The man was struggling hard, but he was still alive.

"Woo woo..."

"Hurry up and tie him up! He's struggling hard, don't let him get away."

"Hands and feet tied!"

"Good job! This guy is quite unusual, he's still moving."

Looking at this unlucky guy who was wriggling like a caterpillar, the people around looked at each other and laughed and said:

"Who's going this time?"

"We've all played it, it's quite exciting, why don't we give the opportunity to those who haven't played it?"

"Who hasn't tried it yet? Oh, right! Teacher Jay hasn't tried it yet."

"Okay, then let Teacher Jay do it."

Jay was in The man who was watching the show suddenly found that he was being eaten by the melon, and waved his hands repeatedly, saying, "Forget it, you can do it."

"That won't work. After all, you are the most respected teacher besides Teacher Hu Dou. How can I not let you try it once?"

"That's right, Teacher Jay, come on."

Seeing this, Hu Dou also said, "Teacher Jay, come on, don't be shy, please start your performance."

Jay couldn't stand the persuasion, and walked forward with a mellow smile. After adjusting his mood, he said in a deep voice, "Werewolf, please open your eyes!"

Then, he pulled the sack away, and his right hand had already prepared a shining blade.

But when he saw the face under the sack clearly, the smile in his eyes suddenly turned into fear.

"Mu... Mu... Mu..."

Jay's lips trembled, and before he could say the name, Mu Xiu suddenly raised his head and said angrily, "You bastards! Are you going to rebel?!!!"

Ten minutes later

"So, you have recruited so many people in this way?"

Although Mu Xiu was unwilling to believe it, the fact was in front of him. The number of people on Hu Dou's side was already twice as many as when they first set out, not counting those who continued to wait outside.

"Yes, Teacher Hu Dou started to act according to the route you set from the beginning, recruiting one person at a time, and now this area is almost full of our people." Jaylen replied with a smile.

Mu Xiu muttered in a low voice: "When did these people become so easy to deceive."

Then he said in an encouraging tone: "Hu Dou, you've done a good job! You continue to develop in your own way, but be careful not to be too ostentatious. There is no need to accept everyone. Our goal is just to establish a stable base here."

After a pause, Mu Xiu raised his voice slightly and said: "Since you are so successful here, the root class should be almost the same. I will go to the root class to take a look. Our action tonight will be successful."


"Boss, it's done. What should we do next?"

"Let those people go and let them play their role in winning people over."

"Ah, that's very risky. We can't ensure that they won't escape. Once they leak the news, your preparation will be exposed."

"Don't worry, everything is as I expected."

Looking at his men who hurriedly left, Lou Gao raised his mouth and whispered: "What I want is for them to be exposed. How can we create conflicts if they are not exposed?"

Just as Lou Gao moved to another place again, the branch next to where he was originally standing shook and a person jumped down.

After touching the swallow to confirm that it was still firmly fixed on his head, Bramo half sighed and half melancholy said: "It's a pity that the Night Sect is not here. Lou Gao's purpose seems not as simple as it seems."

"I heard it." A half-yawning voice came from another tree. Ye Tian didn't know when he had come over.

This undoubtedly surprised Bramo again, and at the same time he was secretly glad that he didn't force the swallow down from his head just now.

Ye Tian shook the branch to let it put him down, patted the broken branches and leaves on his body and said: "You continue to follow him, I'll go to cause him some trouble."

Watching Ye Tian disappear mysteriously again, Bramo sighed slightly: "The Night Sect is really hidden, and I don't know if there are some big figures behind him."

What he didn't notice was that the swallow on his head lit up and nodded in agreement.


"Teacher Genban? Do we have to wait next?" Zhou Sheng asked with some trepidation next to Genban, and raised his head and observed carefully when asking.

Genban said expressionlessly: "Wait."

Hearing this answer, Zhou Sheng swallowed his saliva. They have been waiting from the beginning to now. Master Mu Xiu will come to check soon. Are they going to wait until then?

No! If this goes on, I will be seriously derelict in my duty.

I must persuade the teacher of the root class to take action!

After encouraging himself in his heart, Zhou Sheng took a deep breath and spoke again: "Teacher of the root class, do you still remember the plan that Lord Mu Xiu told you?"

Genban still spoke concisely: "I remember."

Zhou Sheng wanted to scratch his hair with a headache, but he was forced to hold it back under the pressure of Genban's side eyes. At the same time, he secretly complained in his heart: Why am I not with another teacher? It's too painful to follow the teacher of the root class!

He clearly remembered that Lord Mu Xiu's plan was not to wait all the time. I really don't know what the teacher of the root class heard when Lord Mu Xiu held a meeting with the teacher of the root class.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, Zhou Sheng clenched his fists and was ready to ask again at the risk of being slapped away.

But before he could speak, Genban moved his lips and said: "Let's go."

This made Zhou Sheng, who was struggling to organize his words, stunned, and then he was very surprised: "Are you going to take action?"

Genban did not answer and walked out first.

"Hey, wait for us, Mr. Genban." Zhou Sheng hurriedly called others and followed Genban's steps.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Genban stopped, and Zhou Sheng, who was behind him, was almost exhausted.

He had to pay attention to Genban's direction while keeping an eye on the Black Tiger Gang members behind him to make sure no one was lost. Genban never looked at the intersection when walking and his pace did not change, which undoubtedly made his work more difficult when passing some remote paths.

Even Zhou Sheng had some self-doubts. Who was the outsider? Why was Genban more familiar with the way than him?

After sighing in his heart that maybe his memory has greatly improved after awakening his spiritual power, Zhou Sheng hurriedly asked: "Teacher Genban, what should we do next?"

Genban pointed his finger at a place and said dully: "Fight."

Zhou Sheng was stunned, and after reacting, he hurriedly ordered: "Did you hear it? Follow the teacher's request, and fight anyone in that direction."

After receiving the order, the members of the Black Tiger Gang behind him rushed forward with all their strength, and even Zhou Sheng took out his own assembled iron rod, spliced ​​it on the spot and rushed out.

When only Genban was left at the place, Ye Tian walked out from a dark corner, smiled and patted Genban on the shoulder: "Well done! You will tell them later that Lou Gao is a spy sent by other forces, and chase him and beat him hard."

On the other side.

Lou Gao was thinking about how to connect with the Black Tiger Gang, and suddenly heard a chaotic shouting, followed by a sound of sticks and bones intertwined and wailing.

"What's going on? Even if they were exposed, there shouldn't be so many people coming so soon." Lou Gao hurriedly ran to the sound, wanting to see what happened.

But as soon as he stepped out of the door, an iron rod hit him in the face.

"Hey! Take my stick!"

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