The old man was very happy.

After hearing what he said, De Biao fell silent.

After a long time, he said in a low voice: "Now that you said that, my impression is indeed a little confused. It seems that Yin Li really received you last night."

Feng Shao asked with doubt in his eyes: "Do you still remember Lai Gun clearly? Was he really recruited by you half a year ago?"

De Biao thought about it for a while without any certainty, and said: "I can confirm this. He joined half a year ago, and it was after the last night watcher left."

"Do you know how the last night watcher left?" Feng Shao asked again.

De Biao thought for a moment and said, "They seemed to have received some news and wanted to leave quickly. I still remember that they asked me to prepare supplies, and then left in a hurry. This is why I always thought that they left, not that something happened."

"Then do you still remember the number of their team of night watchers?" Che Qing asked with wide eyes.

"Number..." De Biao fell into deep thought again. This time, his voice of recollection was longer, and his eyes gradually trembled.

He took a deep breath and said in disbelief: "My impression of them began to blur, and even a little confused. I, I don't even remember their names."

Feng Shao comforted and said, "Don't worry, we will help you recall, take your time."

He was almost certain that De Biao's blurred memory was probably the truth of the disappearance of the night watchers half a year ago.

And Lai Gun was the key clue to breaking the situation!


"Are you sure?" Ye Tian said in surprise.

Lai Gun was obviously from the Panlong Group. This was common sense that people in District 86 basically knew.

Hua Qiang's eyes flickered, and he said bluntly: "I just looked at the list of Panlong Group, there is definitely no such person as Lai Gun! You are not lying to me that there is such a person as Lai Gun, are you?"

"Who lied to you? If there is no such person as Lai Gun in Panlong Group, believe it or not, I will eat something." Ye Tian turned his head with disdain.

Damn it! How can he not remember the person who cheated him of his money?

What a joke!

"Wait, what do you mean by having seen the list of Panlong Group? Aren't you from here?" Ye Tian pondered his words, his eyes flickering slightly.

This doesn't sound like something that an ordinary person can say, and he has never even seen a list of members.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." Huaqiang straightened his collar, with a dangerous arc on his lips:

"I'm from the Mafia, and I'm the strongest pharmacist in the 85-87 area. I also have a resounding nickname: Death Poison Master."

I thought Ye Tian would be so scared that his legs would go weak and he would kneel down to beg for mercy, but he just scratched his hair and said with a dull face: "Pharmacist? Isn't this obvious at a glance? I just didn't expect you to be a member of the Mafia. Aren't you allowed to go to other areas?"

You pretended not to hear the second half of the sentence, right? Huaqiang smiled far-fetchedly, put his fingers into the portable cloak, and took out a bottle of light green potion.

Ye Tian glanced at him and thought, are you Doraemon? How many pockets are hidden under the cloak?

After Huaqiang took out the potion, he wanted to show a cruel smile, but seeing that Ye Tian had been ignoring him, he had to take a step forward angrily.

"Hey! Boy! Do you know what punishment you will get after you recognize me?"

"What punishment?" Ye Tian asked curiously.

"Hey, that is to punish you to drink this potion." Hua Qiang laughed gloomily, just like the description of some wizards in the book.

"What potion is this?" Ye Tian took it and looked at it, and even opened the stopper and smelled it.

Hmm, there is a faint stench.

Hua Qiang touched his short hair and said calmly: "The diluted version of the highly toxic potion, the toxin potion, can permanently damage your throat and you will never make a sound again."

After saying that, he looked at Ye Tian with a threatening face.

Hey, boy, are you so scared that you kneel at my feet!

A young man like you should taste the bitterness of life more, otherwise you will think that the world is full of good people.

Hmm? Why is your mouth a little bitter?

Huaqiang looked up and suddenly found that the bottle of poison potion had been stuffed into his mouth. He was startled and hurriedly pulled it out.

Suddenly, when he grabbed the bottle, a hand happened to hold his hand.

