"Haven't you heard of the curse?" Roger said with a faint smile.

"Curse?" Dashiqi was puzzled. It wasn't written in the book!

"Well, actually, the Sandai Kitetsu is a demon sword, much more vicious than ordinary swords, so if you use it without its approval, it will kill you in battle."Rogge explained

"Tsk, it's so vicious."After hearing what Roger said, Smoker looked at the Sandai Kitetsu with an unhappy expression.

He seemed to be doubting whether the sword really had this kind of spirituality. If so, why didn't my 'Ten-hand' have it?

"Since you haven't used this sword, does that mean you are not recognized by the Sandai Kitetsu? How is it possible that you, who was recognized by the headquarters as a candidate for admiral, don't have the strength to defeat it!" Tashigi agreed and was shocked.

But Rogge shook his head and said,"It's not about being convinced. Your strength doesn't mean that the demon sword will recognize you. This sword has its own spirituality, and no one knows what its judging criteria are."

"If that's the case, why didn't the knife recognize you? Did it attack you when you used it?"Smoker asked.

Dashiqi also stared at Roger, obviously curious.

"Well...what should I say, anyway, just give me the knife." Roger stretched out his hand to Dashiqi and said.

Dashiqi handed over the knife in response.

"Watch carefully."

Roger threw the Sandai Kitetsu from below to above, and then stretched out his right arm to stand horizontally where the Sandai Kitetsu fell.

"Brigadier General Rogue!"Tashigi and Smoker said in surprise.

But they had no time to stop him. They could only watch the Sandai Kitetsu falling down at high speed.


The whole blade of the Sandai Kitetsu was embedded in the ground. Obviously, if the blow just now had landed, Rogue's arm would have been gone.


After the Third Generation of Kitetsu fell to the ground, Rogue kept staring at it, leaving Tashigi and Smoker puzzled.

After a long time, Rogue collected his thoughts and said,"If your arm is cut off by doing this, then you will not be recognized by it. On the contrary, if your arm is not cut off, then you will be recognized.""

"……"Smoker was silent.

Tashigi seemed angry for some reason.

"Isn't it too reckless of you to do this?"

"You said before that you didn't get its recognition, so why is your arm still there?"

Rogge smiled faintly, then pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu, put it back into the scabbard and said,"Because I dodged it."

""Dodged?" Dashiqi didn't understand what it meant.

"I dodged it just when it was about to hit me." Roger couldn't say that he could see and hear the Haki, so he could only vaguely explain.

"Is that the case this time too?" Smoker asked as he watched Roger put the Third Generation Kitetsu into his waist.

"This time it wasn't like that. This time I didn't hide. It just didn't want to cut me. So I got its approval."Rogge smiled lightly, but he couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

""Has it been recognized?!" Dashiqi was a little surprised and a little disappointed.

Originally, Dashiqi wanted to buy the knife for her collection on the pretext that Rogge couldn't use it, but now she had no choice.

"But I still have Xiaoye Shiyu."

Dashiqi thought about it and touched the famous sword on his waist and smiled.

"Forget it, it's a famous sword, there will be another chance in the future."

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