The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

"Run! Run!"

The imprint on Will's body began to burn, but his body turned cold. His movements became slower and slower, and his eyes became duller.

"Run! Get out of here!"

Countless shadows emerged from the shadows and gathered at Will's feet. They climbed onto Will's body and poured into the imprint.

"Run! Get out of me! Danger!"

Will roared hoarsely, and finally fell to the ground with a "thump", his pupils completely dilated.

Gradually, a shadow stretched out from Will's feet, getting longer and bigger, until the surroundings turned into darkness.


"Run! Run!"

Two Axe Gang members who were waiting for Will's return suddenly heard someone shouting.

"Is this Will's voice?"

The two looked at each other.

Before they could wonder, they heard the voice again.

"Run! Get out of here! Get away from me! It's dangerous here!"

An Axe Gang member said, "Is he reminding us of the danger?"

Another Axe Gang member realized something: "He said we should leave him. Could it be that the danger comes from him?"

Will's voice became louder and louder, and more and more people heard it. They all stopped, turned around, and looked in the direction of the voice.

Someone said, "Leave quickly! He is using this way to remind us that the danger is behind!"

"Run! Do as he says, run!"

The crowd shouted and ran forward.

The Axe Gang member who had been waiting for Will to come back was stunned: "Will, is he in danger?"

Another Axe Gang member pulled him forward and rushed forward: "Run! Will is probably in danger, don't let his efforts go to waste!"

Being pulled forward, the Axe Gang member clenched his fists: "Damn it! We don't have the strength to save him."

He broke free from his companions and ran forward on his own initiative, saying as he ran: "But we can't just run by ourselves, we have to let others realize the danger, just like Will."

The two looked at each other and nodded resolutely.

"Run! Run! "

"Hold together in front so that more people can hear, there is danger behind!"


"Get out of the way! "

Yao Zhe slapped Feng Yue's blade with a powerful palm, knocking the knife directly out, and even Feng Yue retreated.

Leng Feng on the side directly inserted from the gap and replaced Feng Yue's position.

Then, Zhai Nan also swung the black knife and stabbed Yao Zhe quickly.

Yao Zhe pressed his hands together, grasped the handle of the knife, and then grabbed Zhai Nan's arm, turned around and swung it hard, turning Zhai Nan over and throwing him to the ground.


A bullet flew towards Yao Zhe and pierced his shoulder directly.

Yao Zhe's face changed, reached into the wound, and clamped the bullet out: "Did you add Kasain?"

Gong Yue loaded another bullet and replied expressionlessly: "I just added some powder and made a complete piece of Kasain metal into a bullet. Even if we sell all our team, we can't afford this price. "

"Heh. ", Yao Zhe snorted coldly, no longer planning to fight.

Having Kasain penetrated into his body would cause him more harm than ordinary people, so there was no need to fight with a group of irrelevant guys.

Just when he was about to create a flaw, lure the Nighthawks to attack, and then take the opportunity to escape.


A roar that resounded through the sky appeared.

Both sides stopped fighting at the same time and looked at that place.

In the distance.

It was a dense darkness, extremely dark, without a trace of impurities, an extremely deep darkness.

The darkness stretched out its body, and a person's appearance could be vaguely seen.

That was, a shadow.

A standing shadow.

It was confused, it moved, it raised its head and roared.

Gradually, more and more black shadows gathered towards it, and its body continued to expand and grow.

It went straight into the sky, covering the sun with dry clouds.

"What is that? ", Feng Yue widened her eyes and murmured.

Zhai Nan rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but sigh: "My God! This guy looks so creepy, Captain, save me!"

Gong Yue had put on goggles and stared at it seriously: "If nothing unexpected happens, we must be prepared to die!"

Leng Feng clenched his long knife and said in a low voice: "As night watchmen, aren't we ready at this moment?"

At this time, the four night watchmen, no one cared about Yao Zhe, and all rushed straight to

That giant shadow man.


On the other side.

"Qingfeng, did you hear any movement?", Feng Shao turned his head and asked.

"Well, it seems a little, and there is also a slight vibration."

Che Qing rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but suddenly she felt a shadow covering her. She slowly raised her head and saw a towering figure appearing not far away.

"Captain, captain, look at the top of your head."

Che Qing stuttered.

"Top of your head?", Feng Shao raised his head and saw a black shadow like a pillar of the sky, and then looked up, it turned out to be a leg.

Wait, leg?

Several people stopped suddenly, looking at the exaggerated shadow, and they were speechless.


Boom. Boom.

The dull and huge sound woke Ye Tian up, his eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to be immersed in the sound just now.

Suddenly, he saw that Bramo's expression was a little strange, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bramo didn't turn his head, but just raised his hand and pointed to the distance:

"Yejiao, our situation seems to be bad."


Boom. Boom.

The Axe Gang and other people gathered in the team looking at the huge shadow man who had been pounding the ground since he woke up, and couldn't help feeling depressed.

"Oh my God, can we really resist this thing?"

Many people made desperate voices, and the huge shadow made them have no courage to escape.

"Go! Will sounded the alarm for us with his life, and you just stand there and respond to him?"

"And didn't the big guy move all the time?"

"Wait, it moved!"

Everyone looked up in a hurry. The giant shadow man didn't know when he stopped hammering the ground. He raised his head and looked somewhere.

Suddenly, it opened its eyes, revealing blood-red eyeballs.

Just by looking at it, people who saw it felt their emotions become uncontrollably irritable, and they wanted to find someone to fight and vent.

"Hold on, hold on, the Night Watchman will be here soon, control your emotions." Tang Jin was the first to notice something was wrong and shouted loudly.


Everyone's emotions suddenly dropped and returned to normal.

Because the shadow man left.



Youyan spat out a mouthful of blood, and before she could wipe it off, she quickly rolled over to avoid the oncoming attack.

"Sinner, you must also be judged!"

S033 ignored Youyan's weak appearance and slowly raised the golden axe.

"No! I haven't found my father yet, how can I be caught by you!" Youyan's eyes suddenly became deep, reflecting S033's shadow.

"Ah!" She suddenly screamed and her breath became weak.

S033 snorted coldly: "Your ability has something to do with the shadow, right? But unfortunately, my ability just restrains you, don't try to use your ability to control me.

"The sinful person cannot invade the heart of the holy one!"

The golden axe emitted a sharp blade, and S033 aimed his eyes at Youyan's arm.

For the sinful person, cutting off the limbs is the best way to judge!

S033 was about to take action, but suddenly, a shadow enveloped him.

He slowly raised his head and saw the boundless darkness flooding down like a tide.

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