The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Ye Tian ran across the street quickly and ran towards the place that touched his senses. Just now, the Book of Miracles jumped again, with a greater amplitude than the first time, which made him pay more attention.

However, when he saw the woods, a strong breath aroused his vigilance, and his mind turned and went into the bushes on the side.

Not long after, the owner of the breath appeared nearby. It was a middle-aged man smoking a cigar. Judging from his clothes, he was not an ordinary person. Just standing there, he had an inexplicable aura.

After staying here for more than ten seconds, he went to the next place again.

Ye Tian squatted in the bushes to maintain his disguise, without any movement, and only followed by breath and ears, and found that this strange man was wandering around the woods, as if he was checking if there was anyone around.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged man who had wandered around for a while moved away from Ye Tian's "sight" at a very fast speed, and Ye Tian walked out of the bushes.

"This guy looks very strong. I don't know what he is doing sneaking around in the middle of the night. If it weren't for the breath that didn't move, I almost thought it was him who caused the abnormality of the Book of Miracles." Ye Tian pondered for a while, then continued to move forward and entered the woods.

As the distance got closer, a breath inside appeared in his field of vision. Because this breath was not strong, he almost ignored it.

"Why does this breath feel familiar?" Ye Tian wondered, and continued to approach quietly.

Lou Gao was still chanting the mumbling he had just learned, but he didn't use the shadow bead anymore, because he was not sure whether using the ability would consume the shadow bead. He planned to do what Hans asked him to do and then ask Hans for advice again.

Now he kept chanting just to remember the mumbling more firmly, so firmly that he would not forget it even in his dreams.

It's not that Lou Gao didn't plan to find a notebook to write it down, but he was afraid that the mumbling would be leaked out and cause Hans' dissatisfaction. Although Hans didn't ask, he knew that this kind of thing couldn't be passed on. In order to keep it secret, he could only rely on repeated practice.

Fortunately, this place is relatively secret, and Hans has been here before, so he believes that there will definitely be no one else nearby, so he can try it boldly.

"O shrouded darkness~~O gazing sky~~Shine, bright moonlight~~"

The rough and unrestrained voice entered Ye Tian's ears, almost making him stumble. He scratched his ears in disbelief, and then whispered to himself: "What kind of psychopath is this, hiding here singing in the middle of the night, and it's so damn ugly."

Ye Tian hesitated for a moment, but continued to move forward and began to observe behind a tree.

"Who is this? The tavern owner? I just met him not long ago, why did he run here and go crazy?" Ye Tian pinched his chin and waited at ease.

Lou Gao's behavior at this moment was indeed a bit strange, because keeping one action was too monotonous, so he began to walk and chant, curl up and chant, do horse stance and chant, and even jump up and turn a 360° big turn and then continue to chant. I don't know if it was the excitement of the brain or the metaphysical gain of changing actions, the effect was surprisingly good.

Not long after, Lou Gao stopped chanting, but the excitement on his face did not diminish at all. He took two deep breaths in succession to calm down a little, and then began to walk out.

Ye Tian followed all the way until he saw the tavern from a distance and did not find anything unusual.

Because of Hans's appearance, he was not sure if there were similar powerful people nearby, so he stopped and did not go deeper.

Anyway, he would stay here for a while, and there would be many opportunities to contact, so there was no need to rush.

As soon as he returned to his residence, Ye Tian stopped. There was someone in his house, but he was relieved after another investigation. He pushed open the door and walked in.

At this moment, Bramo, Hu Dou, and Genban were sitting in Ye Tian's house, and a weak-looking man was curled up in the middle. The torn holes in his clothes and several pairs of large gray footprints could prove what he had just experienced.

Seeing Ye Tian coming back, Hu Dou exaggeratedly opened the Ring of Silence, and then said to Ye Tian as if to take credit: "A thief broke into your room. Thanks to me, I found him when I entered the room and kept him there."

After saying that, he raised his head proudly, with an expression of "please praise me".

