelming breath of the Ancient Supreme, the huge pressure seemed to crush Zhang Yi's body.

Zhang Yi's body began to tremble constantly, especially his arms that bore all the pressure, which shook violently, as if they would break at any time.

"What is the Supreme? I am the Supreme!"

Zhang Yi raised his head stubbornly. He has never been defeated since his debut. He has a Supreme heart. An extremely strong thought surged into his heart, and his heart beat even more violently. Accompanied by a tight rhythm, a golden light actually dispelled the breath of the Ancient Supreme that oppressed him.

Not sure if it was an illusion or something, Zhang Yi actually saw a relieved smile on the face of the blurred supreme figure.

"He was helping me to realize the truth just now, thank you very much!"

Regardless of whether it was an illusion or not, Zhang Yi knew that the other party's words just now were helping him, otherwise he would not be able to awaken his supreme heart, let alone blast away the terrifying ancient supreme breaths around him.


Zhang Yi looked at the endless ancient supreme road with his eyes piercing, and took a step without hesitation, and the road gradually became clear in his eyes.

This step actually allowed Zhang Yi to directly cross the body of the supreme figure, and his body even came to the neck of the ancient supreme in one step, only one step away from the final destination.

However, Zhang Yi was really tired at this time, his eyelids were fighting, and his consciousness gradually became blurred, as if he would faint at any time.

"No! I can't fall down. If I fall down now, all my efforts will be wasted!"

Zhang Yi forced himself to stay conscious and shook his head to keep himself awake. "What is the Supreme? I am the Supreme!"

Zhang Yi kept muttering to himself. His Supreme Heart became more and more crystal clear. This also made the ancient Supreme Bone in his body burst out with an unprecedented holy white light, which actually shook everything around him.

"Okay! This last step, the Supremes of all generations will help you jump through it together! Understand the ancient Supreme Dao, travel across the eight wildernesses, and sweep through the ages!"

The voice of the Supreme figure was full of relief, and even a hint of smile could be felt.

When his voice fell, his body gradually turned into light and shadow, and was gathering in front of Zhang Yi.

In front of Zhang Yi, there were nine Supreme figures. Although their facial features were blurred, they were all Supremes of all generations, and their existence resounded through the ages.

When these figures appeared, the road ahead of Zhang Yi was suddenly blocked by an ancient breath, and countless ancient holy bodies blocked the way ahead, as if to prevent Zhang Yi from mastering this ancient supreme way.

"This... this is?!"

Zhang Yi was stunned by the scene in front of him. He never thought that he would cause such a big commotion just by realizing the truth.

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