Opening confession to the beautiful master

Chapter 612 Battle of the Immortal Path (6)


A majestic judge seemed to appear in the void, and a huge word "death" appeared on the scroll of life and death.

The next moment, the word "death" was like an evil dragon from hell, rushing straight to the forty-eight immortals.


With a roar, the five immortals closest to it were swallowed by the dragon and disappeared in an instant.

Afterwards, the judge's pen and the scroll of life and death merged together and turned into two soul-locking chains, which had the power to break the sky. Immortals fell wherever they passed, and the real immortal blood dyed the immortal road red, but soon the immortal blood was absorbed by Zhang Yi's immortal-killing avenue.

These two chains contained the life-long power of Gu Xinghe and Chen Haoran. Zhang Yi even vaguely saw their faces in them. It was not until the twentieth immortal fell that the chain gradually dissipated.

The judge's pen and the scroll of life and death also faded away at the same time, restored their original appearance, and fell into the hands of Fang Tiancheng and Gu Lingxing respectively.

No more, no less, twenty immortals, just as Chen Haoran said before.

This battle frightened these high and mighty immortals, and their fleeing appearance was simply ridiculous, but no one was happy, because the price was too high!

"What happened just now? How come twenty immortals died in an instant?"

"Didn't you hear? The Holy Emperor and the president of the Renyi Association, Chen Haoran, protected the Supreme Marquis and his party with their bodies to ensure that the immortal road was open!"

"This integrity is really admired!"

All the people in the underground witnessed this legendary scene, and were deeply shocked in their hearts, and at the same time, they admired Chen Haoran and Chen Haoran more and more.

"Farewell to the Holy Emperor! Farewell to the President!"

"Farewell to the Holy Emperor! Farewell to the President!"

Countless people were moved by their actions, and shouted from the bottom of their hearts, as if to send this voice to the ears of those who had passed away.

"Farewell to Big Brother (President)! Farewell to the Holy Emperor (Father)!"

In the fourth level of the Immortal Road, Zhang Yi and his party also shouted in unison with their eyes wide open.

"Brother, you are right, we really killed twenty immortals!"

Zhang Yi shouted with red eyes and a slightly excited look.

They took away twenty immortals at the cost of their lives. This was their protection and their last gift.

Zhang Yi could see that all the immortals on the fourth floor wanted to kill him when he stepped into the fourth floor. It was probably because of this that Chen Haoran and Gu Xinghe came up with the idea of ​​sacrifice.

The scenes of his acquaintance with Chen Haoran flashed through his mind, and an indescribable feeling of grief surged into his heart. His aura gradually became violent, as if he had become a different person. He looked at the 28 surviving immortals with a gloomy expression and said coldly: "Brother, Holy Emperor! You have paved the way, leave the rest to me, I will ensure that their immortal road is smooth!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Yi with some worry, but Zhang Yi said word by word: "They said that your immortal road is smooth, and your immortal road must be smooth!"

"Now it's my turn, are you ready?"

The questioning actually shocked the bodies of many immortals, and they were completely suppressed by the terrible momentum of Zhang Yi. No one dared to respond to Zhang Yi, and they were all still immersed in the fear just now.

Zhang Yi sneered, his expression became even colder, he looked at the immortals with murderous intent, and said in a loud voice: "Today, you all have to die!"

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yi took out the immortal rope, and saw that the immortal rope was like a swimming dragon, directly controlling one of the immortals, and even the immortal power could not be exerted, completely becoming a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Immortal rope? He actually still has an immortal rope? Didn't Dugu Sheng say before that he only had a broken immortal rope? How can this be a broken immortal rope?"

The expression of the controlled immortal changed drastically, and his heart was completely shrouded in the fear of death, which made him feel very insecure.

This was not over yet, Zhang Yi took out seven heavenly soldiers, each of whom had the power of a human immortal.

And under Zhang Yi's control, the originally lifeless heavenly soldiers instantly became like living people, staring at the immortals with murderous intent, staring at them, making them feel scared.

"What is this? How can he hide his trump card so deeply? He didn't use his full strength before?"

The immortals felt that the strength of the seven heavenly soldiers was not weaker than theirs. They looked at Zhang Yi with great fear. They realized that they had underestimated Zhang Yi.

"He is too difficult. We must kill him as soon as possible!"

Zhang Yi's trump card really frightened them. They thought that the third level was Zhang Yi's limit. They didn't expect that he still had so many trump cards. Such a person is simply scary.


Zhang Yi took the initiative and controlled the heavenly soldiers to kill the immortals. The controlled immortal was killed by the heavenly soldiers with a punch, and had no power to resist.

Then the immortal rope went to find the next target. Even if these immortals were prepared, how could the complete immortal rope be so easy to deal with?

This distracted them a lot and gave Yue Yao and the others an opportunity to take advantage of. The situation became one-sided. As long as the immortals were entangled by the immortal rope, they would join forces to kill them.

Zhang Yi and the seven heavenly soldiers killed a lot of immortals. With the cooperation of the Immortal-killing Avenue, the Tianyang Sword and the seven heavenly soldiers, it didn't take much effort for Zhang Yi to kill even the top ones among these so-called human immortals.

This time, they only took half an hour to kill all the immortals on the fourth floor, which was twice as fast as before, but the price they paid was extremely heavy. Even the light on the immortal rope became dim, and the seven heavenly soldiers were also damaged to varying degrees, but fortunately they could still be used.

Of course, the biggest losses were Gu Xinghe and Chen Haoran. Without their sacrifice, this battle would not have been so easy.

A full 108 immortals were killed by Zhang Yi and his team within one day. This record is enough to be recorded in history!

They did not disappoint Gu Xinghe and Chen Haoran's kindness. After all... they still reached the top of the immortal road.

"Brother, Saint Emperor! We did it!"

Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and shouted at the top of the immortal road.

"Father! We succeeded!"

Gu Xinghe also shouted with tears in his eyes.

There was also a cheer from the underground. They witnessed the immortals fleeing in panic and Zhang Yi and his team killing the immortals in fear.

"It's done! They did it! I never thought that I could see someone reach the top of the immortal road in my lifetime!"

"This battle is so exciting. I will die without regrets if I can watch this battle!"

"The efforts of the Holy Emperor and the President have not been in vain. They have successfully escorted this generation."

Many people were in tears. Everyone knows that the immortal road is difficult. Now they have seen Zhang Yi and his team reach the top of the immortal road. They are also witnesses of miracles. It is hard not to be excited.

On the immortal road, when all the immortals were killed, the black hole in close proximity suddenly burst into a supreme suction force. Everyone on the immortal road was baptized by the immortal light and was pulled into the black hole one by one.

Zhang Yi watched the people in front of him enter the black hole connected to the immortal world one by one, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. He had heard people talk about the immortal road since the first day he came to this world. Now he finally stood at the top of this road, but he was in a different state of mind.

As they entered the fairyland one by one, only Zhang Yi remained where he was. He even felt the pulling force.

"What's going on? They all went in, why can't I go in?"

Zhang Yi frowned, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart. He ran directly towards the black hole, but was blocked by an invisible force. This force was exactly the same as the force that pushed him on the road to immortality.

It seems... the fairyland is refusing his entry!

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