Half a year later...

Roger mastered the training, storage, and compression of Armament Haki, as well as the most basic use of Armament Haki, hardening.

"Mastering Armament Haki in half a year, to be honest, I have never taught such an excellent student."Zeffa looked at Roger and said with satisfaction,

"You are too kind."Rogge said modestly.

"No, not at all. Even Sakaski, who had the strongest talent in Armament Haki back then, took nearly a year to learn Armament Haki, but you only took half a year! You are indeed the strongest student I have ever taught since I became an instructor."Zeffa said seriously.

"Hey, hey, Ain, the teacher said that guy is the best student he has ever taught. Binz said to Ain who was watching Rogge's training.

"I heard it." Ain said without turning his head,"Hasn't he given us enough surprises in the past six months?"

"But the teacher said that Rogge is better than those generals!"Binz said in an exaggerated manner

"So what? It has nothing to do with us."

Half a year has passed, and Rogge still has no communication with Ain and Binz.

Only Xiuzo asked Rogge about the situation of Lieutenant General Mole, and they had some relationship. Of course, Rogge didn't know Lieutenant General Mole, but it didn't prevent this from becoming a breakthrough in the relationship between Xiuzo and Rogge.

"It doesn't matter, but aren't you surprised that our pirate guerrillas are going to have a navy admiral?" Binz said with longing.

Ain glanced at Binz, then turned his head and left.

"If you also want to be an admiral, you can get off the ship. The teacher doesn't really need you anyway."

"No, Ain, I'm just kidding. I absolutely respect Teacher Zefa and would never betray him. Please believe me!"


"My original training plan for you was just to simply master the training methods of Armament Haki and the awakening training of Observation Haki. Half a year for each of the two goals was my highest requirement for you. But I didn't expect that you would complete all the learning of Armament Haki in half a year."

"Learn all of them?"

Rogge remembered that the use of Armament Color has four aspects: hardening, entanglement, external release and internal destruction, and now he has only mastered the hardening application.

"Yes, because learning other Armament Haki requires you to have a certain amount of Armament Haki stored, and you can only cover one arm with a layer of black Haki right now. It is impossible to support even the learning of Entanglement."Zefa explained.

"I see."Rogge nodded and said

"Then teacher, can you tell me about the characteristics and learning methods of these applications?"

Zefa was a little surprised that Rogge took the opportunity to change his name, but he did not refuse. It was his honor to have such a gifted student.


Zefa thought about it and refused.

"Why?" Roger asked in confusion.

"You can't chew too much, and we are about to start a new battle, so I don't have time to explain it to you."Zefa said

"A new battle? Who needs us to make so many preparations?"

In the past six months, the Pirate Guerrillas have been the new nightmare of the pirates wandering in the New World. The previous nightmare was the Navy Butcher.

Every time the Pirate Guerrillas hunted pirates, Rogge would also take action, and he would catch all the pirates in an area in one fell swoop.

If it weren't for Zephyr pulling him back, Rogge would sometimes have to fight into the territory of the Four Emperors. This is also one of the reasons why Zephyr's attitude towards Rogge changed from cold to warm in the past six months - zero tolerance for pirates!

""Charlotte Snag and Charlotte Cracker, two of the four general stars of big.mom dessert!" Zephyr said lightly.

Charlotte Snag has not been defeated yet, so the general star is still the four general stars, and when Charlotte Snag is defeated by the strange monk Urouge, she will be removed from the list and become the three general stars of dessert.

"The generals of the Four Emperors Pirate Group?"

Roger looked at Zephyr in surprise. He wanted to fight the Four Emperors' territories at first, but you held me back. Why are you so fierce now? You go and fight the generals of the Four Emperors directly, and you pick two at a time?

Zephyr looked at Roger's eyes and knew what he was thinking. He immediately said unhappily,"Do you think I want to destroy the stability of the New World? It's because you killed one of their sons before, and now Big Mom is here to find us."

"this……"Roger remembered that half a year ago, he had killed a pirate who claimed to be from the Big Mom Pirates. He thought he was just a hanger-on, but who knew he was the son of the Big Mom.

You know, the one who loves Big Mom's son the most is not her, but her second son Charlotte Katakuri!

As the actual operator of the Big Mom Pirates, if you anger this guy, you really can't survive in the New World.

"Then why don't we leave the New World and stay out of the spotlight?" Roger asked curiously.

He didn't think Zephyr would take the entire pirate guerrillas and himself on the risk, and could Sengoku not step up to organize it?

"Leave? Humph, what a joke, how can I, Zefa, be scared away by a pirate?! No matter if he is one of the Four Emperors or the Pirate King, it is a daydream to scare me away without taking action!"Zefar waved his seastone arm and said domineeringly

"What about Marshal Zhan Guo?"Rogge asked tentatively.

"He? Of course the old guy disagrees, but can he control me?"Zefa sneered.

"Haha, you are awesome."Rogge thought to himself.

""Teacher, I think you should not join this battle. Since the other party is looking for me, I will go. With my current strength, it is easy to defeat one or two generals." Roger said confidently.

You know, he is now at the level of a general! The two generals are at most at the level of a quasi-general, and they are still very weak quasi-generals. After all, Charlotte Snuggle is a four-star general.���The weakest top cadre in the group, because he lost to a supernova pirate one year later.

Zephyr glanced at Roger and said,"I know you can beat him. Based on my observation, I think even Aokiji may not be able to stop you, but I'm afraid you killed those two guys."

"Big Mom also knows that this balance cannot be broken, at least not by her, so she only sent two generals. If they win, they will kill you. If they lose, they will swallow their anger and temporarily let us go, as long as we don’t bump into Big Mom."

P.S.: It’s too late, so I’ll write this much today. Good night everyone.

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