After the snow buried Jack and his men, Rogge did not continue to attack.

This kind of pressure and suffocation attack is believed to be not fatal to the generals, and the other soldiers are not among those Rogge considered to let go. In the fight between the four emperors, there will always be some soldiers who die, and it is not a big deal to die in his own hands now.

Soon, Zefa and others walked back from the depths of the island.

Rogge also controlled the ice and snow to move the warships to the sea.

"You are such a monster!"

The second time Ain took the initiative to talk to Rogge, she was lamenting Rogge's abnormal strength.

"You are too kind, Senior Sister Ain."Rogge smiled faintly and looked at Ain and said.

Ain turned away coldly, as if it was due to her tsundere nature.

"Rogge, you didn't kill them, did you?" Zefa looked at the endless snow and asked Rogge.

"Don't worry, teacher. Except for the very weak Snag, the other two guys should not die."

Rogge did not use 'Extreme Cold'. This temperature is completely impossible for a master of Armament Haki to survive.

"Well, that's good, but it's a pity that we can't kill them now."Zefa said unwillingly

"There is no way. I think Marshal Sengoku doesn't want that madman Kaido to go to Impel Down or the headquarters. As for Big Mom, if you are not worried about sailing in the New World, I don't mind killing these two generals."Rogge smiled faintly.

After hearing Rogge's words, Zephyr was silent.

Is he worried?

Although he is not worried about himself.

But he is worried about the marines on his ship!

Worried that his disciples will be killed by pirates again and he is powerless!

"Teacher, isn't the purpose of our voyage to the New World to kill pirates? If we let the pirates go because we are worried about our own safety, then why are we in the New World? Why not go to the Four Seas?"Ain seemed to see Zefa's hesitation and said

"Yes, both are about killing pirates, but the Four Seas are much safer, so why do we have to be in the New World? Isn't it because the pirates in the New World are the most vicious! Are there Four Emperors in the New World?!"

Zeffer was enlightened by Ain's words, and then said to Roger:"Rogge, kill!"

Roger smiled faintly, and was about to take action, but the Den Den Mushi suddenly rang.

Bulu Bulu~

Bulu Bulu~

Roger looked at the Den Den Mushi inside his coat, with a listless look on his face, it was not his.

Turning around, it turned out to be from Ain. Ain turned her head and glanced at Zephyr, who hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

At this time, the only one who could let the Den Den Mushi in was Sengoku

"Meh meh, this is the Pirate Guerrilla, I'm Ain"

"Hello, Aiyin, I am Zhan Guo. Is Zefa here?

Zhan Guo said to Aiyin in a gentle tone. Aiyin looked at Zefa, who was silent for a moment and took the Den Den Mushi in his hand.

"Warring States, I am Zefa"

"Zefa, how is the battle going over there? In order to prevent Big Mom from coming in person, I have sent Sakaski to support you."Zhan Guo asked with concern

"Well, it's okay. Big Mom's two generals and Kaido's Jack have been defeated by Roger."Zeff said

"Jack? Kaido is involved too?" Sengoku exclaimed

"Well, but only Jack came, maybe he just came to join in the fun."Zeff said lightly

"Well, since he has been defeated... Wait, Zephyr, you just said that Rogue defeated Jack, one of the Three Calamities, and two generals alone?"

Sengoku's mind was filled with news about Kaido, so he just realized the point of Zephyr's words.

"Yes, he is alone."Zeff nodded.

He didn't think that his throws to Jack could do much damage, after all, the other party was an awakened ancient animal species.

"Hahaha, great, I knew it was right to let you train Rogue. His current strength is not far from Aokiji and the others!"Zengoku laughed.

But Zefa's praise was harsh. What could he teach Rogue in half a year? Just Armament Haki.

But Rogue didn't use Armament Haki in the battle just now. He used pure strength to knock Cracker away, used swordsmanship at the level of a great swordsman to deal with Snag, and used the fruit ability to defeat the three people. If you really think about it, Zefa really didn't help Rogue much.

"I didn't help him, it's just that he used his fruit ability too well."Zeff said

"Don't be modest. A year ago, Rogge's strength was about the same as Taotu and the others. Because of his domineering aura, he might even be a little worse. But now this kid has defeated three of the Four Emperors' senior officials in one fell swoop. His strength has surpassed Taotu and Chatun."

This evaluation comes entirely from Sengoku's summary of Rogge's battle with Aokiji.

At that time, Rogge's physical strength was still six stars, and many of the large-scale skills he used - such as snow accumulation, could not reach the current range of several thousand meters, and the volume of nearly 10,000 tons could not reach the current range of several thousand meters.

"Whatever you think, if Rogge's strength really changed so much, it happened in the six months before he found me, not the six months after he came to me."Zeffa speculated, but he guessed the truth.

Rogge completed a new round of transformation with the help of the system during the six months of slaughter.

"Well~ In that case, you should leave quickly. I will also ask Sakaski to go back to G-5. As our only base in the New World, we cannot afford to lose it."Zhan Guo said in a deep voice

"……"Okay." Zefa hung up the Den Den Mushi.

Seeing Zefa hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Roger was ready to continue, but Zefa stopped him.

"What's wrong, teacher?"Rogge asked puzzledly.

"Forget it, let's let them go this time."Zefa sighed helplessly.

"Why?" Roger didn't hear Zhan Guo say that he would let these three people go.

"I am still a marine now, and as a marine I must obey orders, and... I don't want to cause trouble to the old man Zhan Guo anymore."Zeff said with a sad look in his eyes. He gave up the safety of the G-5 branch and sent the general to support them, and did not mention whether he killed the three pirates.

This kind of concern and trust made it impossible for Zephyr to carry out his own justice! Justice that must kill!

""Okay." Rogge also spread his hands and gave up this beautiful temptation.

After all, three cadres can bring him 24,600 upgrade points!

"But even if you let go of the big profits, you can't let go of the small profits, extreme cold. Freeze!" ps: Today's first chapter, Bulu Bulu~ Ask for free flowers

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