In the dark night, Ye Tian found a man standing still. And the direction he and Hu Dou were heading was exactly there.

It seemed that someone had arrived, and judging from the footsteps, it should not be Bramo.

Gradually approaching the figure, when he saw his face clearly, Ye Tian felt that the world suddenly became smaller.

"Hey, brother, it's you?"

He said in surprise, and didn't expect to meet him here.

The man was a head taller than Ye Tian, ​​and the light of the machine hit his face, and a scar was faintly visible. It was the scarred man who had a verbal battle with Ye Tian in the restaurant at noon. Although he didn't speak at the time, the credit of fanning was not small.

"Uh, it's you." The scarred man rubbed his face and said with a wry smile.

He was frightened by Ye Tian before, and thought he was cheated at that time. Later, he found out that Ye Tian was actually the leader of the Death Cult. And the person who asked him to escape from prison before was also a member of the Death Cult.

This time he really entered a den of thieves, but the situation was not too bad. Although Ye Tian looked careless and a little unreliable. But because of this, he felt that he could get along with these people.

"Do you know each other?" Hu Dou asked in a daze. He knew that this person's personality was a bit withdrawn, and he was afraid that Ye Tian would conflict with him, but he didn't expect this result.

"Of course, this is a buddy who has been through thick and thin with me. Don't you think so, brother?" Ye Tian patted the scarred man on the shoulder and smiled slightly.

"Yes, yes. My name is Shi Changsong. Please give me more advice in the future." Shi Changsong said with some toothache.

This person is easy to get along with, but it's hard to respond to this. If we really go by age, I could be your father if I had tried hard in my early years, so what's the big deal about being patted on the shoulder and called a brother?

But thinking that they are going to escape together now, I'll let him do it.

Ye Tian was about to chat again, but he noticed a sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and asked:

"Brother, how is your relationship with the other person?"

"Ah? Are you talking about Bramo? I don't know him well." Shi Changsong didn't expect his topic to change so quickly, and said in a daze.

"Not familiar? That's good."

Ye Tian's eyes were cold, and he said in a low voice.

Soon, the last figure appeared here.

"We're all here, let's go." Bramo said slowly, looking at Hu Dou and Shi Changsong.

Hu Dou made a gesture, and the circle of silence appeared instantly. Then, Shi Changsong stood in front of a machine and clasped an iron plate with both hands. After a while, he took the iron plate down directly.

After Shi Changsong waited for them to get in, he held the iron plate in one hand and got in as well. Finally, he put the iron plate back in place.

The interior of the machine was quite spacious, and you could walk through it while squatting. With the light of the machine, you could roughly see the direction. However, the darkness did not have much impact. Everyone had spiritual power, so even if it was restricted, it was still no problem to see the road. There was a hole in the center of the machine, and it seemed that the passage started from here.

After drilling a long tunnel, the road began to widen, at least with the space for two people.

Hu Dou explained to Ye Tian that there were limited machines nearby. Although they tried their best to compress the soil and rocks in the passage tightly, there was still no place to put the extra iron filings and soil and rocks. There were limited machines nearby, and they had already secretly put a lot in, and the more could only be taken to other places for processing.

In this case, they widened the passage so much to prevent accidents. If something really happened, these spare spaces would be their lifeline. They can hide inside and dig a tunnel, leaving the extra soil and rocks behind, greatly improving efficiency.

Ye Tian nodded secretly. He had to say that this plan was quite careful, and he didn't just think about escaping prison on impulse.

Suddenly, Bramo in front stopped and said with a smile:

"We are almost at the end. However, before we work, should we get to know this new friend better?"

"Bramo, don't go too far! Ye Tian is our leader, you should be more respectful when you speak." Hu Dou said sternly.

"Hehe, leader? I'm afraid it's not that simple." Bramo said sarcastically: "You rarely do activities with them on weekdays. It's obvious that you are not a simple superior-subordinate relationship. Moreover, I have never seen a leader who abandons his subordinates and only cares about running away."

"You are so...

Bastard! "

Hu Dou thought that he was just dissatisfied with himself for bringing Ye Tian in halfway, but he didn't expect that Bramo had been observing himself and others for a long time. In this way, it was a coincidence that he met him at the beginning.

