The next day, he came to the dojo as usual to do some odd jobs. After finishing, he did not wait for Master Koshiro to say anything. He left silently and continued to practice sword skills alone at the beach.

He swung the sword again and again...

Because most of the swords in this world look like katana, so does Rogge's wooden sword. The wooden sword is also equivalent to the wooden sword.

So Rogge's training seems to have no characteristics, just swinging forward continuously. Of course, this action also requires solid horse stance coordination.

And it is this action that has allowed Rogge to swing for six years without wavering.

He always believed that as long as he did this, he would definitely make progress, but the facts did not seem to develop that way.

If the system had not appeared, Rogge might only be able to swing at the air at the edge of the sea for the rest of his life.


The wooden sword was broken by Rogge's powerful force and made a sound.

Rogge put the two broken pieces of the wooden sword aside and stared at the sea view in the distance in a daze.

"System, upgrade."

During this period, Rogge always prepared two fruits on his body, and then ate them when he wanted to eat.

Because the upgrade points were limited, Rogge could only experience himself getting stronger little by little in this way.

Why haven't the achievement tasks been released yet?

Rogge felt strange. When the system was just awakened, it said that the only way to get upgrade points was to complete the achievement tasks released by the system. So what about the tasks?

"System, are there any achievement tasks?"

Ding! Achievement tasks are being unlocked... Unlocked successfully!

Task 1: Defeat Zoro, and establish your status as a senior brother. Reward upgrade points 200 (not claimed)

Task 2: Defeat Kuina, and become famous throughout Isshin Dojo. Reward upgrade points 500 (not claimed)

Task 3: Defeat Yagu (powerful swordsman), and obtain Koshiro's true teachings. Reward upgrade points 1000 (not claimed)


Rogge found that his system seemed too unintelligent, even inferior to Xiao Ai.

Could it be that opening his own data panel is actually an active function of the system (needs to be awakened)?

Thinking of this, Rogge hurriedly said:"System, open the attribute panel."

Ding! The host attribute panel is opening... Opened successfully!

Host: Rogge

Overall strength: Sergeant Physical strength: 103

Strength: 220

Speed: 60

Spirit: 15

Swordsmanship: Beginner Swordsman

Devil Fruit: Cold Fruit (initial use), can lower one's body temperature at will, as low as minus 273.15 degrees (absolute zero), the current host can make the body reach a maximum of minus one degree, and the temperature of objects touched by the host will also be lowered, but they are not conductive and are limited to the touch range.

Upgrade point balance: 230


Sure enough, the stupid master and the stupid system are a perfect match.

Rogge felt stupid when he thought about how he used his upgrade points just to check his attributes.

But it was a surprise that he had mastered the sword art without realizing it. Rogge thought to himself.

But how did he master it? Rogge couldn't understand why he had mastered the sword art that he hadn't been able to master for six years.

But he couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it and focused on the system task.

"System, accept tasks one and two."

Ding! The host successfully accepted the task, and the current system tasks one and two are in the accepted state.

System task three is to defeat a swordsman named Yagu, but from his current map, the system should not release tasks outside Shimotsuki Village, so this swordsman named Yagu is either a hidden figure in Shimotsuki Village, or some genius swordsman who may exist in the dojo that Rogge has guessed.

Rogge has no confidence in defeating a swordsman with his physical fitness. This is simply unrealistic. You have to know that swordsmen are all able to cut iron and have superb swordsmanship. Rogge does not know any combat skills yet.

"Maybe the purpose of continuing to learn swordsmanship is to acquire combat skills.

"Rogge suddenly realized,"The system can give me strong physical fitness and powerful devil fruit abilities, but it can't teach me how to fight.

You have to know that being strong is never just a collision of data, there are many other factors.

Combat skills account for a large part.

" After figuring out his new pursuit of swordsmanship, Rogge sat up from the beach, patted the sand, picked up his broken wooden sword, and walked towards Isshin Dojo.

He was going to change his sword - a real sword!


Rogge handed his broken sword to Koshiro and said


Koshiro frowned as he took the broken wooden sword and examined it carefully.

"This sword was broken by someone?!"

"Yes, Master."Rogge nodded and said

"You broke it?" Koshiro asked with suspicion.

""Yes." Rogge nodded again.

How could it be possible? I know Rogge's body. He shouldn't have such strength.

Although Koshiro guessed this about Rogge in his heart, he would not criticize him out loud. He Koshiro would never punish or criticize others for no reason. So no matter how weak Rogge was in his image, he, as a master, would not think that Rogge was lying.

"Then."Koshiro took out an ordinary sword from the study and threw it at Rogge.


Rogge steadily caught the sword that Koshiro threw with some force.

It was indeed stronger than before, but why?

With doubts, Koshiro ordered Rogge again:"Try swinging the sword."

Listening to Koshiro's instructions, Rogge didn't think much about it, and thought it was the master asking him if he was familiar with this new knife.


Vertical chop, horizontal chop, turn and chop, it seems that there is no skill in swinging the sword but it hits a large wind blade.

If there is a leaf floating by at this time, I think this wind blade is enough to cut it.

"Your strength……"

""What's wrong, Master?" Rogge stopped swinging his sword and turned around to ask.

Looking at Rogge carefully, Koshiro seemed to be hesitant to speak, but in the end he couldn't help but be curious.

"Roger, have you eaten anything weird lately?"

"Yes, a strange fruit, very unpalatable."

Rogge knew what Koshiro wanted to know, so he half-truthfully attributed his illness to the strange fruit.

Of course, Rogge didn't say it was a devil fruit, in case he was found to be not afraid of seawater and it would be difficult to explain. This also left himself a way out, so that when asked, he could say that he had eaten a fruit that didn't look like a devil fruit.

"I see." Koshiro seemed to automatically imagine that Roger had eaten a devil fruit that could strengthen his body.

"Now that you are healthy, you don't have to do odd jobs for the dojo anymore. Go directly to the dojo and study with your fellow disciples."

""Okay, Master." Roger did not refuse Koshiro's order. Although Roger also thought that he should not forget his roots and should continue to serve the dojo, he thought that he would leave sooner or later, and that this time would not be too long. Maybe after completing three tasks, he might give up the task of defeating the swordsman and leave directly to join the navy.

After all, blindly practicing swordsmanship in the dojo would not improve quickly.

This view did not come from Roger's laziness, but on the contrary, it came from Roger's six years of persistence and nothing.

He practiced swordsmanship for six years but did not reach the threshold of a swordsman.

Although it might be because his body was too far-fetched (his body was poor, he could not swing the sword steadily or accurately, and the teacher only gave him occasional guidance, so he could not even swing the sword steadily for six years.

), but it was also because his kendo talent was really average.

Roger thought that if he wanted to further improve his kendo and become a swordsman, he should see whether the devil fruit system would have more functional breakthroughs after the upgrade.

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