Ye Tian tilted the bottle up a little with a smirk on his face: "I'm also curious, is your potion really that magical."

"Woo woo.

", Huaqiang's eyes were as big as copper bells. He was forced to drink the last bit of potion before he completely regained his freedom.

"Cough, cough, cough.", Huaqiang's neck was sometimes black and sometimes purple, and soon his skin darkened.

"#¥@%@¥", Huaqiang pointed at Ye Tian and output for a while, then realized that he could not make any sound.

Then he hurriedly picked up the empty medicine bottle and began to spit into it.

The saliva slowly turned into black drops, flowing down the mouth of the bottle, and soon filled the bottle.

Huaqiang took the bottle of black potion and drank it in one gulp, and his mouth immediately made a sizzling sound.

Accompanied by a burst of white gas, Huaqiang blushed and cursed at Ye Tian: "You bastard! You dared to make me drink the poison potion when I wasn't paying attention! You are looking for death!"

Ye Tian didn't care about Huaqiang's anger at all, and sighed on the side: "So this is how you got this potion, it's really an eye-opener. "

Fortunately, he had never had this kind of potion before. If he had found out that it was saliva after drinking it, wouldn't he have been disgusted to death?

Hua Qiang took out another bottle of purple potion and angrily retorted: "My saliva is just a primer, and what is injected later is all mental power. Don't slander me, you bastard!"

After that, he threw the purple potion at Ye Tian with force.

Ye Tian dodged it easily.

The purple potion fell to the ground, and the ground was instantly destroyed, melting into a pool of black and purple muddy water, and a large deep pit was sunken.

"What kind of potion is this? It's really interesting." Ye Tian sighed, and then dodged the second bottle of potion thrown by Hua Qiang.

After throwing four bottles of purple potions in succession, Hua Qiang touched the cloak again and found that there was no offensive potion, and he was stunned.

"Why don't you throw it?" Ye Tian asked with his arms folded, as if watching a show.

"I suddenly thought of something, I'll come to you later. ", Hua Qiangqiang said seriously, then turned around and ran back.

But before he could run two steps, Ye Tian grabbed his cloak.

"Wait, I really have something to do.", Hua Qiang deliberately said in a hurry.

"I believe you really have something to do, but you are unfamiliar with this place. I just happen to be free, so I will accompany you for a walk.", Ye Tian patted Hua Qiang's shoulder and smiled.

Hua Qiang: "Well, can I say I know the way?"

"What do you think?", Ye Tian showed a sly smile.

Ten minutes later.

"I really don't want to scare you. It's really dangerous for you to follow me.", Hua Qiang said anxiously.

Ye Tian raised his mouth and said, "Since I am the one in danger, why are you anxious?"

"This is not, this is not worrying about you.", Hua Qiang pinched the hem of his clothes with his fingers, and his eyes dodged in panic.

"Then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you? ", Ye Tian laughed and opened the newspaper he had picked up and started reading.

He finally understood what the newspaper business was all about. It actually contained the arrangement method of the séance ceremony. Although it was much simpler than the method Charlie and the others had described, it contained several key elements.

No wonder that guy's first reaction was to take the newspaper away even after losing three Fair Silver coins.

"In other words, Lai Gun was spreading the method of séance everywhere, hoping to get more people to participate in the séance? ", Ye Tian looked at the newspaper and thought deeply, trying to find out the purpose of Lai Gun.

Soon, the two walked to a hidden corner.

Through the approach of the breath, Ye Tian has already realized that the person opposite is actually the strong man who helped Lou Gao cover his position when he first came.

Hua Qiang is a member of the mafia, could this guy also be a member of the mafia?

And judging from the strength of the breath, it is not inferior to De Biao.

Could he be that Hans?

Ye Tian followed Hua Qiang fearlessly on the surface, but he had already been alert in his heart.

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to the front, Hans suddenly took a few steps forward and bowed his head respectfully:

"Sir. "

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