"Hou Yi shot the sun?!"

Zhang Yi only felt a little familiar when he heard this version of the story. Isn't this the myth and legend of his previous world? It’s just that the fairy version has a different person shooting the sun, and that person also has the surname Hou. What does he have to do with Hou Yi? This couldn't help but make Zhang Yi feel curious.

"Elder brother, it wasn't Hou Yi who shot at the sun, it was Hou Chen who shot at the sun!"

Princess Ziling corrected her expression seriously.

"Then have you heard of Hou Yi?" M.

Zhang Yi asked again.

Princess Ziling shook her head and said: "Who is Hou Yi? I have never heard of him, senior brother... don't interrupt me, continue to listen to me."

"The fall of eight suns formed the Land of the Falling Sun, and the Land of the Falling Sun is divided into eight areas. Each area is more suitable for the growth of the Red Fire Company, so if you want to find the thousand-year-old Red Fire Company, you can only Go to the Land of the Fallen Sun.”

"It's just that because of the strong power of the sun in this Land of the Fallen Sun, fire demons were born. These fire demons live on the power of the sun. They are extremely cruel and exclusive. The most difficult thing is that they will fight against strong men when they encounter them. Fusion.”

"But this is also our weakness. If there is no strong person, they will only fight on their own."

"There is another trouble, because the birth of the Land of the Falling Sun has also created a major sect. The Holy Fire Sect rose because of the appearance of the Land of the Falling Sun, and the Land of the Falling Sun is also the holy land of the Holy Fire Sect."

Princess Ziling told Zhang Yi all the news she knew. At the same time, an arrow with a faint cold light appeared in her hand, "This is exactly the arrow left by the disciples who shot the sun back then. It has a certain influence on the power of the sun." Restraint can be considered the nemesis of those fire demons."

Zhang Yi looked at the arrow in Princess Ziling's hand and couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "You really have all kinds of treasures on you."

I just heard Princess Ziling say that without this arrow, those fire demons would not be so easy to deal with. Sometimes it would be easier to have a rich second generation by your side.

"I spent a long time looking for my father before he was willing to give it to me."

Princess Ziling carefully put away the arrow. It was rare to see her cherish a treasure so much. This arrow must also be very important to her.

At this time, the Tiangang True Fire emerged from Fatty Su's body and landed on Fatty Su's shoulders. He said excitedly: "Are we going to the Land of the Falling Sun now? In this case, my strength can be restored. ”

"Aren't you afraid that the fire demons there will eat you? You must know that you are the best food for them."

Princess Ziling rolled her eyes at him and reminded him angrily.

At the mention of being eaten, Tiangang Zhenhuo couldn't help but shudder, as if he was remembering the trouble of being dominated by Shuntian.

"I was fighting alone at the beginning, but now aren't I still with you?"

Tiangang Zhenhuo thought about Zhang Yi and Princess Ziling beside him, and his human eyes lost a bit of fear, and he plucked up the courage to speak.

"Senior Brother Zhang, Princess Ziling, you worry so much about me, I cannot repay you for this kindness!"

After Fatty Su heard how troublesome the matter was, his heart became even warmer. He was about to kneel down to say thank you, but was stopped by Zhang Yi and Princess Ziling at the same time.

"Fat Su, there is no need to say thank you now, as long as you don't let me down."

Zhang Yi was a little worried that Fatty Su couldn't hold up the wall with mud, so he would really lose a lot of money in this task.

"Anyway, I took action just for the sake of my senior brother."

Princess Ziling looked down on Fatty Su and curled her lips.

"Anyway, thank you both! I will never let you down again."

Fatty Su promised with firm eyes.

"By the way, little junior sister, you said before that the Land of the Falling Sun is the holy land of the Holy Fire Sect, so it might not be easy for us to enter, right?"

Zhang Yi knew that the Holy Fire Sect was one of the six sects, and its strength was no weaker than that of the Tianqing Holy Academy.

"Don't worry, I have an acquaintance there, just say hello."

Princess Ziling smiled mysteriously and said confidently.

"Good work."

Zhang Yi felt happy, bringing Princess Ziling with him really saved a lot of trouble.

"Well, without further ado, let's set off!"

Fatty Su didn't have much time left. They had to find the Red Flame Company as soon as possible, otherwise everything would be in vain.

"I just happened to go to the Holy Fire Cult to see how that guy is doing. I hope her temper is not so hot."

A beautiful image appeared in Princess Ziling's mind, and a look of longing actually appeared in her big eyes.

On the way, Zhang Yi asked Princess Ziling to see the bowl given to her by the drunkard. Princess Ziling immediately said proudly, "Elder brother, you don't really believe what the master said, do you? This is a broken bowl. , If I hadn’t taken care of Master’s face, I would have thrown away this bowl long ago.”

"Elder brother, if you like it, just take it."

Princess Ziling waved her hand, dismissing the broken bowl.

Zhang Yi shook his head and said, "This is a gift from Master. I can't take it. Besides... this bowl may be as magical as Master said. You might as well try to refine it and see."

Zhang Yi took the broken bowl in his hand and examined it, but found no clues. Then he took out the wooden stick given to him by the drunkard and knocked on it, but there were only crisp sounds and nothing abnormal happened. .

"It's strange. Master must be right, but how to use this bowl?"

Could the bowl found with the broken stick be ordinary? Zhang Yi did not doubt what the drunkard said.

"Big Brother, you are the only one who was deceived by Master. This is just an ordinary thing. If Master could refine it, wouldn't he have refined it long ago?"

Princess Zi Ling shook her head and said speechlessly.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi studied it again, but he really didn't find any clues, so he returned it to Princess Zi Ling, and she put it away with disdain.

After all, as the ninth princess of the Heavenly Court, she never lacked treasures, and being able to keep this broken bowl by her side was already special.

Since the Holy Fire Sect was far away from the Tianqing Holy Academy, Zhang Yi and his team chose to go to the 'Holy Fire City' closest to the Holy Fire Sect through the teleportation array.

As they were inner courtyard disciples, they naturally passed the inspection of the teleportation array easily, and entered the teleportation array with a space vibration. When they opened their eyes again, they were already in the Holy Fire City.

Holy Fire City is a city built on the desert, but it is very lively, with a lot of people and vendors shouting everywhere. And perhaps because it is too hot, the people in Holy Fire City are dressed differently from Zhang Yi and his friends, and even their facial features are slightly different.

The facial features of the people in Holy Fire City are more three-dimensional, with a hint of exotic style.

"Brother, this Holy Fire City is really worth the trip, there are so many beauties!"

Sima Cheng looked at the beautiful and dazzling beauty in front of him, and he almost drooled.

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