The new rules are still in place.

"Subsidies are issued according to tasks. If you have a task on the day, you can get 2 Fair Silver. Special tasks will increase subsidies according to the difficulty. If you don't have a task, you won't get any money.

"Food and wine can be enjoyed for free at the base after noon. You just joined and it is also based on this standard. If there are any changes later, I will notify you.

"Except for these subsidies, if you want more, you have to talk to the boss. I don't have the right to do so."

Mu Xiu gritted his teeth and repeated the subsidy standards of the Black Tiger Gang. These should have been managed by Tiga, and no one dared to talk much in front of Tiga, let alone mention this or that.

Hearing that he would only be paid for completing tasks, and that no clothes or weapons were provided, Hu Dou curled his lips and muttered, "What? This is worse than the Axe Gang. Should I switch to the Axe Gang?"

Although Hu Dou spoke in a low voice, Mu Xiu still heard it clearly, and he was already tired even more.

Damn! What kind of person is this!


"What? He is Lai Gun?!!"

"Yes, Lai Gun does look like a young man, although he is already in his 30s, and his most obvious mark is the scar on his right ear." Bramo frowned, he didn't expect Lai Gun to meet Ye Tian in advance.

If he had known earlier, he would have told Ye Tian what Lai Gun looked like, instead of trying to find him alone.

What he couldn't understand the most was that with Lai Gun's cunningness, how could he appear in front of Ye Tian without any disguise, actively exposing himself and not getting any benefits.

"This damn bastard, if I see him again, I will make him wipe his eyes and see who can be provoked and who can't be provoked."

Ye Tian angrily cracked his knuckles, and the bones "cracked".

This made Bramo confused for a while, not knowing how Lai Gun had provoked him.

"The Axe Gang has a party tonight, and you wear that suit when you go." Ye Tian glanced at the sky, and it was about two hours before dark.

"Okay." Bramo responded hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Ye Tian was surprised by his reaction.

"Nothing, it's just that the suit is too small, I feel uncomfortable wearing it, and I don't know if the size of the Axe Gang is too wrong." Bramo recalled the frustration when he tried on clothes at home and sighed in frustration.

"The size is too small? Why don't I feel it?" Ye Tian was silent for a moment, and then thought that when he asked Zhou Ming for clothes, only Hu Dou was present. Zhou Ming might have used Hu Dou as a hanger template.

Ye Tian covered his mouth and laughed twice, then waved his hand and pretended to be indifferent and comforted: "It's just for show, just wear it."

At least Bramo still has something to wear, and his suit was rotten as soon as he got it.

Coincidentally, the person who made holes in his clothes happened to come over.

Ye Tian's shadow deepened a little, and then a signal was transmitted to him.

"Oh? Lou Gao has news so soon?" Ye Tian laughed unexpectedly. Sure enough, having someone under his command and not having someone under his command are completely two different feelings.

Bramo was a little surprised at Ye Tian's behavior, and the next second he was pulled in one direction.

Ye Tian ran in the direction hinted by Youyan and turned back and said: "Remember the tavern owner? There is an unknown force behind him. It's still early now, so it's a good time to follow and investigate."

Unable to understand why Ye Tian suddenly wanted to leave, Bramo just nodded in cooperation and didn't ask too much.

Rushing all the way to the barren area where weeds grew, Ye Tian suddenly moved his eyes and stopped.

Bramo stood aside and sniffed: "There is a smell of blood."

He then materialized the Blood Python Knife, and the blade seemed to sense something, gathering red light in one place.

Bramo took a look and walked in one direction, which was a pile of dry and yellow weeds.

Turn to the back of the weeds, a man covered in blood was leaning against the gravel, and the only obvious identification mark on his body was a strand of purple hair on his head.


Ye Tian's eyes were surprised. He didn't expect to meet Lou Gao's bartender here, and he looked so miserable.

Will seemed to be unconscious. Bramo held the Blood Python Knife and flashed it in front of Will's eyes, and then Will showed signs of waking up.

