The old man was very sad, but he was very happy.

"Uh, I'm sorry."

Although Zhai Nan pretended to know nothing, he was still listening with great interest.

If he told Feng Yue about the gossip about Ye Tian, ​​the leader of the Death Worship Cult, he would probably instruct her to buy cigarettes for him. It would also be good to make a story and submit it to Wangqu Magazine.

The cigarette + cigar in Hans' mouth trembled a few times, pretending that he didn't remember what happened just now. He couldn't afford to offend either the leader of the Death Worship Cult or anyone who dared to hold him hostage.

He even glanced at Zhai Nan silently. If the leader of the Death Worship Cult asked him to kill him, he would not hesitate for a moment because of a cigarette.

Ye Tian was still observing the black giant tree. Its trunk was like a bulging belly bag, with countless human faces carved on it, each of which was lifelike and realistic enough to be scary.

Many branches extended from the tree crown, opening like umbrella ribs, and countless gray-black light balls flowed back and forth underneath, like meteors with tails, with the overall black tone.

The black giant tree had a vague sense of independence as a whole, and this feeling was extremely obvious whenever he wanted to see it clearly.

Because of the scene change just now, most of the animals that Ye Tian communicated with lost contact. He could not rely on animals to test for him, and crows could not fly that high.

He was sure that this black giant tree must be related to the original giant shadow man, but he didn't know what it meant to transform from a shadow man to a giant tree.

"Hans, follow me!"

Ye Tian called out and ran towards the ruins. With the blessing of the night, his speed could be said to be no slower than that of birds.

Hans' body flashed with an electric current, and he ran down closely following Ye Tian.

Seeing the two people running directly, Zhai Nan looked up at the pitch-black giant tree and hurriedly chased after them.

"Wait for me."

Not long after they started running, something strange happened on the ground. The muddy soil began to turn over, and there were constant noises of movement.


A root stem that looked as ferocious as a dragon broke through the soil and shuttled back and forth between Ye Tian and the other two, as if it regarded them as prey.

"Hans, try using electricity!" Ye Tian said loudly.

As he said that, he also glanced at Zhai Nan beside him. This Zhai Nan's speed was almost the same as his, and even faster than Hans.

Hans threw away the cigarette in his mouth, raised his staff high, and the power of thunder and lightning gathered above his head.

With a sound of "sizzle", blue lightning frantically shot at the approaching roots.

After about seven or eight times, the root stem shrank its head with white smoke, and then slowly retracted into the soil.

Seven or eight times, it took about two seconds. If there were too many, Hans' ability would be difficult to play a role.

Ye Tian thought about it and asked, "Hans, do you remember the plan?"

He didn't forget the information he had been trying to trick, and now was a good opportunity.

"Remember," Hans blurted out. He paused on the scorched rhizome for a moment and said uneasily, "Originally, I planned to start the ceremony only in that space, so I left a lot of black jellyfish bombs at the entrance of the space. If the result was uncontrollable, I would destroy the entrance with bombs. I just didn't expect the ceremony to become like this, directly including the entire area."

The lightning allowed him to know some subtle details, such as Area 86, which was like an inverted bowl-shaped field, completely independent of the outside world, and now this field was shrinking and stretching.

The area was shrinking, and the height was stretching, as if it was going to swell up like a ball.

Huh? It turned out that this plan was insured, but I didn't expect it to go wrong?

Combined with Yao Zhe's appearance just now, Ye Tian was completely sure that this was Yao Zhe's arrangement. The ritual space is in District 86, so Yao Zhe sent Hans to stir up trouble in District 86 and recruit people, all in order to nip the source before the current situation occurs.

However, there was a big hole in the plan, not only did the locals in District 86 not know it, but even outsiders knew about it.

"Black jellyfish, it should be powerful, right?" Ye Tian thought about it, and the black jellyfish prepared by Yao Zhe must be genuine bombs, there is no such thing as water, and the power can be guaranteed.

Combined with Selma's statement, if those bombs are detonated, the ritual can basically be destroyed and the storm will end.

Secondly, these bombs are also good weapons and can be used for other things.

For example, blow up the giant tree? His photo is still on it, and he can't climb up to find it himself, right?

"Then let's go to the entrance of the ritual first." Ye Tian turned to Hans and ordered.

Hans' tone was a little helpless: "The appearance of District 86 has changed a lot now, I can't find it

The location of the entrance."

The environment has changed? That's right. Ye Tian sighed secretly. The environmental changes affected not only Hans, but also Selma. She originally wanted to confirm the location of the entrance through investigation, but now she didn't know if she could find it.

