After a while, the two of them were in a state of panic.

Back in the house again, Ye Tian took a quick shower and lay on the bed.

Took out the Book of Miracles and glanced at the numbers on it casually.


Although he did not take the initiative to create some incidents that were considered miracles in the eyes of others these days, under various butterfly reactions, some tiny miracle points slowly accumulated.

And this automatic rise has a tendency to strengthen recently. Although I don’t know why, it is always good for him.

"There are no night watchmen patrolling here every day, and there are no strong people staying nearby. Even if they come from other areas, they have to ride horses for several days, so there is a lot of room for me to move around, and I don't have to worry about any trouble."

Looking up at the bright moonlight outside the window, Ye Tian fell asleep with all kinds of thoughts.


Area 51.

"Are there any abnormal phenomena in the vicinity? It seems that there are none?" Feng Shao looked at the strange night watchman and said with a little reminiscence.

"Please think about it again. This investigation is mainly about the incident of the spirit. I believe you also know some secrets." The night watchman asked again.

Feng Yue in the house frowned and asked from a distance: "Does the collapse of the building count? Including the ground."

Before the night watchman came back to his senses, Feng Shao turned his head first and asked in surprise: "Have you seen it?"

Building collapse, isn't this a sign of the spirit event?

"Well, didn't Ye Tian, ​​who broke through 0-7, hold a spirit-seeking ceremony? All the nearby buildings collapsed. Fortunately, there were no residents nearby." Feng Yue was stunned for a moment and said, she didn't know much about spirit-seeking.

Hearing this name, the breathing of the Night Watch members subconsciously became heavier, and his face could be felt through the mask.

"What's wrong?" Feng Shao was a little surprised by his reaction. Although a spirit-seeking incident was confirmed, it was far from enough to make the Night Watchers like this. After all, their daily mission level was much higher than that of spirit-seeking.

The Night Watch members were silent for a while, and said slowly: "The significance of this time is different. The King's District has issued the highest order. All recent spirit-seeking incidents must be reported directly to the Judge."

"Could it be?" Feng Shao immediately thought of something.

"Although the Judge did not emphasize it, it is obvious that the recent spirit-seeking is not ordinary, and it is likely related to the high-level shadow." The Night Watch members regained their calm tone.

"High-ranking shadow, what is that?" Feng Yue frowned. It was the first time she heard such a statement.

Feng Shao's expression became solemn, and he said in a low voice: "You know the heretical organizations such as Violent Fire and Black Throne, right? All of them combined are not as threatening as a high-ranking shadow."

Feng Yue's eyes suddenly widened, and the Night Watch members also clenched their fists.

Feng Shao glanced at the night sky and exhaled slowly: "If Ye Tian is really related to this kind of thing, his level of danger will be second only to Ye Mu."


In the distance.

Six people dressed as Night Watch gathered here, and one of the Night Watchers stood silently in the center. Even if he was just standing, he had an aura that made people unapproachable.

After a while, the Night Watcher in the center turned his head and looked at the Night Watchers who came out of Area 51:

"Have you received the notice?"

"I have received the notice. In addition to the transfer order of the Night Watcher 013 team, I also got a spirit advent event information from them." The Night Watcher asked concisely.

Today was his first mission after joining the team. It was just a small matter like notifying things. It would not be so simple in the future.

"The configuration of Mr. Feng's team is almost as good as the other night watchmen. His strength is not weaker than mine. It's just a waste to keep him here. Let him go out to run missions."

The night watchman, who was obviously the captain, explained the reason for passing by here, and then looked at the team member again:

"Is the target of the spirit important? If it's not important, just record it. I will summarize it and hand it in before leaving the wall."

The night watchman hesitated for a moment, and said: "I think it's more important. His name is Ye Tian, ​​the leader of the Death Worship Cult."

"Ye Tian? The Ye Tian who broke through 0-7? I remember you were under Kosovo before, right? Feng." A female night watchman was surprised.

Another night watchman said casually: "Our mission this time is very tense. You won't exaggerate it because of some private conflicts, right?"

"No, I experienced the whole process of him breaking through 0-7, so I know him better. That's why I think this news is very important." Feng looked at him without fear.

Luo Shi felt offended and was about to ridicule again, but was stopped by the female night watcher in advance.

Her eyes penetrated Luo Shi's mask, and she said in a cold voice: "Put away your rudeness and arrogance. If you can't even trust your teammates, who can you trust with your back?"

Luo Shi was suddenly awakened by her voice, and then he realized his mistake just now. Being able to join the night watcher itself explains everything. Feng can't be ignored just because he is a newcomer.

The night watcher is an extremely dangerous profession, and every team member is the most precious asset of the team.

At this time, the captain of the night watch interrupted and said, "This place is not far from the first wall, so I will report to the first wall first. Danlin, you take them away first.",

"Okay.", The female night watcher just nodded and reminded Feng first: "Remember to use the technique I just taught you"

As her figure rushed out first, the others followed closely, with light figures, like a school of fish sneaking in the sea.

The captain of the night watch glanced at them, lowered the hood of his cloak, and disappeared in an instant with a slight step.


Dark and quiet room.

The illusory mist permeated every corner of the room, sometimes rising and sometimes sinking, but there was a group of flowing mist that always stagnated in an area without flowing out.

With a long and slow exhalation, a graceful figure moved, she slowly stretched her body, driving the surrounding mist to sweep away.

Weier gently knocked the bell on the table, and with a crisp echo, a strong man opened the door.

He squatted down and lit a cigarette for Weier, then stood beside her.

"Is Chai Gao recruiting members again?" Weier enjoyed a puff of cigarette and asked casually.

"Yes, because he has basically found people nearby, so he plans to develop in the neighboring area and is now planning the development route." Singh told him the plan that Chai Gao boasted to him privately without any reservation.

"This guy." Weier held his forehead with one hand, and said after a while: "You find him and tell him to stop all actions recently. There are two judges wandering outside now. Some rampant underground forces have been uprooted. Maybe they were discovered by the judges."

"Yeah." Singh said with his eyebrows downcast.

After a moment of silence, Weier spoke again: "Go to District 86, and leave in three days. When you get there, find a man named Hans, find Yao Zhe through him, and get my salary for the past two months. Well, get the salary for the next two months as well, so you don't have to run back and forth."

She and Yao Zhe are not superiors and subordinates, but have established a certain degree of employment relationship, so salary is necessary, even if she actually does nothing.

And it is best to advance a sum of future salary, because she may take the entire Leopard Cat Cult away one day.

"Well." Singer responded again.

Weier nodded, took a puff of cigarette and continued: "Yao Zhe may ask you about Ye Tian's news. When the time comes, you can tell him that Ye Tian is hiding in District 86. Don't worry about anything afterwards. Just take my salary and come back. It's none of our business whether he can find him or not.

"Well, that's it for now. Remember to be secretive."

"Okay." Singer responded again, solemnly writing down what the leader told him.

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