Opening confession to the beautiful master

Chapter 504 Captain of the Sky Guard

"Yao'er, how far has your strength reached now? Why do I still feel bottomless? Can you kill immortals?"

Yueyao's feeling for Zhang Yi has always been bottomless, even if he can fight the emperor now, this makes Zhang Yi a little curious.

"If there are enough avenue fragments, killing immortals shouldn't be a problem."

Yueyao thought for a moment and nodded extremely seriously.

"Yao'er, here are two thousand fragments of the avenue. Take it first. I heard that an immortal may come this time to deal with unexpected needs."

Zhang Yi took out two thousand avenue fragments without hesitation. He didn't want anything unexpected to happen to Yueyao in the ancient domain.

When the fragments of the avenue appeared, a breath of the avenue spread out, making people feel as if they were in the middle of the avenue, which was particularly refreshing.

"The reward from the Avenue Ranking? You can keep it for now. Even if I don't have the Avenue fragments, it would be impossible for an ordinary immortal to kill me."

Yueyao waved her hand and rejected these avenue fragments. These were the rewards that Zhang Yi worked hard for, so how could she have the nerve to take them?

But Zhang Yi was extremely domineering in this regard, forcing the fragments of the avenue to Yue Yao, "Yao'er, I have a lot of fragments of the avenue on my body. You take these first, can use them even more." "

Seeing that Yueyao still wanted to refuse, Zhang Yi couldn't help but joked: "If you still feel bad, just kiss me."


Yue Yao rolled her eyes and looked at Zhang Yi's heartless appearance. She also put away the fragments of the avenue, but looked at Zhang Yi with a somewhat complicated look.

She didn't know when she started to feel that Zhang Yi had more treasures than her. For a moment, she didn't know what Zhang Yi lacked, which made her even more unable to see through Zhang Yi.

"Yao'er, we have agreed that when I become the Great Emperor, you must reward me well."

As he spoke, Zhang Yi had a wicked smile on his handsome face.

"Practice well, I'll go back to Sanqing Sect to clean up Qinglian first!"

Yue Yao rolled her eyes at Zhang Yi, then her body turned into a ray of light and quickly disappeared in front of Zhang Yi. As expected, she came and went without a trace.

"You're leaving now? You're not going to stay with me any longer?"

Zhang Yiyi reluctantly looked at the direction Yueyao was leaving, shook his head and sighed.

"But I have to become a great emperor as soon as possible, otherwise it will be terrible if I can't ascend the Immortal Road."

"Rebuilding Baihua Valley will definitely not be a matter of time. The fastest way to break through now is to seize Ye Haoran's Bloody Double Eyes Avenue."

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi still set his sights on Ye Haoran. It was time for the grudge between him and Ye Haoran to come to an end.

The leeks have grown vigorously, and it’s time to harvest them.

But before that, we have to plan carefully and not give Ye Haoran another chance to escape.

After that, Zhang Yi went to the temple alone. He was also curious about what Gu Xinghe wanted to discuss with him.

"You came so soon? Didn't you catch up with Yue Yao more?"

Gu Xinghe didn't expect Zhang Yi to come so quickly, so he asked in surprise.

"She has already left. She said she was going to deal with Taoist Priest Qinglian. I wonder what the Holy Emperor wants from me this time?"

Zhang Yi asked in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

"Supreme Marquis, do you know who the Captain of the Heavenly Guard is among the Ancient Territory Guards?"

Gu Xinghe straightened his body and asked seriously.

"Isn't it true that no one has seen the Captain of the Heavenly Guard? Everyone who has seen him is dead." M.

Zhang Yi naturally didn't know the identity of the other party, so he answered subconsciously, but he soon realized something was wrong, "Wait... no one has seen him, is there another possibility?"

A figure suddenly appeared in Zhang Yi's mind, an absurd idea was born, and his expression was extremely wonderful.

"You guessed it right, it's Chen Haoran, he was the original captain of the Heavenly Guard!"

Gu Xinghe also analyzed the reason from Zhang Yi's expression, and nodded with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"How is it possible? He is actually the captain of the Heavenly Guard? Then why did he organize the Renyi Society?"

Zhang Yi's eyes were full of confusion, but he felt that he was one step closer to the truth.

"It doesn't matter if you don't mention this matter. I'm looking for you today because I want you to serve as the current captain of the Heavenly Guard. All the Heavenly Guards are at your disposal!"

When that matter was mentioned, Gu Xinghe seemed to be a little conflicted. He waved his hand and dealt with it, telling the purpose of this time.

"Why me?"

It turns out that the position of Captain of the Heavenly Guard has been vacant since Chen Haoran left. No wonder it is so mysterious.

"I have been hesitating between you and the Bloody Marquis, but now that the matter of the Great Dao Ranking has come out, no one is more suitable for this position than you."

"There are five Heavenly Guards, all of whom are dead soldiers of the royal family, and all of them are extremely powerful emperors. With this power, you can do many things."

Gu Xinghe knew that there was no shortage of strong people around Zhang Yi, but he still wanted to emphasize the power of Tianwei.

"Every Heavenly Guard is a being who crawled out from the dead, and they will only obey the orders of me and the Heavenly Guard Captain!"

Gu Xinghe stared at Zhang Yi with bright eyes, waiting for an answer from him.

"In that case, why not?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and felt that since the Tianwei had followed Chen Haoran before, he might be able to get some information from them, so he agreed immediately.

"With you in the Ancient Territory, why not be prosperous? In this life, my Ancient Territory's immortal destiny is mighty!"

Gu Xinghe laughed heartily.

"Bah bang bang!"

Then Gu Xinghe clapped his hands, and five figures wearing black robes and full of murderous intent appeared in the temple.

"Greetings to the Holy Emperor!"

The five people knelt on one knee with great respect, but completely ignored Zhang Yi beside them.

They also knew that Zhang Yi was now the top of the Avenue Ranking and that Zhang Yi was in the limelight, but what did it have to do with them?

In their eyes, there was only the Holy Emperor and their captain!

"Let me introduce you, this is your new captain, Supreme Marquis Zhang Yi!"

Gu Xinghe stood up, walked slowly to Zhang Yi, and gently patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder.

As soon as these words came out, the five people looked at Zhang Yi in unison, their eyes full of shock. They never expected that the young man in the limelight would become their captain, which made someone frown deeply.

But in the end, they bowed their heads respectfully, their eyes still on Zhang Yi, and said in unison: "Yes, sir!"

"The Tianwei has been silent for so many years, and it is time for them to reappear in the arena. In the future, all your actions will be subject to the orders of the Supreme Marquis, understand?"

Gu Xinghe ordered with great majesty.

"Yes, sir!"

The few people nodded numbly as if they were a machine without emotions.

"We greet the captain!"

As if they felt Gu Xinghe's unfriendly eyes, the few people quickly turned to face Zhang Yi and knelt on one knee to salute.

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