He first snorted heavily, then slowly opened his eyes. The severe pain in his body made him scream a few times, and then he saw the two people in front of him and couldn't help but stiffen his body.

"Am I dead? Why do I see these two people?

A bastard?"

After a while, Will seemed to realize that this was not an illusion, and immediately sat up in shock, and raised his voice: "You, are you real?"

"Is it still fake?" Ye Tian snorted coldly. If it weren't for Will's dying look, he would have to give him another beating.

Some people are born to deserve a beating!

Will breathed a sigh of relief and said thoughtfully: "Why am I here? Obviously last night... That's right, last night! I almost died last night! God!"

Will held his head and sighed in disbelief. After a long time, he lowered his voice and said: "Fortunately, I met that person in the end, otherwise I would have really fallen."

"Why don't you organize your words? We are not here to listen to your nonsense. ", Ye Tian impatiently interrupted Will's sighing, and pointed at the blood python knife in Bramo's hand threateningly.

Will reacted to his situation, and said in a startled voice: "I was chased by Lou Gao, and Lou Gao wanted to kill me. I ran and ran, and I didn't know how long I ran. When I woke up, I saw you. "

"Lou Gao killed you?", Ye Tian was stunned. Wasn't Will considered Lou Gao's subordinate? Why did Lou Gao want to kill him.

"Yes, I accidentally heard Lou Gao's secret, and he wanted to kill me. I didn't want to hear those things at all, but he had to say them to himself. ", Will's face was full of helplessness, as if he had endless grievances.

"What secret?", Ye Tian's eyes lit up, and he stared at Will intently.

"He seems to have set up a plan, and there is only one step left for the Axe Gang. As long as it is done, District 86 will fall into chaos. "

Plan...Ye Tian suddenly remembered the secret meeting between Lou Gao and Tiga of the Black Tiger Gang. He proposed a plan at that time to help the Black Tiger Gang plan a gang-free zone.

However, Lou Gao's goal needs to avoid the Axe Gang. Why is the Axe Gang also one of them?

Could it be that Lou Gao doesn't really want to help the Black Tiger Gang?

Without waiting for Ye Tian to continue thinking deeply, Will continued to narrate: "At that time, I was shot by him. I ran away, but failed to escape. I was shot several more times. At that time, I felt that I was going to die. An unexpected person appeared in front of me."

As if he wanted to reveal all the tragic experiences, Will described the mysterious man without hiding anything: "You probably don't know him, but he is a person who can't be provoked here. He is the core backbone of the Panlong Group-Lai Gun! "


After tidying up his tuxedo, Tiga stepped into the dark alley, and suddenly froze after a few steps.

There was originally an iron door in front of him that was covered by the surrounding environment. Now not only the door is gone, but also the surrounding walls.

What surprised him even more was that when he looked closer, he saw that it was full of soil, stones and bricks, like a collapsed ruin.

"Did my house get demolished during the time I was away?"

Tiga murmured, stepped into an aisle with relatively few stones, and passed through the original hall.

Seeing that the inside was still intact, Tiga finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing Mu Xiu, Tiga raised his spirit and said, "How are the preparations for tonight's operation? Do you need me to lead the team?"

"No, I already have a good candidate." Mu Xiu waved his hand, and then smiled bitterly, "It's just that I can't manage them."

Tiga frowned and said puzzledly, "Are there still people you can't manage? "

Mu Xiu sighed: "They are the boss's new recruits, who have awakened their spiritual power. They are the ones who caused the hall to collapse."

"When did the boss recruit people?", Di Jia muttered to himself, and then said in a deep voice: "No matter what their tempers are, do the action tonight first, and leave the rest for later."

He told Mu Xiu to keep an eye on the action, and reminded Mu Xiu of the people he met yesterday, and then left alone.

Feeling the pain from the injury, Di Jia took out his hand from his pocket, which was a bottle of black potion.

After a moment of silence, Di Jia put the potion back.

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