The old man was sitting in the toilet, and the old man was lying in the toilet.

"No one on the left."

"No one on the right."

"Yoshi, run away now!"

A sneaky head looked around at the entrance of an alley, and then shrank back.

Then, a happy rabbit jumped out and rushed straight forward.

He looked for the exit for a long time, but he didn't expect that the exit was just behind the toilet, blocked by an inconspicuous thick curtain.

The middle-aged man who had met him once, no, twice, should have left directly from there, otherwise he would not have been unable to find a figure when he chased him out.

Relying on the perception of the night to avoid the passers-by who might hit him in advance, Ye Tian went around and around before getting back on the right path.

It's just that the surrounding environment is very unfamiliar to him, and he didn't know which way to go for a while.

"Oh, I remember, I was hit by a tiger, and there was a person sitting on its back, which just corresponds to the two auras." Ye Tian walked under a tree and suddenly thought.

What impressed him most was the burning aura flame. The intensity of the tiger's aura was obviously not comparable to that of a human.

He closed his eyes and sensed carefully, but there was no trace of that aura nearby: "Could it be that I am now 1 kilometer away? That slap slapped me 1 kilometer away?"

"No! It should be that the man ran forward again, just 1 kilometer away from me. In the ring match, because the light was too strong, my perception was greatly weakened, so that I ignored that aura." Ye Tian thought to himself.

"The man riding the tiger, if I remember correctly, should be from the Black Tiger Gang, and he seems to be the boss. Otherwise, I'll knock him down and play the boss myself? Forget it, it would be too high-profile if I really do that."

Ye Tian thought as he walked, and thought of several ideas, but finally abandoned them.

He didn't forget the main purpose of coming here, and he should be as low-key as possible. Of course, that guy would not let it go if he slapped him away for no reason. He would definitely take revenge if he had a chance.

"Well. Let's get back on track now, go buy bread, observe Lou Gao by the way, and finally go back to sleep."

Ye Tian hammered his palm, removed the disguise that had been turned on, chose a direction and started walking.

Just like chasing the sun to circle the earth, he could find a familiar area by following a road.

It wasn't long before a noise attracted his attention.

There was a young man with yellow hair and thin lips on the roadside ahead. He was wearing a gray cloak and had a bright smile on his face. He was introducing drinks to passers-by at a table. Many people had stopped around, and they were all quite old.

"Come and take a look! There is nothing you can't see, only the magical liquor you can't imagine. Drink one cup and you will stay young forever. Drink two cups and you will be full of vitality. Drink three cups and you will reach the peak of life directly." The young man held a cup of black liquid and introduced it to a white-haired old man with great interest.

"Is it really so magical?" The old man opened his eyes wide and tried hard to see the appearance of the liquor.

"Of course, the first cup is free and the second cup is half price." The young man handed the glass to the old man and smiled seductively.

"Really?" A middle-aged woman next to him asked with wide eyes.

"Of course." The young man smiled gently and then slowly extended the glass to the middle-aged woman.

Just as the cup was about to be handed to her, the old man standing in the middle rushed to the cup with his mouth and drank the wine with a "slurp".

After drinking, the old man suddenly covered his neck with his eyes wide open.

"What's wrong with you?" The middle-aged woman was surprised. Before he could see the old man's condition clearly, he heard a refreshing and comfortable sound.

"Ah~", the old man raised his head and enjoyed it for a while, then his eyes lit up and jumped up with energy: "This feels so good, I feel like I'm ten years younger."

After saying that, he walked to the side and did ten push-ups in one breath, shocking the passers-by around him.

Including Ye Tian.

Ye Tian, ​​who was behind the crowd, squeezed to the front, supported the table with both hands, and asked in surprise: "Is your wine really that magical?"

"Of course, isn't this an example?" The young man smiled slightly and took out another glass of dark wine.

"Let me try it." Ye Tian reached out to take it, but was shaken by the young man and didn't catch it.

"Wait, you haven't paid yet.

. ", the young man said, holding the wine glass in one hand and blocking his face with the other hand.

"Oh, how much?" Ye Tian stared at the wine glass and asked intently.

"Five Felkins." The young man slowly raised his head and his voice sounded tentatively.

"Five Felkins?"

Ye Tian intuitively found something wrong, but was suddenly interrupted by the young man: "The first cup is free, the second cup is half price, the previous cup is free, but this cup needs to be paid."

"Oh, that's right." Ye Tian nodded and gave him 5 Felkins.

Then he walked out with the wine glass.

He walked to a place where no one was, and the shadow of the house completely enveloped Ye Tian, ​​and he stood still.

"Wait, what was I doing just now?"

"I just wanted to walk closer and use my omniscient vision to see what kind of wine it was, why did I buy it back?"

"And it cost a full 5 Felkins! The second cup is not half price like this!!! "

Ye Tian's pupils suddenly became larger, and he realized a fact, that is:

He met a liar!

He quickly glanced at the wine glass and found that the dark wine in the glass had turned into clear water mixed with mud.

"Asshole!" Ye Tian threw the wine glass to the ground and ran back quickly.

The strong anger after being cheated made him completely put aside his scruples and ran back at full speed.

When he returned to that place again, there was no table left, and there was no one on the roadside.

"How is it possible?" Ye Tian looked around in contemplation, and there was no target that made him feel suspicious.

He clenched his fists and looked around again and again in disbelief, but still found nothing.

Not only did the liar disappear, but even those passers-by could not be found.

"How is it possible that there is no one? This damn liar, is he with those passers-by? A group of people cheated me alone? "

Ye Tian became more and more angry. Thinking about the scene at that time, he wanted to see how those people were fooled, but he ended up eating melons.

Is he the only one who was deceived?

I can't stand it! I can't stand it at all! If he doesn't find this liar, how can he live with dignity?

After standing there for more than ten minutes, Ye Tian loosened his clenched fist and left.

Now there is no clue, he can only hope to meet the liar again by chance. Because he was in an abnormal state at that time, he couldn't even remember the liar's breath, so he couldn't take the initiative to find him.

Fortunately, he still has 2 Fergolds, so he can buy some bread first, so that Hu Dou and others won't find anything for a while.

Next, he has to think about how to make some money Money, fills the gap now.

"Ah~~ Life, ah~ Life..."

Ye Tian lowered his head and sighed. Life is so unpredictable. Maybe your left foot has just stepped on the stairs, but because you lowered your head to look at your phone, your right foot missed the step and then fell on the dog shit.

At this time, no matter how comfortable your life is or how prosperous your career is, you will not be in a good mood for a while.

Just when Ye Tian lowered his head and felt sad, a black shadow flashed behind him.

The sudden strangeness made him turn his head suddenly and found that the black had disappeared.

Ye Tian looked at the empty environment around him and suddenly had an absurd illusion:

The shadow under a house just moved.

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