The only thing that can be done is to eat the food.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow... Wow!!!"

Ye Tian turned to the cover and saw that the number really added 100, and he suddenly realized.

"So, just eat it."

"But there is another question. This thing can not only be converted into miracle points, but also truth points. What the hell is that?"

Ye Tian thought of the hint of the Book of Miracles just now, and fell into deep thought for a while.

Because he wanted to verify whether this thing was really useful, his first reaction was to convert it into the miracle points he was familiar with. If he was given another chance, he would still choose this.

The result was naturally satisfactory to him.

It works!

"By the way, you didn't say you've seen this... Shadow Pearl, right? Do you have more?" Ye Tian looked at Yan Zi with shining eyes.

You Yan's mind was full of small question marks at this time.

The first question mark was: Ye Tian ate stones.

The second question mark was: Ye Tian wanted more stones.

The third question mark was: Ye Tian wanted to eat more stones.

Confused. Confused. Confused.

"No more, I just saw it when I was a child, I can't remember the details."

"Okay then." Seeing that she had no news, Ye Tian had no choice but to give up.

But this gave him a new idea.

Originally, he really thought that miracle points could only be obtained by the methods provided by the Book of Miracles, but he didn't expect that there was a hidden second method.

And compared to creating miracles, eating beads is obviously much simpler.

Just find more beads!

Well, let's try your luck for now.

Ye Tian touched Yan Zi's little head: "Well done, I'll give you bread when I go back."

You Yan: ! ! !

"Good deal, let's go."

The architectural style of this world is more like Paris in the 19th century. You can see a street lamp from time to time, and some places still retain cobblestone roads. The greening is also good. Tall trees and grass can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road, which not only relieves aesthetic fatigue, but also does not hinder the road.

The only drawback is that the population is sparse, so that Ye Tian basically didn't meet anyone on the way back.

Of course, this is a bit rhetorical. To be precise, there is not even a ghost here.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ye Tian hummed a little song.

"The subway I just got off was not too crowded, and your plane happened to land... It rained in Tokyo, soaking Paris, the radio..."

"When there is you halfway around the world, when the time for meeting is not right... I sprinkle the moonlight of my morning tea on your hair..."

"Parallel paintings DI-DI-DA, when they cross DI-DI-DA, see you at the next intersection."

Just then, a burst of moonlight floated down at the intersection ahead.

Ye Tian raised his eyes slightly and looked at this magical scene in wonder.

Suddenly, his perception seemed to have missed something.

A translucent flame?

"Hmm? Is this a human or a ghost?"

Before he could see clearly, a red-haired woman with a black scabbard hanging around her waist appeared at the intersection.

The two looked at each other, both a little stunned.

"Ye Tian?"

"Crazy woman?"

After a silence.

"Wow! Don't come over!!!"

"Ye Tian! Surrender to me!!!"

A flash of knife light flashed, and white marks appeared in the surrounding space, spreading in the air without any signs of dissipating.

Feng Yue's ability was still so sharp, extending the blade and cutting randomly.

The blade had the lightness of moonlight and the speed of light and shadow. The most important thing was that everything that was cut was as unobstructed as cutting tofu with a knife.

Although it seemed that the objects she cut were not damaged, under the overwhelming threat of the knife light, no one dared to try whether their neck would remain intact after being cut.

"Oh my God! Why is this crazy woman here?" Ye Tian relied on the assistance of the omniscient vision to constantly move his position, fearing that he would lose his arms and legs if he was not careful.

"Chirp." The swallow also dodged the flashing knife light in a panic. It was the first time in its life that it encountered such a dangerous situation.

The important thing is that it didn't know this woman yet.


The moonlight sword swung by Feng Yue suddenly rolled up and shot straight at Ye Tian. This move had been used in Area 51.

Ye Tian still dodged this attack as expected.

But what he didn't expect was that he didn't dodge it this time.

The moonlight-like mental power turned into a ribbon and wrapped around Ye Tian's waist. He felt his body tighten and was suddenly pulled to a stop.


In a hurry, he fired a defense-breaking shot.

Unexpectedly, the ribbon broke, not only the ribbon that was wrapped around him collapsed, but also the ribbon that had been connected to Feng Yue collapsed and shattered into light spots.

The 40-meter-long sword in Feng Yue's hand also became more than one meter long again.

"Ah, this."

Ye Tian looked at the ribbon lying quietly in his hand, and the whole person was stunned.

As if realizing something, Ye Tian turned his head and showed a smile like King Qin Wu: "Yes, I almost forgot, now I don't seem to need to be afraid of you."

Resolutely turned around, a black cloak fluttered behind him, and at the same time let Youyan use her ability to darken the surroundings, instantly pulling up the coolness.

As for why he didn't do it himself, it was because it was just dark now, not really night, and his disguise was greatly reduced, and he was afraid that he couldn't pull up the coolness.

After doing all this, Ye Tian showed a wicked smile: "Let's settle the past and the present grudges today!"

Feng Yue narrowed her eyes, raised a ball of light as bright as daylight in her right hand, and soon it turned into a small crescent moon. There was a white fluorescence flashing around the crescent moon, which was beautiful at first glance.


The crescent moon trembled slightly, and "whoosh" shot out.

During the movement of the crescent moon, because the light flickered, it looked like a continuous teleportation, and the speed was unprecedented!

Ye Tian frowned slightly as he looked at the crescent moon. According to his understanding, this should be Feng Yue's active skill as a cloud, and the power should be not small.

So he leaned his body to the side, quickly left the original place, and rushed towards Feng Yue in a circle.

What made him incredible was that the tail of the crescent moon suddenly ejected white sparks, speeding up to approach him.

It didn't hit him, but exploded about three meters away from him.

After the crescent exploded, the bright beam of light instantly swallowed everything around. Ye Tian felt that the world had calmed down, the light around him had calmed down, and his mind had calmed down.

Endless sleepiness flooded into his mind, and his eyelids began to close unconsciously.

The thoughts in his mind had become a burden to him at this moment, as if they were a thousand-pound obstacle. Ye Tian had a feeling that as long as he drove them away, he could have a good sleep.

Just when Ye Tian was about to completely empty his mind, Feng Yue's face was less than two meters away from him.

"Fuck! You actually played a miscommunication with me and deliberately left a disgusting skill to trick me!"

Ye Tian complained wildly in his heart, and his hand released the dark erosion slowly.

He remembered that the dark erosion could swallow this kind of mental attack, and he had tried it before to resist Youyan's mental control.

Sure enough, his mind soon became clear.

Seeing Feng Yue's face approaching again, Ye Tian woke up with a full of resentment and raised his fist.

"Woman, face my fist!"

A true warrior dares to face the bleak life and the blood! (Note)

PS: There are too few people these days. If this continues, the author will run away soon.

Note: - Quoted from Lu Xun's "In Memory of Miss Liu Hezhen" (not the original intention, just add a narration to this close-up shot)

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