The old man was sitting on the toilet, holding the Book of Miracles in his left hand and a golden ball of light in his right hand, with a string of numbers floating above the ball of light.


"So that's how it's used? You didn't even remind me, bad review!"

Ye Tian held the ball of light and pressed the first page.

The original golden text on it disappeared, replaced by new text.

[Book of Miracles - Eternal Night Volume 1/7]

[Night Elf]

[In the dark, physical fitness is improved by 5 times, speed is increased by 3 times, and movements are more agile. ]

[In the dark, vision is greatly improved, and sounds within 500 meters can be heard in the dark. 】

[Get the favor of the night and reduce your presence in the night]

[Get the favor of friendly animals in the night]

A strange power surged into his body, and he instantly felt that he had mastered these abilities, as if they were innate.

Moreover, his mind felt cool and he felt that there was airflow constantly flowing. He could even feel his body structure through these airflows.

"Is this, mental power? Am I at the "qi" level now?"

[You can choose to use the miracle badge on a certain page of ability, and this page of ability will be doubled]

[Removing the miracle badge requires 1% or 10,000 miracle points, whichever is higher]

"Damn, evil capitalists! Miracle points are also deducted, hum!"

He curled his lips, very dissatisfied with this behavior. But he couldn't say anything, after all, it gave too much. This skill looks very abnormal, double blessing, how powerful is that?

Besides, it's still the first page. There will definitely be more powerful skills later. If I can double it, it won't be a dream to fight Kosovo.

Ye Tian thought of this and smiled.

"The first page is relatively basic, which is understandable. But it can only be used at night, which is a bit of a limitation."

He turned to the next page, and there were 833 miracle points. I don't know if I can open it again.

The second page was opened, and three lines of official golden fonts appeared.

[Book of Miracles - Eternal Night Volume]

[Open: 1/7]

[Required Miracle Points: 1000]

"Good guy, it's 10 times at a time. It's the seventh page, isn't it over 100 million? However, I'm already 833 now, so it's not too far from opening the second page."

Ye Tian touched his chin and continued to turn to the next page. Suddenly, a familiar demonic voice sounded from the bottom of his heart.

"Not good!"

He was startled. The last time this voice almost took his life. Just as he was about to close the book, he found that the silver chain on his left wrist was emitting golden light. The light shone on the Book of Miracles, and the sound disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

"I didn't expect that you actually have this function?" Ye Tian looked at the silver chain on his wrist and said with some relief.

He never understood what this chain was, so he simply wore it as a bracelet. He didn't expect it to be able to suppress that sound.

This book was locked by this chain at the beginning. It seems that something is not simple here.

However, this is not what he should consider now. Even if he knows something, he has no ability to change it. It is better to stay and level up honestly.

Ye Tian shook his head and cast his eyes back to the Book of Miracles.

[Book of Miracles - Volume of Truth]

[Open: 0/7]

[Required Miracle Points: 1000]

"Truth? A new skill book? 7 pages again? I really hit the jackpot. With so many abilities, even a pig can beat the master to death with random punches, right?"

"But the miracle points are a bit difficult to deal with. The number of pages opened has increased 10 times, and the new volume as a whole has increased 10 times again?"

He suddenly felt a toothache. Where can he get so many miracle points? Even if he went to cheat people, one person only provided a dozen points, which was not enough to fill the gap between his teeth.

Moreover, cheating people is a business. It's okay for the first time, but if it happens too many times, you can't even get a hair.

"Forget it, don't worry about it. First find a way to open these two pages and see if there are any good skills to help escape from prison."


After flushing, Ye Tian opened the door. Just as he was about to walk out, he saw a yellow-haired head shaking outside the door.

"Why are you still here?"

Ye Tian looked at the little guy who kept hanging around the door of his toilet and said speechlessly


He almost forgot about this person, but he didn't expect that he was still guarding here.

"Ye Tian! How did you get in like this?" The little man looked a little bad, staring at him intently.

"What do you mean, how did I get in? If I was caught, I would have gotten in?"

He walked out of the toilet and said casually.

"Wait a minute! Explain it to me! Did they regret it? But, it shouldn't be. After spending so much, are they just going to give up like this?"

The little man's face became gloomier and his voice trembled.

Ye Tian looked at the little man with rich expressions, speechless.

The script started right at the beginning? Please, I haven't read a word, okay? How can I respond if you do this?

"Anyway, it's already like this, just muddle through. Living in prison won't kill you, and I'm the leader of a sect, so I won't have a bad life here." He chose an answer that was as ambiguous as possible, and then walked out.

"Hey! What do you mean it's over? Have you forgotten that your evidence is still in their hands? You risked your life to hold a spirit-sentence ceremony to get it back, and you said it's over?" The little man looked at him in disbelief and said in a lost voice.

Buddy, can you stop being so dramatic? I don't know what happened.

And what does my previous life's evidence have to do with me?

Ye Tian's face twitched, and he said:

"What else can I do? At least I'm still alive now. What evidence is more important than my life?"

He shook his head and continued to walk out.

The little man trembled all over, pointed at Ye Tian's back and said:

"You, have you become like this now? You don't even care about your own nude photos? Well, Ye Tian, ​​I misjudged you!"

The little man looked lonely and his eyes were red. He regarded Ye Tian as a fellow sufferer, but he didn't expect that he was wrong after all.

Suddenly, he felt the light suddenly dim.

Looking up, he found Ye Tian looking at him with horror.

"What photo?"


In a dark corner, a tall figure blocked all the light, and a thin figure was shivering.

"My nude...bah, my...bah, where is that photo?"

Ye Tian looked at the little man in the corner and asked coldly.

"It's in Yao Zhe's hands. Have you forgotten? When we went to peek at my sister taking a bath, he found out. He threatened me with this, and you were photographed naked."

"You can't tell a person's heart from his face. I thought he was a person I could make friends with, and I invited him to watch it with me. Who knew that he was actually a lackey of a big shot, and he was so insidious and cunning."

Ye Tian's mouth twitched. Good guy, you are really a talent. It's okay to peek at my sister taking a bath by yourself, but you also invite others to join.

But, the predecessor of this body is really hateful. He saw all the good things, but he put the blame on me.

"By the way, Ye Tian. Why do I feel that your memory is a little missing? No, you are not yourself anymore, right?" The little guy was a little scared, and the more he talked, the more scared he became.

"I am Ye Tian! I will never change my name. It's just that something happened before, and I can't remember some things."

Ye Tian glanced at him and wondered if he was a prophet. Would he need a knife tonight?

"Well, that's right. The evil things like the spirit-sentence rituals are really harmful. But it's good that you are still alive. What happened at that time? Why did you come in too?"

When he heard this, he knew that the highlight was coming. If he wanted to get more information, he couldn't let this little guy doubt himself. If he didn't let him doubt himself, he had to be logical.

Ye Tian thought for a moment, sighed and said:

"At that time, I laid a seven-pointed star, and it did react. However, I only saw a flash of light, and the nearby buildings collapsed. Then, the group of people under my command began to flee. After that, because I ran in a bad route, I was knocked unconscious by a brick, and I was caught when I woke up."

"Is that so." The little man scratched his head.

After all the calculations, I didn't expect that Ye Tian actually got in because of luck, and it seems that he was hit and lost his memory.


Main control room.

"Is that so." Kosovo scratched his face and said with some surprise.

"Do I need to report to the King's District?" The little girl asked.

"Well, send a message. Just talk about the spirit descent, as for Ye Tian, ​​it's to be determined."


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