The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Ye Tian attacked for two minutes in a row, but Xie Jiang blocked them in various ways. Instead, he was a little out of breath due to exhaustion.

Just when Ye Tian had just thrown a punch and was about to take the next attack, Xie Jiang suddenly leaned down and attacked like a lone wolf.

The black scabbard, with a tearing sound, narrowly brushed Ye Tian's left face.

The attack was ineffective, and Xie Jiang twisted his feet, then used the power of his waist to swing out the scabbard and attacked Ye Tian head-on.

From the previous battle, Xie Jiang found that although the opponent was very good at some skills, he was much worse in terms of action connection.

If there was no prior preparation, Ye Tian would basically not be able to avoid the attack calmly, so he gave him the opportunity to counterattack.

After getting this opportunity, he rushed forward and slashed five times in succession.

Ye Tian was unable to dodge and was about to resist two swords, but after seeing Xie Jiang's serious attitude, he suddenly thought that if Xie Jiang didn't fight with him with a scabbard, he would not be able to resist with his body.

If this was not an assessment, but a real battle, would he have to resist it?

Ye Tian's eyes froze, and a faint yellow light appeared on his hands.

He used the defense breaking ability, but in order not to damage Xie Jiang's blade, he did not use this ability with all his strength.

After a collision, both of them retreated due to the huge force.

"Hmm?" Xie Jiang's eyes flickered, and he didn't say much, but there was an extra blade in his hand.

However, he still didn't draw the blade.

The two knives attacked Ye Tian in an interlaced manner. The seemingly random attacks were actually connected to each other, blocking Ye Tian's body, leaving no dead angle.

However, his attack route had long been discovered by Ye Tian, ​​who stretched out his finger and pointed forward slowly, just in time to hit the center of the two knives.

Xie Jiang did not expect that his attack would be blocked so easily, and he slowly put away his knife, and said pertinently: "You are stronger than I thought."

Ye Tian felt a little ashamed when he heard his praise.

If he had not used the active skill of breaking defense, he would not have been able to resist for long, and Xie Jiang did not draw his blade from beginning to end.

But he also figured it out. He did not rely on physical fitness and blade skills to fight. Since he had so many abilities, why not use them?

Xie Jiang's knife skills are strength, and his own abilities are also strength, but the focus is different.

He thought so in his heart, but Ye Tian said it modestly: "No, if I don't use my ability, I can't beat you."

Xie Jiang shook his head and denied: "Your strength is not as good as mine, so you only used your ability when resisting, and you relied on your own strength to fight at other times."

Ye Tian felt even more ashamed when he heard it, thinking that I actually used my ability throughout the whole process, but I just turned it up a lot.

"Compared to those who only rely on their abilities, you are more than a little stronger. I will report it to Boss Geng truthfully. Now you are officially joining our Axe Gang." Xie Jiang seemed not to see Ye Tian's twitching mouth corners, and spoke to himself.

Then, Xie Jiang noticed Hu Dou who was clapping on the side, and asked in confusion: "Is he with you?"

"Ah?" Ye Tian glanced at Hu Dou and shook his head repeatedly: "No! He has nothing to do with us, just treat him as a traitor, or as air."

Hu Dou:...

Xie Jiang looked at Hu Dou, then at Ye Tian, ​​and was about to ask something when he saw Zhou Ming rushing over from a distance, saying as he ran: "Master Xie Jiang, you walked too fast, almost leaving me behind."

Running to stand beside Xie Jiang, Zhou Ming thought for a while after seeing Ye Tian and said: "The boss has agreed to your joining the Axe Gang, but you need to take an assessment, you see..."

"I have already taken the assessment." Ye Tian shrugged and said calmly.

"Ah? You passed the assessment?" Zhou Ming scratched his hair and looked at Xie Jiang.

Xie Jiang nodded and said, "Yes, we just fought once."

Zhou Ming was a little dazed. He just went back to get something, and Xie Jiang had already gone out. When he arrived, the assessment was already over?

It was only a few minutes, how did you fight?

Although he didn't understand, Zhou Ming still said happily: "Then congratulations, you will be one of us from now on."