Shi Changsong heard their conversation and understood why Ye Tian asked about his relationship with Bramo before. However, he didn't want the few people to have an internal conflict at this time, and couldn't help but interrupted: "Since you have decided to go together, there is no need to conflict at this time, right? One more person can also be more powerful. "

"Hey, I didn't expect you to speak for them. When he found you, he didn't tell you their identities. Even if it was a temporary addition, he just notified you and added it when he wanted to. Did he ask you how you felt? ", Bramo sneered, and then said: "Besides, I don't have any objection to the joining of this new friend. It's just that we all know each other well. And you, don't even want to tell me your ability?"

"Bramo. I'm putting it here, I must take Ye Tian with me. If you don't want to, at most..." Hu Dou shouted angrily. Just as he was about to continue, Ye Tian patted him on the shoulder.

"In the final analysis, your goal is my ability, right?" Ye Tian stopped Hu Dou and said calmly.

After listening for so long, he probably understood. Bramo's goal has always been his ability. Since he approached in the afternoon, it was to understand his ability.

Although I don't know what his plan is, since it has come to this point. Even if he doesn't want to know, I have to let him know.

"Hehe, it's too ugly to say the purpose, right? We want to cooperate better, how can we hide our abilities? What if you secretly cheat us behind our backs? After all, there are two of you. ", Bramo said with a low laugh.

Shi Changsong frowned, and Bramo's last words were obviously meant for him. There were two people on Hu Dou's side, and this so-called leader didn't know the details yet, so he really needed to be on guard when he took action. But he still felt a little disgusted with Bramo's behavior, so he simply stopped helping both sides and saw how they would solve it.

Ye Tian ignored Bramo's provocation, but gently moved his ankle, "Hu Dou, is the Ring of Silence on?"

"It's always on."

Hu Dou didn't know why he asked this, but he answered quickly.

"Then turn it to the maximum. Don't worry, it only takes 3 seconds."

"Huh? What can you do in 3 seconds? Release your ability?" Bramo mocked.

"Enough to solve you! "

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot, and a sound of air explosion sounded almost at the same time.

Bramo's pupils shrank suddenly. Although he had been provoking Ye Tian, ​​he just wanted to force him to reveal his ability. Ye Tian's choice of action greatly exceeded his expectations.

You know, everyone's abilities are now restricted. Even the mental power is suppressed in the body and cannot be adjusted. In this case, the battle is almost like a melee. It must be said that Ye Tian's move directly broke his calculations. Plate.

Moreover, Ye Tian's speed made his scalp numb. Even if he was not imprisoned, he might not be able to keep up with this speed, not to mention that he was only slightly stronger than ordinary people at present.

Bramo twisted his body to the right with difficulty, but it was of no use at all.


A huge force acted on his chest, directly knocking him up, and then hit the upper wall of the tunnel heavily.

Then, a hand grabbed his hair fiercely and slammed him against the side wall.

"Ah, bastard! "

Bramo was thrown against the wall, but he also took advantage of the situation to get a little buffer time. Taking advantage of this gap, he pulled the bracelet on his wrist forward, and then pulled out a dark red long blade out of thin air.

Hu Dou saw Bramo materialize the blade and hurriedly reminded him: "Be careful..."

Ye Tian looked at the oblique blade, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He pressed his feet on the ground, twisted slightly, and his whole body turned sideways.

The blade passed by his nose.

This distance is a moment, but also eternity!

Bramo's move missed , secretly thinking that it was not good. Unfortunately, he had no chance of recovery.

Ye Tian's fingers pressed against the handle of the knife like dancing, and with a press and a turn, the blade had already left Bramo's palm.

The blade spun a few times in the air, and then was firmly grasped by a hand and slashed back in the original direction.

Bramo looked at the dark red edge in horror, and the warning signs in his heart were ringing wildly. That speed did not even give him time to retract the blade.

He could only watch the blade fall.


The blade was close to Bramo.

's ears into the ground.

"..his blade."

Until then, Hu Dou had just finished his reminder.

"3 seconds, is it overtime?"

Ye Tian said to Hu Dou.

"No, no." Hu Dou had not reacted yet, but just replied subconsciously.

Miracle value from Hu Dou +40, miracle value from Shi Changsong +20, miracle value from Bramo +30.

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