Opening confession to the beautiful master

Chapter 672 A sleepless night of revenge

At this time, everyone realized that the person who triggered the nine Tianqing divine lights mentioned by Ye Wumian was Zhang Yi. Their eyes fell on him, some were jealous, some were envious, and most were in disbelief.

"It turned out that he triggered the nine Tianqing divine lights, but why is he related to the drunkard? They are obviously from two different worlds?"

The gatekeeper disciple of the inner courtyard recognized Zhang Yi's identity at a glance, and couldn't help but feel a little scared, but more of it was confusion.

"He made a decision that violated the ancestral precepts. He didn't choose the three great elders, but chose the sinner drunkard of my Tianqing Holy Academy as his master!"

When Ye Wumian said this, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

"What? He actually worshipped the drunkard as his master? Isn't this destroying his future?"

"What a pity. He worshipped the drunkard as his master. His bright future was ruined."

"He has good talent, but unfortunately his brain is a bit problematic."

Everyone looked at Zhang Yi as if he were an idiot. The several inner courtyard gatekeepers who were a little worried before were relieved after hearing the news.

So what if Zhang Yi attracted the nine Tianqing divine lights? It's not worth mentioning that he worshipped the drunkard.

"No way? The dean rang the Tianqing bell just to whip the corpse in public? Isn't this too vengeful?"

Zhang Yi also knew the significance of the Tianqing bell ringing, but he never expected Ye Wumian to do such a thing. This was a bit of an exaggeration.

"Since he chose the drunkard, after research by all the senior leaders of the Tianqing Holy Academy, Zhang Yi's status as the son of God was abolished and he was demoted to an outer courtyard disciple!"

Ye Wumian announced in a loud voice.

Tianqing Square was filled with sighs, and it was unclear whether they were gloating or regretting.

"Dean, there is really no need to go to such lengths. Anyway, I am now enjoying the treatment of an outer courtyard disciple!"

Zhang Yi shook his head and said in his heart.

Zhuang Xiaohe and others were surprised. After all this time, Zhang Yi's status in Tianqing Holy Court was the lowest. This was somewhat unreasonable.

However, Yuan Hongfei was ecstatic, "Well, this guy is courting death. He must waste such a good talent. If I approach him when he is at his lowest point, I will definitely leave a good impression on him."

A grand plan has emerged in Yuan Hongfei's mind. A wise light flashed in his eyes, and a smug smile was on his face.

Ye Wumian waved his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then said in a deep voice: "This time, not only Zhang Yi made such a stupid choice, but also Zi Ling!"

"She attracted eight Tianqing divine lights, and according to the rules, she should be the dean's disciple, but she also chose to worship the drunkard as her master!"

When saying this, Ye Wumian's voice trembled a little, and he was obviously very angry.

Compared with Zhang Yi being poached by the drunkard, he actually cared more about Princess Zi Ling being poached. After all, Zhang Yi had made it clear that he had no chance with him, but Princess Zi Ling was different. She was originally the heir to his mantle, and with the power behind Princess Zi Ling, the status of Tianqing Holy Academy in the Heavenly Court will definitely be raised to a higher level in the future.

"Who is this drunkard? He actually poached the two most outstanding geniuses this time?"

Some people who didn't know about the drunkard's past became very curious about him.

"Hey! Do you see the drunkard at the back? That's him!"

Someone who knew the drunkard pointed at the drunkard hiding at the back who was already drunk.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on the drunkard, and most people looked disdainful and contemptuous. After all, such a drunkard was not worth worrying about.

"These two are really a pair of dragons and phoenixes!"

Someone couldn't help but sigh.

Ye Wumian said angrily: "This is the most shameful thing in the history of Tianqing Holy Academy. The two of them had supreme immortal fate, but they chose the drunkard for some reason. This is their choice. I respect their choice, but since they have made the choice, they must bear the corresponding price!"

"From now on, the two will be fully under the charge of the drunkard! Tianqing Holy Academy will not interfere in their affairs!"

"Drunkard! If anything goes wrong with the two of them, you will be the greatest sinner of Tianqing Holy Academy!"

Ye Wumian pointed at the drunkard and shouted.

Before, when Ye Wumian was in the Tianqing Ancestral Temple, he called Jiu Fengzi "Master Uncle", but now he calls him by his name. Obviously, something unpleasant happened between the two of them.


The drunk Jiu Fengzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he appeared beside Ye Wumian in a flash. The strong smell of alcohol on his body made others pinch their noses.

"They are my disciples, I will naturally be responsible for them and will not let them make any mistakes!"

"The tragedy of that year was enough once, I will never let it happen again!"

Jiu Fengzi said firmly.

At this time, Jiu Fengzi seemed to have changed into a different person, with a restrained breath and eyes brighter than the stars, which meant his determination.

Afterwards, the drunkard ignored the gazes of others and came straight to Zhang Yi and Princess Zi Ling, asking, "Did you find anyone?"

Zhang Yi nodded, and then he saw the drunkard grabbing him and Princess Zi Ling, and disappeared from the spot with a burst of space movement, not caring about the others in Tianqing Holy Academy at all, as if the drunkard always did things his own way.


Ye Wumian was so angry that he roared with a red face.

As Zhang Yi and his companions were taken away by the drunkard, the ringing of the Tianqing bell came to an end temporarily, and the new disciples were led by a special person to go to their destination.

But today's incident was destined to make Tianqing Holy Academy a laughing stock in the heavenly court. It was not easy for a legendary genius to appear, but he was intercepted by someone. The reaction of other major forces can be imagined, which is why Ye Wumian was so angry.

Tianjiu Peak was completely new at this time. The weeds and barren trees before were full of vitality, which seemed to mean that the life of the drunkard had ushered in a new turn.

"While you are out, I will clean up Tianjiu Peak. There will only be three of us, the master and the apprentice, in this huge Tianjiu Peak in the future."

The drunkard twisted the scattered hair together, revealing his face that had experienced vicissitudes, and said with a smile.

"Master, I had a few old friends when I was in the lower world before. Can I also call them to Tianjiu Peak?"

Zhang Yi looked at the newly renovated Tianjiu Peak. Although the fairy spirit here is not as good as the first peak of the inner sect, it is not much worse. I think the drunkard has spent a lot of effort to keep Tianjiu Peak.

"If they are willing, it's fine, but it's not a good thing to be related to me in Tianqing Holy Academy. I advise you to think twice before doing it."

"I think Tianjiu Peak used to be crowded with people, but now it is completely deserted..."

Speaking of this, the drunkard subconsciously picked up the wine gourd hanging on his waist and wanted to pour wine into his mouth, but when he saw Zhang Yi and Princess Ziling, his hand stayed in the air again, and finally put the wine gourd slowly into his waist.

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