The man was stunned for a moment and found that the man had gone away.

He glanced at the direction where the prisoner brushed shoulders with him, and there was a small hole on the opposite wall, which looked like a trace left by the removal of decorations.

However, Ye Tian found some reflections there.

Could that thing be a camera? Ye Tian thought with some doubts.

Judging from the behavior of the prisoner, he brushed shoulders with him. In addition to secretly telling himself that sentence, he also wanted to conceal that he had contact with him. If he wanted to conceal it, the person he had to avoid was most likely the prison guards. So he didn't come to talk to him directly, and he happened to block the view of the round hole.

In this way, if he was suddenly surprised, he would be blocked from being seen.

Unexpectedly, there are things like cameras in this world. Judging from the architectural style he saw before, this world is still relatively backward. The only advanced equipment he has come into contact with is the machines in this prison. But those machines are obviously used for large-scale projects, and they are definitely not as sophisticated as cameras.

Ye Tian picked up the dinner plate and silently served some food. What the prisoner just said to him, did he give him a new task? It seems that the original Ye Tian knew some plans of Yao Zhe? And he did not inherit the memory and was not clear about the details.

Those people don’t know that he is no longer the Ye Tian, ​​and think that he is still working for them?

If this is the case, then you can make good use of the opportunity to get some useful information.

After serving the meal, he brought it to Genban and picked up a sausage and ate it.

Genban looked at Ye Tian, ​​scratched his head, and said a little dully: "I heard that someone wants to murder you."

"Huh? Who?" Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

If he would have been a little flustered before, but now he has the ability to protect himself, so he is no longer afraid.

"The Violent Fire Cult came to our Black Throne and planned to connect with us. I told them that you are a good person and advised them not to do this, but the people in our church did not care." Genban replied with a guilty conscience.

Seeing that he did not respond, Genban was a little overwhelmed and lowered his head.

Of course Ye Tian could not respond. He did not know before, but now that he knew there was such a thing as a camera, how could he dare to discuss these things casually?

When Hu Dou sat down, Ye Tian immediately gave him a look.

Hu Dou immediately understood and quietly opened the ring of silence. He wanted to make a gesture, but was stopped by Ye Tian with a look.

"Okay, now we won't be monitored when we talk. Did you hear what they discussed?"

Genban's eyes dimmed slightly, and he whispered, "They said it to avoid me. But I heard them say it was dark or something."

Hu Dou's eyes shrank suddenly, and he whispered, "What? Has our story been exposed?"

Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and said in confusion, "It shouldn't be. I always feel that something is wrong, let's see."

"That's right. Even if they noticed us, they should just be suspicious." Hu Dou no longer had the gaffe just now.

After thinking about it, he also noticed the problem. Their actions themselves were very covert, and they started not long ago, so it was impossible for them to be exposed like this.

"By the way, he is the person I told you about, Genban." Ye Tian introduced Hu Dou with a smile.

Hu Dou nodded and said to Genban, "Hello, my name is Hu Dou, and I am Ye Tian's friend."

Although he didn't know this person, he was willing to help Ye Tian report the news, so he was a person worth making friends with.

Genban was stunned for a moment, and said with some stammering: "Hello, I, my name is Genban."

Hu Dou looked at him in surprise, not expecting that this tall guy was actually a little shy.

Seeing that the two had introduced each other, Ye Tian turned to Genban and said: "Genban, when you are about to have dinner tomorrow night, come to other areas to find me."

Genban didn't ask why, but just agreed.

After eating, Ye Tian asked the restaurant staff for a bag and put some sausages in it. He carried the sausages and walked to the door, where Feng had been waiting.

"Are you not full?" Feng looked at him and asked strangely as he put the sausages in his arms.

"Well, I went to bed late at night, and I planned to take it as a midnight snack." Ye Tian answered casually.

Feng nodded, not caring too much, handed him a set of clothes in his hand, and then said: "

This is your prison uniform, change it tomorrow. "

Ye Tian looked at the black and white suit in Feng's hand and said with a headache: "Can I not change it?"

He always felt that wearing this would reduce his status.