Zhou Ming took out the cloth bag in his arms and opened it carefully. Inside was a brand new black suit and an exquisite short axe.

"This is the uniform and matching weapons of our Axe Gang. If

If the damage is justified, you can get a new one. ", Zhou Ming handed the item to Ye Tian and introduced it.

Ye Tian looked at the suit quietly, and Hu Dou next to him was envious. Just as he was about to reach out to touch it, he was stopped by Ye Tian's eyes.

"Also, the benefits of our Axe Gang are two Fair Silvers a week, 8 free loaves of bread a day, and no protection fee for family members.

"Of course, these are the standards for ordinary members, and they are not counted as mission rewards. If your status is improved and the tasks you undertake are more important, you will have better treatment." Zhou Ming continued to introduce the gang's benefits.

"There are such benefits?" Ye Tian was surprised.

"Of course, we can't let people come to the gang to work on an empty stomach, right? We are not a gang with a loose system like the Black Tiger Gang." Zhou Ming said proudly, and stepped on the Black Tiger Gang by the way.

Hu Dou on the side said nothing silently, and made up his mind to ask about the benefits of the Black Tiger Gang. If it is not as good as the Axe Gang, he must ask for an explanation.

What a rubbish gang, don't they even care about food?

"In that case, we'll go back. If you have time, you can go see the boss." Zhou Ming said at last, intending to say goodbye to Ye Tian.

"Wait." Ye Tian suddenly interrupted, and then said: "I have another companion to join, don't you want to test him?"

He suddenly thought that Bramo was also going to join the Axe Gang. Since the Axe Gang's efficiency was so low, it would be better for him to talk about it now to avoid delays.

Zhou Ming and Xie Jiang looked at each other, turned around and said: "No, since you have passed the test, your companions don't need to be tested again."

After speaking, Zhou Ming silently glanced at Hu Dou: "I will send another suit and weapons later."

"Well, that's good." Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction when he heard that Bramo didn't need to be tested.

After wasting so much time, he was also happy to relax for a while.

After Xie Jiang and Zhou Ming left, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to Hu Dou.

Hu Dou thought Ye Tian had figured it out, and immediately stretched out his arms happily, ready for a friendly hug.

Little did he know that his idea was completely different from Ye Tian's. Ye Tian stretched out his hand and pulled the water bag in Hu Dou's arms, walked to the side and took two sips, while Hu Dou stood there stupidly with his arms stretched out.

"Do you want to drink?" Ye Tian glanced at him and asked.

"No, no..." Hu Dou replied with a cry and a smile, and then stood aside in a depressed mood.

Ye Tian nodded and said: "When the bread is delivered later, you can come to my room to get it, and take the Genban and others by the way, and the water bag, remember to fill it yourself."

"Ah? They don't deliver the water bag?" Hu Dou looked up blankly. He had to fill the water bag himself. This service attitude is not good.

"Didn't you see that I fought all by myself?" Ye Tian raised the water bag in his hand, looked at Hu Dou like a fool, and then walked towards the house without looking back.

Huo Chuan in front of the door had already noticed Ye Tian's arrival, but he was more concerned about Ye Tian's fight with Xie Jiang, and it seemed that they were evenly matched.

My God! That's Xie Jiang!

Xie Jiang, the second in command of the Axe Gang, who can chop bullets with a knife!

He can fight with others with bare hands, he is really a devil!

Huo Chuan was thinking like this, until Ye Tian closed the door with a "bang", he moved his head a little bit, staring at the door blankly.

After a long while, Huo Chuan reacted, and he didn't ask himself when he could leave.

So, how long will he have to stand there...


After Ye Tian and Hu Dou went back, two heads emerged from the bushes.

"Yu Long, why do I feel something is wrong? What is Mu Xiu looking for?" Shanmao asked in a low voice.

They ran away as soon as they saw Mu Xiu, and came back here after a long circle.

Yu Long said jokingly: "Is he looking for us?"

Shanmao's mouth twitched, and he said with a stiff smile: "Don't scare me, I'm timid, and I can't think when I'm scared."

"I don't know either, how about asking Hu Dou? He was there at the time." Yu Long said uncertainly.

"That's it." Shanmao nodded in agreement, very satisfied with the idea.

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