"Damn it! Cunning pirates!"Casda realized that these pirates didn't fail to recognize the vice admiral-class warship. They had clearly recognized it long ago and felt that their ship was not faster than theirs, so they deliberately used a trick to deceive people!

""What should we do, Lieutenant Colonel Kasta?" a Marine asked

"What can we do? Let's go back and report to Vice Admiral Rogge!" Casda said weakly.

After the team returned to the warship, Casda reported his guess to Rogge.

"I see. Why didn't I hear any fighting? They must have escaped long ago." After listening to Casta's report, Roger couldn't help but admire the intelligence of this group of pirates.

"Report! There is no lifeboat on the pirate ship!" At this time, a marine came back and reported.

"In order to avoid our sight, the enemy can't use all the lifeboats, unless there are a lot of them, so I boldly guess that the number of the other pirate group is not large, it should be within 3-10 people, and there has been no strong wind in this sea area since just now, so if the enemy wants to escape to the open sea, they can't run far at all. If they escape back to the island, we can also find clues on the island, Vice Admiral Roger!"

From the simple report of the marines, Casta analyzed a very comprehensive and reasonable possible result, which made Roger look at him differently.

""Casda, when did you become a wise general?" Roger exclaimed

"You are too kind. I just read more books to become your better lieutenant."Casta said modestly,

Books? How come people who read books these days are... not normal?

That's right, in Rogge's opinion, the people who read books around him are not normal, whether it is Nami or Casta. Nami is needless to say, Casta has a set of theories when he talks about them, which is very different from his previous style. Remember he used to be very gossipy? Now he is more like a superior than Rogge.

In addition, Rogge also found that Kami has been acting strangely recently, and it seems that he wants to make a special navy coat for himself. Seeing Kami's eager eyes, Rogge is ready to sacrifice himself.

"I suggest that we send a team to chase the pirates, and the others go to the island to search for the pirates."

Casda gave a very reasonable pursuit plan, but it was rejected by Roger.

"No, just go into the island directly."Rogge ordered

"Why? Are we going to let those pirates go?" Casta asked puzzled.

"No, it's just that I already know they've entered the island."

When Casta reported that the pirates had escaped, Roger fully activated his Observation Haki and just happened to sense the three pirates who had entered the forest.

"Already know? So that's how it is, you are worthy of being Vice Admiral Roger!"Casta muttered to himself and thought of 'Observation Haki', so Roger's image in Casta's mind became even taller.

Then Casta ordered the marines to turn the rudder and sail towards Shimotsuki Village, and the abandoned pirate ship was split in half by Roger's sword and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Soon the warship docked, and Casta and others followed Roger's instructions and found the lifeboat of the three pirates.

"Vice Admiral Roger, do you know where those three pirates are?" asked Casta.

But Roger did not answer immediately, but stood there in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Lieutenant General Rogge?" Kasda asked again.

"It's okay, let me handle those three pirates. I'm going to visit my father-in-law anyway. If you go to the town to catch pirates, it will affect the peace of the village."Rogge ordered.

"Yes! Vice Admiral Roger!"

Without questioning Roger, Casda immediately led the team back to the warship after hearing the order, while Roger took Kuina and Tashigi to see Koshiro first. Kami was concentrating on designing new clothes for Roger and didn't want to get off the ship. Tina felt that it was not very convenient for her to go, after all, it was about Tashigi's recognition of her relatives, so she didn't go either.

As for why Roger didn't let Casda catch the three new Haizes, it was not because he was afraid of disturbing the villagers, but because the three pirates escaped into Isshin Gym - that is to say, these three people are likely to be disciples of Isshin Gym!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

"I'm here."

I opened the door and saw the familiar gentle face.


Kuina spoke first, but there was a hint of tears in her voice. Obviously, after not seeing her for two years, Kuina missed her family very much.

Koshiro was stunned for a moment, as if he had never seen Kuina like this before, but soon he smiled gently, stroked Kuina's hair with his rough hands and whispered:"I haven't seen you for two years, Kuina has grown a lot taller."

Without interrupting this affectionate greeting, Rogge and Tashigi stood silently behind Kuina and looked at the two of them.

But Tashigi couldn't help but shed a tear in her eyes, as if she also missed her father in the navy.

""Master!" After Kuina and Koshiro calmed down, Rogge saluted and said

"Rogge, I was right about you. It was indeed the right choice to hand Kuina over to you."

"Father!"Faced with Koshiro's praise, before Rogge could say anything, Kuina became shy.

"You're only one step away from getting married, why are you still shy? You were very stubborn and cold when you were a child, and you didn't get along with your father, hahaha." Koshiro chuckled and teased, making Kuina blush even more.

"By the way, father, this is the sister of a colleague I met in Rogue Town, her name is Dashiqi, she looks exactly like me, so I want to know if you have abandoned a child..."

Since they met again after a long time, Koshiro did not pay much attention to Dashiqi, but now that Kuina said this, Koshiro immediately found that Dashiqi and Kuina looked 80% alike!

"Uncle...Hello, uncle." Tashigi didn't know what to say for a moment, so she could only call him that.

Koshiro looked at Tashigi for a while and asked,"Do you have parents?"

There are all kinds of strange things in the world. Even if two people look exactly the same, it doesn't mean anything. Moreover, Koshiro knows that Kurozumi Murasaki, who helped Kurozumi Orochi to obtain the position of general of their Wano Country, is the user of the Mimicry Fruit that can change his appearance!

"Yes... my adoptive father, Lieutenant Colonel Duolun." Dashiqi said with some sadness.

"Adoptive father?" Koshiro continued to ask

"Well, 20 years ago, I was picked up by my father on a pirate ship.……"

Tashigi roughly told her the story that Lieutenant Colonel Doron told her, about how he picked up Tashigi from a dead woman during the battle with pirates, etc.

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