"Future development? You mean I won't be in office right away after I go to the headquarters?" Roger asked puzzledly.

"Appointment? They said you still have a lot of room for improvement, so they hope to train you to learn Haki and then send you directly to the New World."Smoker didn't seem to care about the protection of the Navy's internal secrets, and casually revealed the headquarters' decision about Rogge.

Haki? I was thinking about how to learn it, but I didn't expect the headquarters to be so considerate.

Rogge was secretly happy.

However, in the original work, Smoker didn't know Haki in the early stage. I don't know why.

"Domineering? Can you do it?"Rogge asked knowingly.

""Heroic power is a special power. As for its function and ability, someone will tell you when you arrive at the headquarters. As for me, I don't know how to be domineering. It requires a very high level of physical fitness, and I am not qualified." Smoker said lightly.

But Roger never believed that Smoker's body was not good enough. You know, Smoker's muscles are not ordinary big men. They are good-looking but useless.

So in Roger's opinion, Smoker's lack of domineering power is probably because of his bad temper, which made the instructor angry.

"Well, let's not talk about anything else. Let's hand over the power information first. Colonel Kerry is waiting to retire."Rogge smiled faintly.

"Haha, I am really looking forward to it. Besides, old man Henry is retiring with me. It will be even busier here in the future. Smoker, you have to work hard."Kerry said jokingly.

Smoker put down his cigarette and nodded,"Yeah."

Kerry, as an old navy veteran, retired, and Smoker felt a sense of sympathy.

Soon, Kerry and Smoker completed the handover of power.

Kerry's deputy also handed over the task to Smoker's deputy, Tashiki.

""Dashiki." After Kerry left, Smoker said to Dashiki

"Yes!" Dashiqi agreed with a serious expression.

"From now on, the work of reporting these materials and documents will be handed over to you."


Looking at Dashiqi who looked 90% like Kuina, Roger laughed out loud

"So what do you do?"

Apparently Tashigi hadn't been Smoker's lieutenant for very long.

"Me? I'm responsible for catching pirates."Smoker said lightly, then turned to look at Roger, no longer paying attention to the autistic Tashigi.

"Why are you still here?"

"Me? I don't have my own office. I usually share an office with Colonel Kerry."

Rogge's meaning is very clear. I want to share an office with you, Smoker.


After a moment of silence, Smoker asked

"Why don't you have your own office?"

"Because I will be leaving here for the headquarters soon, it would be redundant to vacate another position for me, and I am not in the branch most of the time."Rogge explained


Smoker was silent again. After all, he had just been demoted from the headquarters.

"It's up to you."

After all, what Roger said was true, but it was really unnecessary to waste a room for a month of friendship.

Seeing that Smoker had no objection, Roger smiled calmly, and then looked at Dashiki who was working in isolation.


"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong? Brigadier General Rogge.

Dashiqi didn't understand what Rogge wanted her to do.

"You look like my girlfriend."



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