Nami handed the devil fruit to Motoge.

Yuange then ate the devil fruit.

When the devil fruit was eaten.

Yuange really experienced what is the most unpalatable thing in the world.

Sure enough, it was still this devil fruit.

This is not a lie.

It’s really worse than it’s to eat.

It’s really unpalatable.

Yuange felt that after eating this devil fruit, he did not dare to eat this devil fruit.

It’s really unpalatable.

When Yuange took a bite of the devil fruit, Yuange immediately vomited.

This guy is so unpalatable.

After eating this devil fruit, of course, he couldn’t vomit.

Looking at Yuange like this, the other people didn’t know what to say.

This guy ate a devil fruit and became what he is now.

“You should know by now that this devil fruit is very eaten!”

Nami said without anger at this time.

Just as Yuange ate that devil fruit, a voice suddenly came to mind in Yuange’s mind.

“Devil Fruit Fusion!” ”

When Yuange heard this one voice.

I was very confused with that.

Because he didn’t expect such a thing to happen.

He felt that if he ate the Devil Fruit, maybe something else would happen.

But I didn’t expect that there would be a Devil Fruit Fusion.

Then a voice came to mind.

“Smoky fruit with wax wax fruit, fusion formation, smoke wax wax fruit! Fusion complete! ”

Originally, I was very happy.

However, hear the Devil Fruit formed by the fusion.

Yuange felt very speechless.

This fusion devil fruit, the name of the fusion is no different.

Although this made him feel very speechless.

However, at this time, Yuange was very curious about what function the combined devil fruit had.

He really wanted to try it now, what kind of ability this fusion devil fruit was.

It’s just that Yuange at this time is tied up by these people.

And he also had handcuffs on his hands.

Therefore, at this time, Yuange Na could not use the ability of the Devil Fruit at all.

He then said to these people, “Now that the devil fruit has been eaten, can you release me?” ”

Naturally, they didn’t want to release the Yuan Song, because they were very curious about the Yuan Song.

Especially Robin.

However, seeing that Yuange did not answer their questions at all, she knew that the other party would not tell all this.

This made Robin very regretful.

However, at this time, these people did not say angrily: ‘How is this Devil Fruit fruit? It’s delicious! ’

Yuange did not have any answers to these questions.

If this guy is delicious, everything in the world will be delicious.

However, these people were curious and did not betray these people.

Because who can’t have their own little secret!

Then they put the metasong on.

When Yuange was released by these guys, Yuange did not go to calculate with these people.

This surprised them.

Because these guys treated Yuange like this, they felt that Yuange should take revenge on these people.

The other party could have stopped eating the devil fruit, but he was forcibly eaten by these people.

And just now, when they saw Yuange eating the devil fruit, tears were about to flow out.

Yuange was very curious at this time, and the smoke wax wax fruit formed by the fusion of his wax wax fruit and smoke fruit was a profound evil ability.

At this time, he couldn’t wait to know the ability of the Devil Fruit after this fusion.

However, when Yuange used his Devil Fruit’s ability.

At the beginning, Yuange felt that the ability of the Devil Fruit that he had fused into had not changed in essence.

In this regard, Yuange was very disappointed.

But soon, Yuange noticed that there seemed to be a little difference.

Because the waxy fruit is surrounded by a layer of smoke.

Their own can control the smoke form on the wax fruit.

When he saw such a situation, this made Yuange feel very excited.

Because he didn’t expect such a thing to happen.

This really surprised him.

If this is the case, then you can catch the other person by placing the wax fruit there with wax and then through the smoke fruit.

Then freeze the other party through the wax wax fruit.

It’s really useful.

But it is much easier to use than a single devil fruit.

When I saw the lump of wax on the ground, there was still smoke on it.

This depends on other people, it is very curious.

For there is a fundamental difference between that wax and the wax they anoint this ship of gold.

“Why is there a layer of smoke on the wax on this ground! What is this situation? ”

Usopp asked curiously. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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