"Leaping Slash? What a great sword."

He said something incomprehensible, and under the protection of the pirates, Klick and Ajin returned to their pirate ship.


Klick shouted excitedly, and then the pirate ship left behind dozens of pirates who were still fighting with Roger and sailed away.

"Captain, you can't abandon us!"

"Captain Click, ah (scream)!"


The abandoned pirates were slaughtered by Rogue as they cried.

Klick looked at the hundreds of pirates and navy officers who were easily killed by Rogue, and was glad that he listened to Akin's advice.

Otherwise, if Rogue got on board, their ship would be in danger.


Klick ordered as the pirate ship moved away from the warship.

Then dozens of pirate ships around him fired at the same time, covering the warship, the crying pirates, the navy and Rogge.

The sound of gunfire lasted for about ten minutes, and the warship sank to the bottom of the sea without being able to bear the damage.

"Hahaha, Ah Jin, tell someone who is good at swimming to salvage the knife.

Ah Jin was about to respond when a cry of surprise came first.

"Oh my god, what is that?!"

"It's a person. It seems that the person is running on the water!"

Running on the water? Ajin and Klick looked in the direction and saw a person running on the water.

And the person running was Roger!

"How is it possible! Someone can actually run on water?……"

Seeing this scene, even Akin, who is called a demon, was stunned.

Did the Hokage come in?

Of course not, it's just that Rogue's fruit ability has matured after being upgraded to level 2.

Rogue can easily and quickly control the variety of uses of the fruit.

The running on the water is the result of Rogue freezing the water while running.

""The ultimate skill of the flying slash: Flowing Snow. Slash!"

While running, Rogge made a flying slash with ice and snow effect towards Click's pirate ship.

Click and others only saw a six-meter-high light blue slash with cold air flying towards them.

Seeing that the pirate ship could not dodge,

Ajin gritted his teeth and stood in front of Click, crossing his weapons.


Although Click's pirate ship was luxurious, it was also made of wood, and its hardness was not as good as the navy's metal ship.

So Rogge's flying slash easily penetrated the pirate ship, but it stopped for two seconds when it met Ajin, but then Ajin's weapon was cut off, and Ajin was also cut in half.

Click felt bad, and took advantage of the two-second gap created by Ajin to dodge the slash.


Click, who had survived by chance, was about to make a big speech, but the fight did not end after the slash.

Ice crystals gradually appeared on the hull that was slashed, and then quickly spread, freezing all the pirates including Click.

Da da da.

Roger was the only one walking in the pirate ship covered with ice crystals.

Roger looked at these panicked frozen faces and smiled, seeming to be very satisfied with his masterpiece. It was also the first time he tried to give the fruit ability to the Leap Slash, but he did not expect such a strong effect.

He felt that with his strength, he could at least be promoted to brigadier general.

The headquarters

"Wither, ice flower."

Rogge clapped his hands, and the ice crystals that froze the entire ship shattered instantly.

All the pirates died, including Captain Click. ps: Busy in the morning, hard work in the afternoon, thanks to the monthly tickets from the two dads"Wooden Man" and"My Wife in the Avatar" yesterday!!

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