Ye Tian rolled his eyes speechlessly. It's just catching a thief, but you act like you have done something big, and you sneaked into my room in the middle of the night without sleeping.


"Yeah, thanks to you." Ye Tian pushed Hu Dou away, walked to a sofa and sat down, then looked at Bramo.

If it was just a thief, Hu Dou could handle it alone, there was no need to wait here, and Bramo had been looking at him since he entered the door, he must have something to say.

As expected, Bramo kicked the man, and then said: "This is not a thief. Thieves will not hide blades in their hair and cuffs, and they will wait for people to come so calmly after being caught."

Huo Chuan's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that the other party had seen through his disguise and had been cooperating with him until everyone was gathered before exposing him.

Thinking of this, he turned over, pulled out a thin blade from his sleeve and slashed at Ye Tian. He didn't think he could hurt the other party, but just wanted to take advantage of the other party's panic to escape from here.

Ye Tian, ​​who had seen through his moves, sneered, and with a slight turn of his wrist, he grabbed the opponent's wrist, and then hit his knee with his toes, easily subduing the opponent, and he remained in a sitting position throughout the whole process.

Bramo looked away in surprise. He had long experienced Ye Tian's strength, but that was a hard condition in terms of ability. The sophistication shown in the timing of his attack and the effect he achieved just now really made him feel pressured.

Because only after real experience of fighting can one develop such a subtle vision.

Thinking that Ye Tian was also a leader of a sect, Bramo couldn't help but feel relieved. Maybe Ye Tian usually behaved more casually and did not have the momentum that matched his status, but without these, he was a mountain that could not be seen from the top, and his inadvertent exposure could make people sigh.

Coming back from the trance, Bramo suddenly remembered his purpose, and then he said implicitly: "I have an enemy here, I don't know if it will affect your trip."

Because there was an "outsider", he replaced the word "Ye Jiaozhu" with "you".

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't expect Bramo to have enemies here, but this explained why Bramo followed him here.

"Oh? Who is it?"

Bramo did not hide: "A guy named Lai Gun, who has cooperated with me several times before. He took a high reward, but gave me extremely risky information, which led me to fall into the trap of the Night Watcher."

"Lai Gun?" The guy on the ground was shocked and obviously frightened.

Ye Tian silently looked at him with contempt, letting him swallow the words that were about to come to his mouth, and then continued to ask: "What strength?"

Bramo tilted his head: "The last time I met him was in the fog realm. There should be no progress in a short time, but he is involved in many forces and has a complicated network of relationships."

Ye Tian raised his legs, posed a comfortable posture, and said in a calm tone: "It doesn't conflict with my purpose. I will kill him when I meet him."

Compared to the purpose being unclear, it is better to say it directly. It's just a fog realm, which is not a threat to him.

Moreover, with the premise of mutual assistance, he can also try to ask Bramo for his opinion, find out the hidden hand of Yao Zhe, or even find Yao Zhe himself, which is a win-win situation.

At this time, Genban scratched his bald head and said hesitantly: "I remember this person. He used to stay in the Black Throne and was a backbone. After that, he disappeared for a long time, and no one in the church mentioned him."

Black Throne? Bramo's expression tightened. He didn't expect that Lai Gun had this identity.

Ye Tian waved his hand indifferently. He had dealt with countless people from the Black Throne, and this one was not bad. Besides, he could pretend to be Lu Yi, and he was not afraid of these forces at all.

So he said with full of style: "It doesn't matter. What about the Black Throne? Anyway, it has nothing to do with you now. If they dare to come here, just kill them directly."

Well, the premise is that they can come here.

Seeing Ye Tian so confident, Bramo was relieved. He originally wanted to borrow Ye Tian's power. Now that he got the guarantee, he didn't have to worry about the trouble that might come later.

Next, their eyes were focused on the only outsider on the field.

Huo Chuan, who was surrounded in the middle, was already scared. The hidden identity of Lai Gun, the members of the Black Throne, the actions that this group of people would take, and this mysterious leader.

Is this a secret that he can hear?

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