And even if she found it, it seemed that it would not be easy to destroy the ceremony, otherwise Yao Zhe would not fall from the sky like a fool.

Zhai Nan, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help but interrupt and remind: "The black jellyfish bomb cannot be used casually. The explosion of that thing is too terrifying. Unless you can guarantee that you can throw it three kilometers away, otherwise the person who detonates the bomb is the most likely to die. Three kilometers! This is not a safe range, it is just a range to ensure that you will not die! "

Of course, he reminded Ye Tian because he was afraid that he might hurt innocent people by mistake. Otherwise, why would he, a night watcher, stay with wanted criminals? This was his expedient measure.

He had made a great contribution in monitoring a wanted criminal at the level of a leader.

What? This bomb can't be used? Ye Tian's face was almost numb, just like he wanted to pick up the waste fishing nets on other people's boats, but was told that you didn't have a boat and didn't even have a place to stay.

Puff puff puff.

Another large and small rhizomes drilled out of the soil and began to attack, as if the giant tree wanted to catch them.

There seemed to be black shadows surging on each rhizome, as if alive.

When Hans passed a patch of weeds, two vines stretched out from the ground and tightly wrapped around him. He smashed them hard with the lightning staff to make the python-like rhizomes soften.

"This thing looks harder to deal with than the shadow man. ", Zhai Nan said in surprise, then pulled out the long knife from his waist.

He aimed at a root that was about to attack him and swung it down. When it hit the root, the blade just paused for a moment, and then cut it open like tofu.

After a piece of the root was cut off, it was still ferocious, like a snake with its head cut off, and it could still attack with the residual heat.

However, Zhai Nan's method, which was simpler and more violent than Hans's, attracted Ye Tian's attention.

When he saw the knife that Zhai Nan was holding, the blade was black and had a metallic luster in the dark night, he understood.

The knife made of Kasain metal has the characteristics of restraint and sharpness, and almost every night watcher has one.

When passing a dilapidated church with a flash of fire, there was a sudden sound of fighting inside.

Ye Tian looked closely and found that the person inside was Singer. He was almost surrounded by black roots and tried to take down the person in the middle with overwhelming numbers.

"Here comes the knife!"

"What knife? ", Zhai Nan, the only one holding a knife, turned his head and looked at Ye Tian in confusion.

"Stop talking nonsense, give it to me! "

Ye Tian directly snatched the Kasain blade and turned to rush into the church.

Feeling the weight in his hand, Ye Tian rushed forward with full confidence. The blade in his hand was like an arm swinging, and he could take away a dragon-like rhizome with a slight swing.

Singer clenched his fists, and every time he swung his fist, there was an air explosion. The huge fist power prevented those rhizomes from getting close, and his superb close combat skills even allowed him to be at ease under the siege.

Seeing Ye Tian's help, Singer also burst out with all his strength, hitting the rhizomes into the sky one after another, and Ye Tian took the opportunity to cut off his head.

After Ye Tian rushed to Singer and pulled him out, the other rhizomes did not catch up for a while, but kept a distance from him.

Seeing that Ye Tian was going to save people instead of killing people, Zhai Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw the "corpse fragments" on the ground and breathed another sigh of relief.

"Um, can you give me the knife back? ", Zhai Nan spoke carefully.

Ye Tian glanced at him and threw the knife back to him unhappily.

How stingy! Bramo didn't even treasure his knife so much.

Turning his head to look at Singh, Ye Tian asked: "Why are you here alone? I almost fell here."

Singer was still a little frightened, and his voice trembled slightly, saying: "I finished the task assigned by the head of the group and was about to go back. The house near me suddenly collapsed. When I climbed out, I was constantly attacked by these difficult roots until you appeared just now. "

He took out the small black box from his pocket and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was still there.

Fortunately, the captain's salary was not lost.

The previous battle almost broke the black box. At this time, a large crack opened downwards and the shadow beads kept falling out of the hole.

Ye Tian saw the shadow beads scattered on the ground, and his eyes were instantly straightened.

"Oh, it's just to save your life, why give me a gift? Really, it's so polite."

Ye Tian picked up one with a "no need, no need" expression on his face, and rubbed it carefully with his hands under Singh's confused eyes.

This is the appearance of a diagonal star.

Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little confused when he saw it. Could it be that the shadow beads use the stars inside to distinguish the levels?

This time, he did not have to wait for the Book of Miracles to identify it before he automatically received information about the Shadow Pearl.

[Detected: Mist-level Shadow Pearl, can be converted into 10,000 fantasy points, or 1,000 miracle points]

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