The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Captain, give it to me, you take a rest."

Zhai Nan looked at Feng Shao's obviously slower movements and said anxiously.

"Stop talking nonsense! You don't even have a long-range attack, what are you doing? If you have time, you might as well go with Xiaoyue and the others to evacuate the people, that's what you should do!"

Feng Shao's eyes showed worry, and he refused in a stern tone.


A flash of light shot out from his hand and flew to the giant shadow man's thigh.

With a bang, a piece of black flesh and blood fell off the shadow man's leg and turned into black liquid droplets that fell to the ground.

Then, the black droplets continued to gather and turned into water balls and injected into the soles of the shadow man's feet, and then transported to the thigh where a piece was missing to fill the gap.

The giant shadow man was like an immortal monster that could be constantly deconstructed and reassembled.

Feng Shao had tried countless methods, but none of them worked.

The last time he dealt with such a difficult guy was in a deserted town in the border ring. It was a fugitive who obtained mysterious power through the spirit. He could parasitize on corpses and disguise himself as a living person. All the corpses parasitized by him showed immortality. They could grow another set of limbs after cutting off their limbs, and they could pick up their heads and put them on their necks after cutting them off.

In the end, Leng Feng took a corpse to vent his anger and frantically smashed the corpse into meat, and then he found the clue.

The fugitive could not parasitize indefinitely, but needed to integrate part of his body into the corpse. Knowing this information, they successfully turned the corpses into dust, and the fugitive was forever turned into meat and buried deep underground.

This time it was completely different!

The giant shadow man was composed entirely of black shadows that could switch back and forth between illusory entities and liquids. Even though it looked like a person now, it was essentially a collection of countless shadow men.

No matter how he attacked, the giant shadow man would only detach some of the shadow men, and then take them back to restore them to their original state.


Gong Yue calmly shot a Kasain bullet.

He concluded that this kind of shadow man was summoned by a ritual, and that it was essentially no different from the Shadow Clan, and Kasain should have miraculous effects.

The bullet went through the giant shadow man's knee, leaving a hole.


The giant shadow man roared, grabbed a house, and smashed it directly at Gong Yue.

"Be careful!"

Feng Shao reminded loudly, and just as he turned his head, he saw the shadow of the house whistling, followed by the collision of two houses, turning into a pile of ruins.


A white figure jumped out of the dust and landed on the house next to it.

Gong Yue breathed a sigh of relief while carrying his gun, thankfully saying, "Fortunately, I never slacked off in my training. I almost didn't react."

He pulled down his goggles and looked carefully at the knee of the giant shadow man. The hole had been blocked.

"Failed? Huh? Wait!"

Gong Yue suddenly opened his eyes wide and carefully observed the bullet hole. He found that although it was blocked by a black unknown object, the bullet hole was still there.

It was just blocked, and it did not recover as before.

"Captain, use Kasain! Kasain works!"

Gong Yue raised his sniper rifle happily and reminded loudly.

Before he finished speaking, his vision was completely blocked by a black shadow.

The giant shadow man actually threw a second house over.


Gong Yue's figure was submerged under the ruins.

"Gong Yue!"

"Gong Yue!"

Two voices sounded at the same time. Feng Shao's eyes showed self-blame, while Zhai Nan was anxious.

Although he stayed shamelessly, he couldn't help much. It was Gong Yue who had been helping the captain share the firepower.

Now that Gong Yue couldn't help, the captain had to hold on alone, and the captain's physical strength was obviously running out.


The giant shadow man didn't give them time to think, and punched the ground heavily.


With a huge muffled sound, the ground sank, the houses scattered, and the surroundings turned into a flat land.

Zhai Nan, who was originally standing on the wall, fell to the ground, and broken wood and tiles flew towards him, trapping Zhai Nan inside.

The giant shadow man didn't stop, and raised his foot to step down.

Feng Shao hurriedly turned and rushed over, and the phantom in his hand kept hitting the giant shadow man's foot, trying to slow down its landing speed.

However, his attack did not delay for long. The giant shadow man's foot fell from a high altitude like a 30-ton truck, and just watching it made people feel unbearable



The intimate collision between the soles of his feet and the ground caused the soil to collapse.

The ruins, which had already turned into a small hill, were shaken up into the air to redistribute space, and then fell heavily again into more broken bricks and tiles, leaving the ground in ruins.

"Ahem, are you okay?"

"I should ask you this, Captain, your hand..."

Zhai Nan looked at Feng Shao's hand with exposed bones and cried out in pain.

Just now, Feng Shao successfully pulled him out of the ruins, but he didn't have time to escape. He could only condense the phantom in his palm and let the attack explode directly in his hand, exchanging enough impact strength in an instant to open a way out from under the giant shadow man.

The price is not small. Even if Feng Shao goes back to get the best treatment, this hand will never recover to its peak level in the future.

"Don't be silly. It's still unknown whether we can get out alive. Why think so much?"

Feng Shao comforted him, and then a complex look appeared in his eyes: "Originally, I wanted to hold it back by myself, but now I can only ask you for help. You use your speed to attract its attention as much as possible. We will take turns to try to delay more time and hold on until the king's district supports us."

"Well, I will definitely be reliable this time." Zhai Nan nodded heavily.

The two of them stood side by side, looking at the giant shadow man from a distance.

Just as they were preparing to go all out to meet the giant shadow man, a man wearing a cloak and a hood passed through them.

Because of the high speed, the wind blew up their clothes, and the vision that was already weakened by the night became more blurred. They could only see the mysterious outfit and the unruly figure of the man.

"Wait, it's dangerous there!"

Feng Shao saw someone breaking in and subconsciously warned.

The mysterious man ignored him and continued to move forward, about to enter the direct attack range of the giant shadow man.


Some unknown sound appeared densely around, which seemed to be the sound of animals running, and seemed to be mixed with the sound of wings flapping in the wind.

Soon, a shadow enveloped the place.

But it was not caused by the giant shadow man.

Feng Shao and Zhai Nan looked up at the sound and saw countless crows and bats overlapping and interlacing in the sky, like soldiers about to attack in a neat formation.


Boom boom boom.

The sound of houses collapsing continuously sounded from behind.

They turned around and saw countless rats pushing over like a torrent of steel.

Before they could take a breath of cold air for the fear in their hearts.

The mysterious man moved.

He raised his hand.

At that moment, the wind was howling and the earth was shaking.

Crows and bats were scattered in the air, dotted with stars.

The rat army was mighty and vigorous.

At this moment, Ye Tian was like a king in the dark night.

With one look, the sky changed color, and with one move, the earth submitted.

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