The old man was very happy.

"By the way, you said your father finally disappeared here?" Ye Tian thought of what Ling Feiyan said before and suddenly asked.

"Well, this is the only information I can find. That person pretended to be my father and lived with me for half a year. Now that I know it, it is difficult to find news from half a year ago." Ling Feiyan's eyes were a little melancholy.

"Half a year? You didn't find it in half a year?" Ye Tian was really shocked.

That's your father, can't you even see that he was replaced by someone?

"That person's ability can completely replace his face, and my father and I rarely communicate, so I didn't find it." Ling Feiyan said guiltily. If she communicated with her father more often, it wouldn't be like this.

"Has he never done anything strange to you?" Ye Tian asked again, not believing in evil. He wanted to confirm whether this woman was really that stupid.

"He has been acting very strangely in the past six months. Before, my father always took me to avoid other people's eyes and never let me use my abilities. But in the past six months, he has been using my abilities everywhere and wanted me to marry Fu Hao to plot against the Fu family. Sometimes, he would suddenly get sick, holding his head and twitching non-stop, and would not let me ask more questions. My father had never done that before."

Ling Feiyan narrated calmly. Seeing Ye Tian's confused look, she continued, "But later I found out that he and my father were colleagues, working for a certain force in secret. Later, my father took me out and he came to catch us. Attacking the Fu family was also a task given to him by that force. My father should be in the hands of that force."

What kind of bizarre encounter is this? Are you also a Kamen Rider? Is it true that your father is still the boss of that force in the end, and then there will be a bloody plot of life and death?

Ye Tian didn't know what to say about this. He could only say that Ling Feiyan was also an unfortunate person. If Ling Yunzhi hadn't been replaced, she probably wouldn't have followed him to do bad things.

Thinking about the information he had cheated from Ling Yunzhi, Ye Tian blinked and said, "That Ling Yunzhi, uh, that fake Ling Yunzhi, the person behind him should be very powerful. Are you sure you want to go find him?"

Ling Feiyan's eyes didn't change, and she stared at Ye Tian silently.

Ye Tian was a little flustered by her look, and hurriedly said, "Uh, just pretend I didn't ask."

If someone's father is missing, he must go find him. His words are a bit redundant.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian made amends, "But this is also a clue. You can find out who are the big figures in this world. If you investigate them one by one, you will always find them."

Ling Feiyan said slowly, "I haven't been out much."

So this is why you regard me as a clue? Is that you, the dead otaku?

Ye Tian was choked and speechless.

This is outrageous no matter how you put it.

You haven't been out of the house, so have I been out of the house? You may not believe it, but I may have walked fewer roads than you have eaten.

"He said something related to experimental products. He and my father are studying that. You can start from this aspect." Ling Feiyan suddenly remembered that there was this important news and hurriedly added.

"Experimental products?" Ye Tian touched his chin. This word is very new.

He has been here for so long, even visited the heavy prison, and has never heard of experimental products.

Well, go to Bramo to ask.

Wait! Why should I care so much? That's not my father.

And the way this woman speaks is simply poisonous! What do you mean I can start from this aspect? Who am I to you?

Ye Tian's heart once again had a lot of complaints, all of which were held in his mouth.

After some consideration, he decided not to conflict with this woman. Anyway, her purpose did not conflict with his, and she could be used as a shield when necessary.

You keep saying that I am your only clue. When your clue is about to "burp", you can't just stand by and watch.

Ye Tian's eyes rolled around, and after making up his mind, he smiled and said happily: "Well, then we have reached an agreement. I will definitely tell you when I have news."

Ling Feiyan still kept her upper body in the mirror and looked at Ye Tian silently.

"Uh, do you have anything else to say?" Ye Tian was not used to people looking down at him, and he always felt uncomfortable.

Ling Feiyan didn't say anything else, and silently shrank back into the mirror.

Wait until

Her figure completely disappeared into the mirror, and the mirror surface rippled slightly, and after calming down, it became an ordinary mirror.


On a street with low houses, Bramo looked around hesitantly.

"Strange, there was a familiar figure just now, did I misunderstand it?"

Bramo frowned and scanned the windows, wooden doors, and low grass around where the figure might be hidden again.

Even the birds that occasionally flew by in the sky were closely stared at and observed by him.

"It seems that my mental state is not very good recently. I was actually startled when something happened." Bramo laughed at himself and then walked back along a path.

The surrounding environment was not good. Weeds grew everywhere, and even vines spread in the middle of the road, and there was sewage that was discharged from somewhere unknown.

The unbearable stench did not affect Bramo, but made him feel familiar.

When passing a half-collapsed low wall, a faint sound caught his attention.

Bramo listened quietly. After a long time, a solemn look flashed in his eyes. He began to approach the sound along the wall.

As his footsteps approached, the sound became louder and clearer.

"The fragmented light and shadows mottled the moonlit night, and the faint tracks were engraved in my heart. The illusory sound of the wind was mixed with the trickling whispers. The rootless water flow hung alone in the sky, and the hazy shadows were sprinkled in the sky. It was a moment of all things, a misty reflection.

"The loneliness of the wall covered the vision, the wandering figure set off the background, and the residual drops on the leaves were like thousands of fluorescent dots, guiding the lost souls.

"The rolling clouds in the Bishuitan are the surging darkness waving to you.

"The ink was rendered stroke by stroke, and the gray outline was outlined in a short distance.

"Where there is darkness, there is light.

"We who chase you are willing to turn into the gravel under your feet. "

The uniform chanting sounded over and over again, and as the distance got closer, a wave of sound waves poured into Bramo's ears.

Bramo's eyes became more and more serious, and a dark red light unconsciously gathered in his hands.

If he remembered correctly, this was a gang-free area, where many vagrants gathered.

But at the moment, this kind of ritual activity has far exceeded the limit of this place.

Bramo looked at the dark alley only one step away from him and tightened his lower lip.

But before he decided to approach or leave, the sound of the ritual disappeared in an instant.

"Huh? What's going on?" Bramo raised his head suddenly.

The distance was obviously very close, but just at that moment, Bramo suddenly felt that the people gathered in the alley suddenly moved away from him and ran to a very far place.

Although he did not enter the alley, he could already guess that it was already empty.

Just when his brows were furrowed, a big hand pressed on the wall next to him.

"Hey! Do you know where the nearest tavern is? "A tall man with a cloak and an unclear face appeared here at some point, leaning against the wall with one hand and adjusting the collar of his cloak with the other hand.

Bramo stared at him silently, then pointed in a direction.

The man nodded, said nothing more, turned around and walked to the place Bramo pointed.

Bramo looked at the man strangely as he walked away. His body structure was a bit strange, his upper body was very wide, and it was obviously not coordinated with his limbs, but he walked very steadily, even very fast.

What really caught his attention was that the man's skin that was not covered by the cloak actually had fine bone spurs.

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