"What do you think?" Feng said calmly.

"Okay. Wear it if you want to. Why are you so arrogant?" Ye Tian curled his lips and said dissatisfiedly.


Miracle value from Feng +5.

Coming to Area 0, Ye Tian found that there were two more guards here. They were Solo and Angie who brought him here.

"Eh? How did you get here?" Ye Tian scratched his head and said puzzledly.

"It's you who actually wants to live here, so we have to come here as guards." Angie saw that Ye Tian was a little unhappy and said in a low voice.

"Ah? That's really embarrassing. But this is your boss's intention, and I can't do anything about it. ", Ye Tian spread his hands and said apologetically.

Anji didn't expect Ye Tian to say that, and rubbed his belly a little embarrassedly: "It's okay, this is our duty. I was just complaining just now, and I didn't mean to target you."

"Hey! Don't mind, these are all small problems.", Ye Tian said with a smile.

When the door opened, he threw his robe and strode away, leaving Anji with a generous back.

Miracle value from Anji +2, miracle value from Solo +2.

This should be the last time he wears a robe, so he naturally has to cherish this opportunity. Judging from the feedback of miracle points, this guy is pretending.

Solo saw Ye Tian walk in, and then whispered: "This person looks normal? How could he become a member of the Advent Sect? And he's still a leader."

Anji shook his head and said uncertainly: "Maybe, he is the kind of person who is only responsible for managing things. "


The door closed, and Ye Tian came here again.

This time, what he saw was completely different. At a glance, everything seemed extremely clear.

Walking slowly to the bottom floor, the rooms he passed by were a little strange. Although they were all empty rooms, some rooms had a black round bead, while some did not.

The round beads were surrounded by black mist. The black mist was only a very thin layer, but it could block Ye Tian's sight. Even if he tried hard to look over, he couldn't see the true appearance of the round bead.

Not long after, he came to the bottom floor. There were only 9 rooms on this floor, numbered from 0 to 9.

When he first came, he found that except for his room, no light could shine into other rooms. Now looking again, he noticed something strange.

Except for his room, there was black fog in other rooms, even 0-1 was no exception.

"You don't know until you see it, you'll be shocked when you see it. There are people living in the rooms on the bottom floor? No one spoke, I thought there were only me and 0-1 here. "

Ye Tian secretly complained, but didn't care too much. Since they didn't talk, he would just treat them as a bunch of wood.

Walked to 0-1's room and knocked on the door.

"Hi! I brought you some food. This charcoal-grilled sausage is delicious, come and try it?"

Ye Tian took out the sausage in his arms. It turned out that he brought it specifically for 0-1.

"I don't need it."

A voice sounded in the room, with a somewhat stiff tone.

"I know you don't need to eat. But, eating is not just for survival, but also for enjoyment. Delicious food can often bring people a happy mood. Come out and try it? This is what I brought to you. "

0-1 was silent for a while, and slowly said:

"Put it there, I'll get it later."

"Oh. By the way, I want to ask you, what is this black fog in your room?"

"You can understand it as materialized mental power. These rooms are made of Kasain metal, and the mental power used in them will be imprisoned in the room. "

"Ah? Can your mental power be transferred out of the body?"

"We are special people, and the situation is different from yours. If it is you, as long as you rise to 'rain', you should be able to transfer your mental power out of the body under the influence of Kasain. The essence of Kasain is repulsion, not sealing."

"Are these black mists repelled by Kasain?"

Ye Tian said thoughtfully, and he caught some details in 0-1's words.

"You are very smart, it is true."

"I have seen some rooms without people before, but there is also black mist. In addition, there is a black round bead. Do you know what it is?"

This time, there was no sound in the room.

Ye Tian noticed that 0-1 lowered his head a little.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that he had no intention of speaking. Ye Tian put the sausage on the ground and walked back

His room.

The figure in the room sat quietly for a long time, then slowly got off the bed.

He looked at the bag outside the door and raised his right hand.

The sausage and the bag outside the door trembled for a moment, and turned into ashes in an instant.

Then, it slowly took shape in his hand.

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