Opening confession to the beautiful master

Chapter 695 Heading to Tianhuang Mountain

"Are you Lao Qiu's granddaughter?"

Princess Ziling guessed the girl's identity instantly and said with a complicated look on her face.

The girl nodded frantically, lying on the grave and already crying. Her cries echoed through Tianhan Village, and her screams were heartbreaking. "What happened to my grandpa? Why is it that only my grandpa got into trouble? I'm not here." What happened during those days?”

"Xiaoqiu, your grandfather is the savior of Tianhan Village. He used his own life to wake up Wang Changhai and let us be forgiven."

A villager stood up and said with a sad expression.


Xiaoqiu cried harder, kept wailing, and fell into a coma not long after.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi and the others immediately pulled Xiaoqiu aside and used their immortal power to stabilize her aura, while the villagers began to build the ancestral hall after a brief reunion.

Finally, before nightfall, they completed the construction of the ancestral hall, and set up spiritual tablets for Wang Changhai and others in the ancestral hall, and offered incense to pray for forgiveness.

When the construction of the ancestral hall was completed, Wang Changhai's figure appeared in Tianhan Village, but now he looked very weak, as if he would disappear at any time.

Finally, all the resentment and hatred on his body dissipated, revealing his true appearance. He bowed deeply to Zhang Yi and others, then disappeared into thin air, completely disappearing between the world.

And as he disappeared, Tianhan Village was suddenly illuminated by an auspicious light, and even Tianhancun's immortal energy was much stronger than before. It could be said to be truly brand-new, unlike when Zhang Yi and the others came before. It's the difference between heaven and earth.

"In ancient times, people with great resentment became ghosts of Yin and Yang. If their resentment is dissipated, it can benefit one party. This may be the best ending for Wang Changhai."

Princess Ziling looked at the prosperous ancestral hall and murmured in a low voice.

"You must take good care of the ancestral hall in the future. With the power of this ancestral hall protecting Tianhan Village, maybe a powerful person will appear in Tianhan Village in many years."

Now that the mission has been completed, it is time to leave. Before leaving, Princess Ziling did not forget to give an explanation to the villagers.

Finally, Zhang Yi and the others left amidst the thanks of the villagers of Tianhan Village. The disciples of Tianqing Holy Courtyard who had been rescued by them also left one after another and embarked on the road back to Tianqing Holy Courtyard to recuperate.

"Senior Brother, we don't have much time. This task alone has wasted five days of our time."

Now they are still very far away from the 100,000 merit points, which makes Princess Ziling a little anxious.

Zhang Yisha nodded matter-of-factly, "We really have to speed up next, and then go to Tianhuang Mountain to eradicate the 'violent tree demon'!"

The purpose of these people who went down the mountain was very clear. Apart from spending some time on the road and during the mission, there was almost no delay.

Tianhuang Mountain is not far from Tianhan Village. It took them three hours to arrive. At this time, it was dark and not very suitable for movement.

"This violent tree demon has killed many hunters. If you want to deal with him, you might want to start with the hunters nearby."

Zhang Yi determined the direction when he came and immediately sensed the existence of life around him.

Finally, they sensed two glimmers of life in the vast night. As they rushed in that direction, a faint firelight gradually came into view. Under the firelight, two muscular men were rubbing their hands. They had fierce knives, and they still exuded a blood-evil aura, as if they had just finished hunting and were being repaired.

These two people were in the early stage of human immortality. When Zhang Yi and the others appeared quietly in front of them, they were startled. However, when they saw the clothes of the Tianqing Holy Academy on the three of them, they immediately relaxed. tone.

"Are the three of you here for the violent tree demon?"

The hunter had a simple smile on his face and greeted him warmly.

"Exactly, we accepted the mission to get rid of the demon."

Gu Tianba nodded and admitted.

"You are finally here. The tree demon has done us terrible harm. Many of our brothers have fallen into the hands of the tree demon!"

The two brothers gnashed their teeth when they mentioned the tree demon, obviously hating it deeply.

"It's just... that tree demon is extremely powerful and extremely cunning. Are there only the three of you in Tianqing Holy Courtyard this time?"

Having said this, the two brothers looked worried, obviously not believing in Zhang Yi's strength.

"Last time, seven or eight disciples came to Tianqing Holy Monastery, but in the end they were defeated by the tree demon..."

The two brothers said slowly with a look of reminiscence on their faces.

"It doesn't matter, I happened to have broken through to the early stage of Immortal recently, so I happened to be practicing with that tree demon."

The ordinary realm of immortals can no longer satisfy Gu Tianba's appetite. This tree demon is undoubtedly his best training target.

"Early stage of immortality?!"

Hearing this, the worried look on the two brothers' faces suddenly disappeared, and they subconsciously regarded Gu Tianba as the captain of the three.

"Very good!"

"I don't know how to call these three fellow Taoists? My name is Dahu, and this is my younger brother Erhu."

The big tiger's eyes shone brightly, and he was so enthusiastic towards Gu Tianba.

Gu Tianba named the three of them respectively, and then began to inquire about the information, "Do you know the location of the tree demon?"

"You are asking the right person. Since the tree demon appeared, no hunter has caught up with Tianhuang Mountain. But we two brothers are different. We were the ones who led the way from Tianqing Holy Court last time!"

Dahu quickly talked about his glorious deeds.

"Very well, tell us your location as soon as it gets dark."

Gu Tianba felt that this mission was extremely smooth, and he found someone who knew the situation so well right away.

"We can take you there. Others are afraid of tree monsters, but we are not!"

Da Hu immediately expressed his attitude very enthusiastically.

Gu Tianba frowned slightly, and subconsciously looked at Zhang Yi, as if to ask Zhang Yi's opinion.

"As far as I know, the tree monster can reach the late stage of the celestial fairy when it bursts out with all its strength. If you insist on leading the way, it will be great for us, but I'm afraid we can't take care of your safety."

Zhang Yi pondered.

The two brothers Da Hu were a little surprised by Gu Tianba's attitude towards Zhang Yi, and they knew that they had misunderstood before. This imposing young man was the real captain among the three, and this made the two happy, "The strength of these three people is stronger than those before, no wonder they dared to deal with the tree monster with just three people!"

Compared to the previous distrust of Zhang Yi and others in Tianhan Village, the two brothers Da Hu trusted Zhang Yi and others very much.

"You have come all the way to help us get rid of the monster, how can we just sit there and do nothing? This is not the first time we have done this. We will take care of ourselves and will not hold you back!"

"Leave this morning?"

Since it has been said to this point, Zhang Yi will naturally not refuse, and he will ask them to confirm the departure time.

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